19 - Juke date

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(I do not own these characters.) 

Julies. POV 

Luke and I have a date tonight. YAY!!

Ive waited for so long and it finally going to happen. 

I'm currently at home getting ready for school, and I can't keep a smile off of my face. I'm just soe xckted for tonight. And luckily, my dad is working til 8pm, so I don't have to be home until then. 

I head downstaires and see my dad, gone already. 

I grab one of the apples from the bench and walk out the door. Once out I lock the door behind me. 

I begin my walk to school, then after a few minutes Luke's beside me. 

"hey" I say. 

"hey. So um.... Tonight, I'm gonna pick you up at 5pm for our date. That ok?" he asks. 

"yeh, but I do have one question. Where are we going.?" I ask him. 

He just smirks down at me. "that's for me to know and for you to find, but just make sure you wear comfortable shoes to walk in." he says. 

We walk with little conversations every now and then, until we get to school. 

We both head in and meet the gang by my locker. 

"hey guys" I say to them,and I gransome stuff from my locker for my first class, and close it. Then the next thing I know, I'm being dragged away by flynn. I shoot Luke a quick wave and continue walking with her. 

She drag me all the way to the music room and I sit down at the only place I feel comfortable, the piano. I start playing the singular note to perfect harmony without singing,and smile to myself. 

"So Jules. When's the date.?" Flynn asks. 

"it tonight, at five. And he didn't say where we're going, just o wear shoes I'm comfortable in." I say. 

Flynn smiles at me, and comes and sits down at the piano next to me. She's smiling bugger than she has smiled in a while, then I notice the hoodie she's wearing, and I smirk to myself. 

" who's hoodie is that.? "I ask her with a raised eyebrow. 

She looks down." it's Reggie's. I stole it on Monday, and tries to return it too him yesterday, but he old me to keep it."snw says and plays with the string on the hoodie. 

" and what's got you smiling so brightly this morning.? "I ask her and nufge her shoulder playfully with mine. 

" Reggie told me he loves me and I said I love him back. "she says to me. 

My eyes widen in shock" OMG, I'm. So happy for you"i say. Then I hug her. 

We pull apart to the bell ringing. We say our goodbyes and head to our first class. 

I can't wait until my date with Luke. 

----after school----

I exit the school with flynn. Willie couldn't come with us because he's hanging out with Alex. 

We walk all the way to my house. 

We head upstairs and into my room. I lay on my bed, but flynn on the other hand, heads to my cupboard and begins to pull out some clothes. 

"do you really need to be doing that now.?" I ask her. 

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