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Sleep was something she could never get enough of. Always waking up tired, or groggy. Never getting the right amount of sleep would be her definition of most school nights.
But, she guessed school wasn't even a thing anymore. Sure, she started early on taking college classes, but those were all coming to an end. With a.. half college education, she could get to most places. Her mind was abnormal; she had always advanced in school and academics, without even trying. She already knew the things her teachers were talking about, always understanding it faster than her classmates.
She couldn't help but stay up and think about that. Her small amount of real friends. Don't get her wrong; she was popular. Everyone knew her, some hated her. But either way, they knew her. So, she wondered. How many days missing would it take for people to notice she was gone? Would they even call the police? Would her face be plastered onto street posts and news articles? Would she be on her local news channel? Would people actually care?
Hoodie was snoring, and Masky sighed. "Still awake, I see," he said lowly.
"I can't fall asleep." She replied, shifting. She felt odd that he could tell that she was still up. He pulled over, next to the highway. He pulled the keys out, and unbuckled his seat belt. "Come on."
She was confused, and scared. What was he going to do? Was he going to make her do things? Was he going to do things to her? Was she going to die?
He got out of the car, and pulled her door open. She got out shakily, her leather jacket protecting her from the cold, Autumn winds.
He grabbed her hand and walked her to the edge of the bridge. He stared out.
"U-Uuh," she mumbled. "What are we doing?" She asked.
"Give me your phone," he said. She raised an eyebrow and handed it to him, after fishing it out of her pocket. He glanced at it. "What a lovely case," he said.
"T-thank you-" He chucked it out into the water.
"Too bad. It had to go. Sorry," he said emotionlessly.
She stared out, eyes twitching. "I-It's fine," she lied.
"Good," he replied. "Let's go."
He walked to the car, and she followed. This time, she got into the passenger's seat.
With a huff, he shifted back into his seat. She let out a heavy cough, and cleared her throat. Masky's attention was forwarded to her as she coughed again.
Immediately, he spoke up. "Are you alright," he said. It didn't really sound like a question, his tone lacked the emotion it needed to sound like one. She nodded her head, coughing again.
He fished into the old car's compartment and pulled out a water bottle. "Drink," he demanded. She nodded her head no, insisting that she was fine. He grunted and opened the bottle, "Drink it, (Y/N). It's not a nice gesture, it's a demand. Do what you are told." She glared at him.
"I'm not a slave, Masky."
"Stop being so difficult and drink the water," he said, annoyance lacing his tone.
"...Fine," she replied, taking the bottle from his hand. He put the car into reverse and continued driving.
"You're almost as stubborn as Brian," he said. She tilted her head.
"Brian?" She asked in confusion. She saw his facial features tense up as he realised he said something he shouldn't have. "Who's Brian?"
"No one." He replied, focusing on the road. "You should really get some sleep."
"I would if I could," she said. "Hey, where are we going?" She took another drink of the water.
"Out of state." She gagged on the water and coughed. Masky sighed in disapproval. "Don't get it on the carpet," he said.
She rolled her eyes. 'Wow, I can really tell my partner cares about my health,' she thought. "Why out of state?"
"People will be looking for you, and we need to leave state anyways. We're always moving." He said, still staring out at the road. "We never stop. Not until he catches us." She stared at him, his cold, emotionless eyes never breaking contact. Her mouth parted slightly as she nodded. "Oh..."
"You'll be sleeping soon. I drugged that water." Her eyes went wide as she threw the bottle. "Calm down," he demanded. Her vision started to get blurry as she felt her heart race faster, her head slowly tipping. "I'm not going to hurt you," he said. She made eye contact with him, and his smirk was her last memory before passing out.

"You gave her the what?!" Hoodie questioned.
"I gave her the water, okay? Get off my back."
"Even I'm not that stupid, Tim!" He yelled. The girl was perched against the passenger seat window, mouth slightly parted and her body twitched ever so often. Tim covered his face with his hands.
"God, I know! I know that, Brian-"
"Why?! What in the HELL did you accomplish for giving her that? God, Tim! Now, she's gonna wake up with one hell of a headache. Not to mention, be PISSED at us!?" Tim leaned against the car, they were both currently outside of an empty gas station. He sighed, pulling out a cigarette. He lit it, and took a drag.
"I.. I don't know, okay? She's new to this. She's seen him,"
"I know, Tim. But why?"
"She needed to.. relax. And quite honestly, I could use the silence,"
"Shut up, Tim! As if you're any better! We're a team now, it's not just you and me. I didn't want to drag her into this, after all, you're the one that said we were gonna let her live."
"You don't get it, do you?" Tim scoffed. "We're just using her, okay? If that damned thing wants to take any of us, it'll be her. Look. We both know that she'd be the last to survive, we can't even completely trust her." Brian took a step back as his fists tightened. "She's the closest thing we have to getting rid of Alex, and that fucking monstrosity of a pet, and you know it."
Brian scoffed. "Oh Hell, Tim. You know that's not why you let her live."
"Then what is it, Brian? Because you think I have some crush on the brat?" Tim laughed bitterly and flicked his cancer stick, looking at the empty parking lot. "As if that's the case."
Brian stared at him. "You're lying,"
"What?" Tim asked.
"You're fucking lying, Tim. Masky," he said. "You're the fucking liar."
"What the hell are you talking about?" Tim asked.
Brian got close to his face. "You do like her, don't you?" He asked quietly, a smirk on his face. "It's why killing her was the last thing you wanted to do, and it's why you watched her closely. I thought you were just as eager as me to leave that fucking place but no, it's because she was coming along," he said. Tim's eyes were wide as he let the cigarette burn out without notice. "And that's the reason you always touch her, and it's always why you wanted to be the first one to follow her. It's because you can't help it," Brian said with a smile. He took a step back. "Hey, man, I know though. I know why we picked her up, of coarse I did. Did I at first? Not really, and you're right about her being the key element to taking down Alex that we have right now. But are we really using her in the sense that you want us to?" Brian asked. "Because I know how we both feel, think and act. I know everything about you Tim, there's no denying that-" they both heard a yawn come from the car, and a low cough. Tim was to the passenger window in no time.
"She's still asleep," Tim said without a hint of emotion.
"Yeah, I know. You did-" Tim turned around and punched Brian across the face, grunting as he did so. Brian fell to his ass, grunting in surprise. He felt the sharp sting and trail of blood down his cheek.
"You listen to me, Hoodie. First of all, I'm sick of that attitude you're having with me, it's a real pain in the ass. Second of all, I wasn't planning to kill her because of the plan I CONSTRUCTED, not YOU. Also, you're not gonna say shit to (Y/N) about the feelings I have for her, and third of all, you're not gonna mess anything up for us. I'm getting as far away from that thing after we kill Alex, and I don't care who I have to kill or leave behind, even if it means killing you or her. Got it?" He asked, at this point, he towered over Brian with a looming feeling of boiling annoyance.
Brian chuckled maniacally. "Sure, Masky. You tell yourself that." They both stared at each other, Brian's face lit up with an angry smile and Tim's annoyance and rage. "Question, though; are we going to kill her after we find Alex? Because, I know you're not going to. And you know my answer."
"We're leaving." Tim announced, stomping back to the car. He slammed the door shut and turned on the engine.
Brian stared at the girl through the window.
"You're a real pain in the ass, girlie." He thought, a bigger smile appearing on his face. "Making life more interesting- but fun. Real cute, too,"

The girl felt the car start to move, her eyes shut closed as a feeling of terror loomed over her.

INTO THE WOODS (Masky x reader x Hoodie)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora