Chapter 53

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It's Wednesday again, Mara goes back with Amy for a few hours.

When she came back Sunday night we took a bath and and she laid in bed with Emily and i but wouldn't eat dinner, so in return I had her have a nutrition drink which she was not happy about

"I no go" Mara said after we told her she had to go back with Amy for a few hours

"You come back tonight, it's only for a little" I explain

"No!" She says and runs into Emily's arms

"Mara.... Why don't you want to go?" She ask

"I no want to leave" she tells us

"I know... but you have to, just for a little" Emily says and pushes away from Emily and runs into the bathroom, shutting the door

"She doesn't understand why she has to go. It's a lot on her" I sigh

"I know that, and you know that but" Emily's begins

"It still sucks" I finish for her and she nods and I got up to go get Mara

"Mara... open the door please" I say realizing she had locked herself in the bathroom

"No! I no want too" she says and I sigh And walk back over to Emily

"She locked the door!" I express and fall down onto the bed

"You want me to open it?" She ask

"How are you going to do that?" I ask

"Really?" She ask and got up going over to her bag

"We're FBI agents and you can't pick a lock? Maybe you have been out of the Field too long" she says smiling

"I know... I miss work so much" I say and watch as Emily goes over to the bathroom and picks the lock and opens the door

"Hey!" Mara exclaims and tries to shut the door again

"Mara stop it" Emily tells her and opens the door more and walks in and out a few seconds later holding a visibly upset child, Mara had been kicking her legs trying to get out of Emily hold and Emily finally put her down on the floor Mara laid on her back and cried while kicking her feet

"This is the second tantrum in a week!" I say and Emily looks over at me clearly frustrated.

"Mara. Enough." Emily's says sternly only making Mara cry harder

let me deal with this. You go pick up lunch. I'm going to calm her down and see if she will take a nap" I say, knowing we had ordered food To go right before talking to Mara and Emily nods

"It's okay... I promise" I assure her and kiss her cheek knowing she felt bad

Once she had left I went over to Mara and picked her up and sat back down on the bed, while she still tried to get away from me

"Hey.... Look at momma" I say and she does

"Good girl... now breathe. Copy what momma does" I say softly and gently blow on her face and she takes a staggering breath and does the same

"Good job ladybug" I smile and a few minutes later she is completely calmed down and resting against my chest

I didn't even bother asking what made her so upset because we all knew that answer. I just wished I didn't have to make her go to Amy's. I hate getting this reaction

I moved us back on the bed and Mara laid right on top of me with her head above my heart and I threw a blanket over the both of us

She didn't cry, or talk or move she just let out a sigh and started to close her eyes as I kept my hand drawing little patterns on her back and it didn't take long for her to fall asleep

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