revamp: chapter one

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hello the boyz r in this one i promise they'll be in there more next chapter :>)

She really did consider contacting a psychiatrist about her recent mental collapse and seemingly psychosis induced state, but she figured maybe it would be best to keep looking. For now. She wasn't ready to open up. Every time she closed her eyes she saw a child she secretly despised and how much she wished she could hear him laugh again. How the absent minded people around him seemingly completely forgot he was ever a person.

Hey, maybe a walk in the woods might clear her mind.

This was a park Sam always begged her to take him to. She mostly enjoyed it, walking through the woods with the boy, being able to give him one of her blue tooth ear pieces as they both listened to music in silence. He was a very quiet child when he was doing something that consumed him. Like walking on a dirt path and picking up cool rocks he saw near a river bank, or picking up large sticks and walking with them as if he were an old wise man. Having both headphones in felt a bit strange considering one always went to him when she came into these woods. The guilt drained her.

The woods were calming for a bit. She thought about the night prior where she broke into the school. Looking back, she felt a bit fearful of herself. Not much to feel bad or guilty about what she did, but because she did it so effortlessly. And everything that transpired after the breaking in could not compare to the fear that shook her when she looked down that hallway. She wouldn't try to make herself forget about it, though. Because in the chance she forgot, the next time it may happen she needs to remember to run.

Coughs escaped her lips, clearing her throat and spitting on the ground. As she stared at the ground she walked on, she felt herself becoming colder underneath the black jacket she was wearing. Her arms huddled closely to her body as she stumbled upon foliage hiding a sheet of dirty paper underneath the leaves.



...The child screamed to the top of his lungs, like a banshee searching for its dead children.
The woman's eyes shut in a vivid annoyance, her teeth grinding. "Sam.." No words could stop him when he got like this. Tears fell down his face, drowning out himself and everyone around him. He slammed his fists into the table, sobbing incoherent words that traveled around her head like a whirlwind of chaos. "Sam, please! Sam!" (Y/N) attempted to reason.

The child did not listen. The charcoal she'd given him as a present stained his hands and the kitchen table he drew on, his fingers digging into his face as the black smeared in with his tears. The child was inconsolable. She swung her head as she heard the wooden door fly open, Ms. Bridges running in with a cigarette in her mouth. Swiftly she slapped the child, yelling an obscenity at him as she did so. This only made the boy scream louder as he tried to escape her grasp. The cigarette fell out of her mouth when he kicked her hard in her stomach, falling onto his leg and burning him. He screamed in pain and recoiled to the ground, to which the angry mother dragged him to the wooden, piss smelling closet. She slammed the door on him as he begged her not to, finally coming to reality as the door shut him back into darkness.

"For christ's sake, (Y/N)," she spat as she struggled to pick her cigarette back up. "When Sam starts to scream like that, put him in the closet." She ran her wrinkled hands through her bleach blonde hair as she sighed. "I'm going to the club. I won't be back until late. If the social workers come, tell them I'm at work, would you? I know I said I'd have your money today, but my check was late. And for fuck's sake the kid's dad hasn't sent me any fucking money. Alright sweetie, I'll see you soon."

The girl stared at the floor without saying anything as she heard the door swing shut once again. She traveled to the closet, unlocking it. "Sam, she's gone. You can come out. I promise I'm not mad, let's just try to have fun, okay?" She pressed her hands against the door but all she could make out was quiet sobbing. "I need to look at your leg.."

INTO THE WOODS (Masky x reader x Hoodie)Where stories live. Discover now