Chapter 70

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9 years later

Emily's POV

A lot has happened in the past 9 years, for starters, mara turned 16 last month, it's absolutely crazy, that four year old little girl is now our sweet, smart, full of attitude teenager,

She has dirty blonde hair, just a little darker than JJs and her blue eyes are dark as well,

She has just two more years of high school left until she goes off to college,

After she caught up when she first started school we had her start learning a second language a few years later, while I tried to recommend she start with Spanish she shut it down and decided to take the Italian classes her school offered

She wanted to be able to talk to "her" auntie Rina and mommy she told us when she made the decision,

She is pretty much fluent in Italian now, Carina helped a lot with that, as mara got older and had access to a phone, she stayed in contact with her aunts and Carina would try and get her to have their phone calls while speaking in her native language

JJ also picked up on some things, after hearing me and Mara work on it for a while she can hold her own and more now

Also 9 years ago JJ and I started where only one of us would leave out with the team and that ended up staying like that until Mara turned 12, but we would make sure that once a month one of us would stay home and it is still like that

However now, it's JJ that stays home,

When Mara was 13 we talked to Mara about having another baby, we didn't want too have another too soon because Mara still required a lot of our attention and we knew she wasn't ready to share us just yet

But, when she turned 13 she was all for having another sibling, which we did

We had another baby who is almost 3 now, her name is Avery and is so attached to her older sister

As soon as Mara walks in the door Avery is up and trying to get into her arms

JJ and I are in awe of their relationship,

Jack and Mara have also remained friends, they grew up together and now they are just really close but we know it's nothing more than that,

Mara is also good friends with Harper still, they are always together, even today she is coming over after school for a little

Since today is Friday JJ and I are off work and at home with Avery

"Mommy! Mara home?" She yelled and comes to sit on the couch with me

"Mara will be home in two hours" I tell her and she pouts and rolls off of me onto the floor

"Really?" I ask and she just lays on the floor

"Momma!" Avery shrieks and JJ walks into the room

"Yes?" She ask and Avery smiles

"Call rina?" She ask

Both of our girls have a good relationship Carina and Maya, as well as everyone on our team and Mara has a good one with Amy, she still comes down around Christmas and her birthday

"She is working, we can call tonight" JJ says

"Penny?" She asked and JJ nods

"We can call penny" JJ smiles

"And Mara!" She fights and we chuckle

After everything was sorted out with court when we first had the Trouble, everything after that had been pretty good,

Change of Perspective (Jemily)Where stories live. Discover now