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"And, this town in now off the list. I have a feeling the cops will be on here soon.. We'll clear one account now, and then the next town we'll do the others. Then, we're gone, alright? That's the plan." Tim said accordingly, sitting in the front seat, lecturing the two in the back like a parent yelling at their children for talking too loudly.
"Yeah, mom," Brian said. He groaned, spreading himself out over the girl's lap. She wore black shorts and the green hoodie, with a leather jacket. "I just want food," he grumbled.
"You serious?! You ate the Tim made for me and him only!" She yelled, flicking his forehead. He groaned, pushing his face into her inner thighs. He made muffled noises as he scooted farther an farther in, as if he thought she could actually understand him. A silence went over in the car as he began to laugh through her thighs. She rolled her eyes, then looked out the window.
"I have enough to cover for food and the next motel," she said. Tim looked at her through the rear view mirror and shook his head.
"We're not going to a motel." Brian and the girl looked up, surprised.
"Then where are we going?" She asked.
"yeah, motels are like, our thing." Brian stated.
"Remember Will and Moman?" He asked. (Y/N)'s face lit up in excitement as she nodded.
We're staying with them fo-"
"YEEEESSSSSS!" She screamed, raising her fists up in pure happiness. Tim looked away and smiled lightly at her reaction, but denied his feelings.
"Stop yelling, dammit, it's annoying," he scolded.
"Oh, shut up! I'm so happy I'm gonna see Moman," she said, practically chasing.
"Aaawwwww does (Y/N) have a crush? That's sweet." Brian said, bitterly.
"No, he's gay, you fuck wad," she said, plucking his again. He screamed into her thighs as she scolded him. "The vibrations of your cries feel weird. Keep going." Brian and her laughed at her wild-ass statement and Tim decided not to intervene.
"They've been having a hard time with supplies, and need help with medication," Tim said. Brian looked up coldly at Tim and they made brief eye contact, without the girl's knowledge.
"How come you two take medication, but I don't?" She asked. The two glanced up at each other again as Brian took the stage.
"You're not as affected as us yet," Brian said. "Plus, the more you take, the worse it becomes. It might be okay for a while, but they're drugs."
'Good call, Brian,' Tim thought.
"Oh.." She said, quietly. His head still in her lap, he broke the awkward silence by biting her thigh. She screamed, plucking his head again as the demonic laughs got louder.

They pulled up to a bank of America, where the girl handed Tim her card. "The number is 60689. How much are you extracting?" She asked.
"All of it," he said, walking out of the car. That part should've been obvious, to say the least. Sighing, she pushed her hair back into a pony tail as Brian giggled. He propped up from his position on her lap and poked her neck.
"We sure did leave a markS on your neck," he said, emphasizing the S. She rolled her eyes.
"I can't believe I let it happen so easily. It's getting harder to play the hard-to-get roll here." Brian lifted a brow as he smiled.
"Oh really now? Are you finally breaking?" He asked, scooting closer to her.
"Hm," is all she responded with, crossing her legs. Staring down at her thighs, she caught notice and plucked him. "Oi, pervert," she scolded. "My eyes are up here."
"And my attention is down there," he replied, putting a hand onto her thigh. She glared at him as he gave an iconic smile, pushing his hand up further as her face went visibly red. Her eye twitched as he pulled her closer to him, his mischievous hand brushing against her entrance. On instinct, she took his hand and bent it back, causing him to beg for mercy.
"THAT'S WHAT YOU GET, PEDOPHILE-PERVERT," She scolded bravely as she pushed him away.
"I'll get in your pants, one way or the other," he commented, a defeated glare on his face.
"What a fucking rapist-creep," she said. "When's Tim getting back?"
Tim opened the door and threw his wallet in, glancing around nervously.
"What happened?" She asked.
"They got suspicious. We gotta go," he said, starting the car. He pulled out of the lot as fast as possible and drove off.

As they drove, the girl asked questions, while also pushing Brian off of her every .46 seconds.
"Did they say anything to you?" She asked. He shrugged, eyes glued on the road.
"Nothing, really. But when you see a slightly shady guy collecting about 400 bucks cash in a town where everyone-knows-everyone, it's obvious you're gonna get the looks."
She sighed, leaning back. "I guess this is a bad time to ask if I could stop and get concealer.."
Tim glanced up at her through the mirror. "Concealer? For what?" He asked. She gave him the eye of "are you seriously that fucking dumb?" and groaned.
"For when I had to deal with you two perverts," she said. Brian scooted closer to her, wiggling his brow.
"You know you loved it!" He cooed, getting closer.
"Tim, can I sit in the front seat? Brian's being a fucking spazz." She said, avoiding eye contact with him. Tim sighed, and nodded.
"Sure. But I can't exactly stop, so it's either wait until a red light or crawl up now." Taking a risk, she decided to just crawl up through the seats.
"Careful!" Tim scolded as she mumbled an apology, leg brushing his arm as he drove. She felt a perverted finger poke her rear.
"Brian," she huffed, plopping into the passenger seat, "When we get out, I'm beating the living fuck out of you."
Brian giggled. "Didn't I tell you before? I enjoy an imbalance of dominance-"
"I think she's warning you to shut the fuck up, Brian." Tim said dryly.
"And I'm warning you, Timmy boy, to mind your own fucking busine-"
"Do it! You don't have THE BALLS." Brian teased, yelling with a dangerous emphasis.
"Alright, you brought this on your fucking self," she said, unbuckling her seat belt.
Tim sighed, just trying to get through the day's traffic as she turned out of her seat to viciously beat the pervert.
"AHH! YES! YES MOMMY, MORE, UGHHH!" Brian moaned as she beat him.

It was going to be a long ride.

INTO THE WOODS (Masky x reader x Hoodie)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ