Surprise Bonus Chapter - 10 years later

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Hey guys. 

It is now 2023, and I finished this 2 years ago now... I just wanna say, I have loved this book ever since I started writing it. 

I have loved the support I have gotten on this book and all the people it has connected me with. So, as a little anniversary present to you all, I have written a bonus chapter. 

I really hope you guys enjoy it!!!

Julie's POV

"Luke! Come here!" I yell out to my husband, "You don't want to be late to our high school reunion, do you?!"

"Of course not, deer. When did the gang say they'd be here?"

"Luke, they are here now."

Julie turns back to her friends; they are all here.

Reggie and Flynn have brought their kids, as well as Alex and Willie, so then all of our kids can hang out, while we are out.

"Ok, so. Why are you guys more excited to see there?" Alex asks the group, as he pushes his glasses up higher on his nose.

"I'm interested to see Carrie. She didn't seem like herself when we graduated, so I'm wondering how life has turned out for her." Flynn says, which surprises everyone. "What? I'm a very caring person... when I want to be."

"Yeah, sure." I reply to her.

None of them have changed that much, I mean, Reggie has gotten a bit jacked since we all saw him last.. which was 8 months ago, which seems like a long time, but its ok, because we are all a bit busy with out kids and our jobs.

"Ok Ok. I'm here." Luke tells us, as he comes down the stairs, as he puts his coat on.

"Baby, you ready to go?" Luke whispers out to me.

"Yeah." I whisper back, as I lean up to peck his lips, "You guys ready?" I asks them all as I turn to them.

They all nod their heads. "Ok, lets go." Luke says as he twirls his keys around his fingers.

"Ok, we'll meet you guys down there." Flynn says, as she holds up her motorcycle helmet.

Oh, that's right, Reggie rides a motorcycle now. How could I forget that?

"Ok, race you guys there."

Then we are all running out the door, almost pushing each other over in the process. Reggie and Flynn, hop onto his boke quickly before speeding away, and as they pull out, Luke starts the car, puts it into gear, and pulls out to.

I'm anxiously bobbing my leg up and down on the way there, because the nerves has gotten to me. My husband notices this, and gently places his hand on my knee, trying to calm me down, which pulls my attention away from the outside world.

I smile up at him, "Julie, its going to be fine. The kids will be fine, and we will all be fine."

"I know, but something is going to happen at the reunion, and none of us have done it for so long, I'm just worried about that."

"What's happening tonight?" Willie pipes in from the back.

"Don't worry about it, darling." Alex speaks to him, with a kiss on the cheek, before placing his head on his husband's head.

"Come on, I see the school, but no Reggie or Flynn. I think we might beat them." Luke says to us.

But as we pull into the school parking lot, we see them, Reggie and Flynn facing each other on the bike, kissing.

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