Chapter 32

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Emily's POV

I have been back at work for a week now. I flew out with the team on Monday and it's now Thursday.

JJ and Mara has called every night and I definitely can not wait to get home to my girls

We were now at the office just filing the last of the repairs before we could go home

"Princess!" Derek calls and I roll my eyes

"Derek." I say and he chuckles, he loves the reaction he gets out of me when he calls me that

"When do we get to meet mini prentiss-jareau" he asked

"I don't know. She doesn't do well with strangers, especially men" I explain

"What if I bring ice cream and some toys?" He ask and I smile

I love the environment of which I work in. These people have became my family and to see them wanting to meet and get to know Mara really warms my heart

"I would have to talk to JJ first" I say and he nods

"Fair enough" he replies

"Alright everybody go home. The reports have been filed and there is no reason for us all to be here" Hotch tells us and I grab my Bag and head towards the elevator

It's already past 10 so I'm sure Mara is sleeping I. Just hope JJ is still awake. We haven't gone this long without each other ever.

When I walked into the apartment the lights were off as I expected them to be

I left all my things by the door making sure our shoes were neatly in a row and walked back to the room

JJ was laying in bed with the lamp on and a book in her hands

"Hey, you're back" she smiles and puts the book down

I got into bed and grabbed her face with my hands taking her in for a deep and lasting kiss

"I missed you so much" I breathe out, resting my head against hers

"Come here" she smiles and opens her arms so I could lay against her

"I don't like being away from you" she tells me

"I know, but you go back in a few weeks" I say and she nods

"I'm calling tomorrow to get maras appointment scheduled" she says and I nod

"Sounds good, if you do it later in the week I'll try my best to come with you" I say and she smiles

"Of course" she says and I gently grab her jaw making her oook at me and pressed a kiss against her lips

"I need a shower" I breathe out

"Shower sex?" She asked excitedly

"Yea baby" I chuckle and she flings the cover off herself

"Well hurry up" she smiles already taking off her top

As soon as she discarded her shirt I jumped up and picked her up from behind making her squeal and I took us to our bathroom

She cut the water on and we waited for it to warm up and got rid of the rest of our clothes and stepped inside

I immediately wrapped my arms around her waist and she leaned back into me, laying her head back on my chest

I spun her around so that we were facing each other and gripped her waist, my eyes were unintentionally moving to her chest. I mean she does have a nice set of boobs

"My eyes are up here Princess" she says and I roll my eyes at her and move my hands to cup her breast as I connect my mouth to her neck

"God I really really missed you"

It was almost midnight and JJ and I were back into bed, both of us showered and dressed in night clothing, she just had a cami and shorts and I had on a sports bra and a pair of sweats

"How was she?" I ask her, JJ now laid in my arms with her head on my chest

"She was fine, I think keeping to a routine really helps. She had an accident Monday night though" she tells me

"Nightmare?" I ask and she nods

"Yea, and it's at least one a night" she sighs

"She asked about you though" she says

"Yea?" I smile and she nods and looks up at me

"She asked why Emmy wasn't home with us" she says and I smile

"Well I hope she likes the surprise in the morning" I chuckle

JJ and I decided on heading to bed seeing as Mara was usually an early riser depending on how many nightmares she has.

Usually she is up before 7. She does take a nap a couple of hours later though. We don't put her in her room and tell her it's nap time. When she is tired she cuddles up with JJ on the couch. Or if she notices Mara is tired and starting to get whiney then suggest relaxing and watching a show and Mara will end up falling asleep

I looked over at JJ just before turning my light off and she had already passed out

"Goodnight my love"

Around three that night Mara had woken up again and JJ got out of bed to go calm her down

Even though we know she is having nightmares we don't know what about, she is too hysterical when it happens and if you bring it up the next morning jt just makes her upset

Half an hour later JJ walks back into our room and gets back into bed with me, she moves her body all the way so that she was flush against my front

"She asleep now?" I ask and she just nods in response, her eyes already closed and falling to sleep

I woke up at 7 the next morning and let JJ sleep in. While she was still asleep I made my way out of the bedroom and into the kitchen to start on some breakfast.

"We definitely need to go shopping" I say aloud and took out the remaining eggs and some pancake mix out of the cabinet

I finished breakfast as was going to check on JJ but I had heard footsteps and just stayed where I was while I was getting plates out

She rounded the corner with Mara laying her head on her shoulder and the little girl looked up Quickly when she seen someone other than JJ in the house

"Emmy! Emmy!" She shrieks and wiggles her way out of JJs arms and runs over to me wrapping her arms around my leg

By the look on JJs face to say we were both surprised is an understatement. I wouldn't have expected Mara to react like this

"You're back" she smiles and looks up at me and goes back to JJ

"I am " I chuckle

"Did you have fun with JJ?" I ask her and she nods

"Yea, we watched movies" she says

"I bet that was fun" I say and she nods and lays her head back on JJs shoulder as they sit at the table

I brought out breakfast and the three of us began to eat, with JJ still feeding Mara of course

I was happy, maras reaction this morning still on my mind. That little girl has came so far out of her shell and isn't as sheltered with us anymore. She used to not even look JJ in the eye and now they have conversations and laugh and it's wonderful. I want that for us all one day. Maybe it will happen

Till next time❤️

Sorry for the lack of updates, I'm just stressed beyond belief

Change of Perspective (Jemily)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें