14 - The hospital

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(I do not own these characters) 

Julies POV

This morning, me and Luke couldn't stop looking at eachother. I like him so much.

Tomorrow morning, is our date. I can not wait.

The whole day, I ciuodnt pay attention to anything the teachers were saying or doing because the only thing in my mind right now is Luke. 

I'm currently walking home from school, with Willie. We start talking about everything, from music to classes, and families to relationships. 

"hey, you excited to go on your date tomorrow?" he says to me. 

"yeh, I'm kinda nervous as well. Like I have to find something cute to wear,bjr he hasn't told me what we're doing or where we're going." I admit to him. 

"well Im sure everything will be fine. He says to me. 

" so how's things with Alex? " I ask him. 

" well, we went on our fifth date yesterday, and it was amazing. We went to this new restaurant, and they had the most amazing food. "he said with a massive smile on his face. 

" you must really like him, don't you? "I asked him. 

" I mean yeh, what's not to like. He has theses dark blue eyes, that I could just get lost in. Hes kind and caring. Funny yet serious when he needs to be. He's....... everythung. " he says and just smiles to himself.

We arrive at my house and he walkse to my door." hey willie, "he turns around" I'm really happy that you found someone that cares about you. "I say to him. 

" thankd"be says and jus, walks away

I grab the doorknob to my house and enter. I head up to my room, and just lay down on my bed. 

Then I get a message. It's from Alex. 

(On messages) 

Alex- hey. 

Julie--hey, what's up? 

Alex- so um.... Luke's in the hospital. 


Alex - just come to the hospital, me Reggie and Flynn are all in the waiting area. I'll explain when you're here. 

Julie - I'm in my way. 

(off messages.) 

I quickly got up out of bed, and down the stairs,fetting the keys from the bench on my way out. I head straight for the car. 

I get in and begin my drive to the hospital. All my thought are going wild. Is he OK? Was the only question running through my mind all the way there. 

I pull up to the hospital parking lot and text Alex to tell him I'm here and for him to come out side. 

I get out of the car and head for the enterence. Alex is standing there, hands in pockets, tricking on the balls of his feet. 

"What happened?" I ask him as I approach. 

"All I know is that he got beaten up pretty bad, none of us know who it was of why they did it." he says to me. 

"well is he OK? Can I see him?" I ask him. I look into his eyes searching door an answer. 

Be just shakes his head. "we can't see him for another half an hour and I don't know how he's doing honestly." he says. 

I begin to cry. Alex comes up to him and erapps his arms around me. I begin to cry harder. Alex just holds me as my tears begin to soak his pink hoodie. "it's going to be OK. Everyone is inside. Come and sit down." he tells me. I just hid my head and he leads me to where the others are. 

Flynn comes up to me and gives me a hug. Then she pulls away. 

I wipe away my tears and she sits down next to Reggie, and rests her head in his shoulder. I just sit down next to Alex. 

-- forty minutes later. - - 

"is there anyone here to see, Luke Patterson.?" asked a doctor. 

Me and Alex stood up, and moves over to the doctor. "yeh, we're here." I say. 

"my name is Dr Brookse, Luke is fine, he's breathing in his own now and he's awake. He is only aloud one visitor at a time tho."she says

Alex looks at me and I just nod my head knowing exactly what he's thinking. 

" I'll go, "I say to her. 

She nods her head and leads me to his room. 

He lays on his bed, still. His left eye is bruised. His bottom lip I'd busted, and he has a cast on his left arm. Who would do such a thing.? 

" hey, how you feeling? "I ask him. 

" hey, I'm doing ok, I just feel not great. "he says. 

" do you know who did this to you? "I asked him. 

He gulped." uhh.... Yeh. It was Nick. He kept telling me that you were worthless, and a disappointment and that your the reason your mother died. So I started punching and kicking him, but what I didn't know is that he had some buddies and they came and attacked me. Then everything went black, then I walk up here, in excruciating pain. "he says with a sigh at the end. 

I walk up closer to the bed. I take his hand,and kiss the top of it." you'll be OK. "I whisper, more to myself then him. 

We keep talking for another hour until isiting hour are up. 

" um excuse me. Dr Brookse? " 

" yes. "

" when will Luke be discharged? "I ask her. She thinks for a minute then replies. 

" in one to two days, depending on how well he heals. She says

I just bid and say a thank you

I walk into he waiting room,and see everyone still therr

"hey guys." I say to them and they all loom at me. 

"is he OK?" Reggie asks. 

"yeh, he's just bruised and he's got a broken arm. And you would not believe who did this to him." I say to them 

"who?" Alex asks 

"nick" I say to them

They all look at eachother. "OK, dose anyone want a lift home?" I. Ask them. They all kid their heads and we head out to the car and climb in. 

I drop the boys off at heir apartment and me and flynn go to my house. 

We arrive at my house, and head straight up to my room. We lay down in my bed in silence. 

But in reality, we're thinking of one thing. 


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