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a/n: this is a crack chapter, I'm currently working for both TESTING and INTO THE WOODS and felt remorseful for not being finished, and this was just something i was thinking about adding. Also, this book is coming to an end soon- i'm planning to have two different endings, too, so be aware !

Brian wiggled the door knob, right before continuing to bang on the door to catch the attention of either Tim or (Y/N).

"Fucking hell, what are they doing in there?" He thought to himself. "Open up, c'monnnn!" He yelled, slamming his gloved fists against the motel door.
"Daddy's back from the candy house!"
The door opened to a sleep deprived (Y/N) in a long, white t-shirt, hair lazily pulled back into a weak pony tail from being now so short. She wore black socks that went under her knees, and was wearing no bra.
"Damn, kid, you look like you just crawled out of a coffin. Also, your nipples are hard."
Her stone cold glare worsened as she tried to slam the door on his face. His mask was pulled half way down and he was obviously pumped, for whatever reason. He stopped the door with the tip on his boot and pushed it open without effort. The girl, on the other hand, tried to keep it shut, but her efforts were in vein.
He swung the door open and she fell over on her ass, grunting as she hit the ground. She pouted as he stood over her, mask now pulled down to his neck as he stared with a grin over her face. That normal, shit eating Brian grin.
"What's the matter, short stuff? You're weaker than average."
"I'm not short, first and foremost," she coughed violently as he stared down at her. "Sick, dammit." He sighed, putting his hands on his hips.
"Well, I know that, silly. And I went out of my way to buy your weak, pathetic self pills from the candy house, and more, you slut."
"Screw off," She muttered. "I don't need pills."
"Yes, you do," Tim said, now at the door frame of the bathroom. He wore a black tank top and black sweatpants, also looking pretty sleep deprived, as usual.
She weakly tried to get herself back up, but her now pale, tired body didn't allow her.
Tim and Brian both didn't move.
"Are you just gonna-" she broke out into a coughing fit, but finished her sentence as they stood over her. "l-Let me lay here like this?" Her tone was aggressive and obviously irritated.
"Not until you beg for help." Brian stated, with that same shit eating grin on his face.
You need to keep in mind that the two were sociopathic sadists- not superheros. They enjoyed seeing her like this, even if they were real partners. The trio held a balance of dominance, but when one was weaker at times, they took it to their advantage to fuck with them. Whether it be emotionally, psychologically, psychically, or even sexually. Of coarse this resulted into the only female loathing asking for help, or even wanting it.
"B-brian, I'm not begging for anything," she muttered angrily.
"Then you won't be helped. Nice panties, by the way," Tim said, walking over to them.
Embarrassed, she covered herself with her long t-shirt. They stood in laughter and empty chuckles, watching her trying to move.
Tears pricked her eyes as she bit her tongue. "Dammit! Fine! P-Please, w-would you help?" She said, coughing.
"Hmm," Tim said, a finger to his mouth. "I don't like the way she's speaking to us, do you, Brian?"
Brian shook his head. "Not at all. In fact, this makes me resent her more, Tim." Tim hummed in agreement as her face turned red with anger and exhaustion, sighing.
"P-please, Tim and Brian, could you please help me?" She asked, biting the inside of her cheek with anger. She restrained a glare and several swears.
Tim swiftly picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder. She gasped, "H-hey! I'm sick, couldn't you be at least r-remotely gentle?!"
"U-U-Uh, I-I'm (Y-Y/N!) B-Be G-G-Gentle, T-Tim!" Brian mocked with a malicious laugh following. Her face was a dark red as she buried her face into her arms in anger. She felt like crying, these fucking bullies.
Tim walked her over to the bed on the other side of the motel room, Brian behind him.
"Hey, Tim, stop for a second," he said. Tim did as he said, (Y/N) still over her shoulder, facing his back.
Brian walked over to the back of (Y/N), or the front of Tim. She felt really hot, and tired, like she was on the brink of sleep on his shoulder. She was overheated.
Suddenly though she felt a breeze over her upper thighs. Her eyes shot open as she felt Brian's hand gripping the end of her t-shirt, holding it up.
"Hey you were right, these are cute panties. Good eye, Tim."
She shrieked, kicking her legs back, but Tim held her legs down to his chest, so she couldn't kick him.
"Hey, they're lacey, too!"
"I SWEAR TO GOD BRIAN I WILL FUCKING MURDER YOU," she screamed. "Let me down!" She cried. Tim maniacally chuckled to himself as they made comments on her undergarments.
This isn't the first time this has happened. Indeed; the two perverts probably had probably seen all of her clothes now, and decided to be assholes and comment on all of them.

Instead, Tim "politely" dropped her on her ass. Annoyed, hurt, sick, and pissed off, she glared up at the giggling men. She knew they weren't going to force her to do anything she didn't want to. Simply, they were just fucking with her, because that's what they did best. Rolling her eyes, Tim quickly apologized through giggles and picked her up, then plopped her on the bed.

"Now, back to business," Brian stated. She laid awkwardly on the bed, facing Brian, who had sat at the edge of her bed with a brown crumbled bag in his hands. Tim stood by the bed frame, arms crossed as they watched the enthusiastic man.

"Well? What is it?" She asked. Brian shot her a wink as he began to unroll the bag.
"Sweet Mary Jane!" He pulled out a plastic bag of marijuana. She smiled.
"Finally your dumb ass did something right!" She coughed, catching her breath. She shifted up in the bed as Tim sat next to her.


The girl laid in the bed, Tim's head on her stomach as he flopped himself on the ground and the bed in a weird angle. Brian was sitting on the bed, with the girl's legs laid on his lap. They passed it to each other gingerly.

"A little weed is a little more love."

INTO THE WOODS (Masky x reader x Hoodie)Where stories live. Discover now