6 - Meeting Nick.

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(I do not own these characters)

A/N Thank you guys so much for reading this phanfiction (haha see what I did there)

Luke's POV

I woke up this morning, with a smile on my face.

The boys weren't awake yet, so it was just me.

So I went on my phone and texted julie.


Luke - hey

Julie - hey :)

Luke - what ya doin?

Julie--just thinking. What you doin?

Luke - texting you...

Julie - haha. Can you come to school at 8am so you can teach me the chords for Perfect Harmony?

Luke- sure. I'll. See you in a little bit.


I got off my 'bed' and went to go and grab two pans. I go up to the boys and bang them together. As loud as I can..

"Wake up." I yell at them.

They both groan and sit up on their 'beds'.

"Get out of bed, I wanna go get coffee before we go to school.. Oh and we need to be a school by 8 no later" I tell them.

They just look at eachother confused then they look at me.

"ok ok. I'm up. But you hve to tell me something first." Reggie says to me. I nod. "Is Julie's FRIEND Flynn single?" he asks me.

I chuckle at his question, remembering yesterday. "Funny thing is, is that she asked the exact same thing to Julie yesterday. And yes flynns single." I say.

"so you were hanging out with Julie yesterday?" Alex says to me with a slight smirk on his face.

"Yes I was. We started writing music" I look around for the piece of paper I wrote the new song on and I find it. "Here we started writing this song." I said them as I gave them the lyrics.

They both look up at eachother and she the same smirk on their faces. "What?" I ask them with a small smile on my face. 

"Nothing," Alex says. 

We all get ready for school, then we start our walk. Then Julie texts me

(on messages) 

Julie--hey, I'm outside my house if you guys want to come and walk with me? 

Luke- yeh sure, we're a block away. :) 

(off messages) 

I tell. The guys we have to go to julies so we can with with us and the just nod their heads and continue talking about I have no idea what about. 

We arrive at julies house and she's outside

"Hey guys." she says all cheery. 

"hey" we all say. Then we start our walk to school. The boys are talking to eachother and me and Julie are walking side by side in comfortable silence. 

Then Julie stops out of no where and is looking ahead of us. "you OK?" I ask her. She just shakes her head and points at someone ahead of us. 

"My ex." she says to me in a low voice so the guys couldn't hear her. 

"what do u want to do?" I ask. 

"walk past him. Of he tries to talk to you. Ignore him." I nod my head and we continue walking. 

When we reach the kid I notice julie starting to walk faster

"Julie.. Can I please talk to you." The guys says. 

"About what Nick, a boy about how you cheeted on me with one of my friends. About how you wanted more attention right when my mother died, and you knew I was sad. Or about the fact that you were using me to get with Carrie.!!" she yells at him. 

Me, Alex. And Reggie, are all standing here watching. None of us know what to do. 

"why would I ever want to date you. I only dated you because it was a bet. Your a screw up! " he yelled at her. 

"Hey!! Don't talk to her like that." I yelled at him. 

He turned to face me. "And why can't I?" he asked. 

" don't ever speak to er like that again, or I'll beat u up,  and trust me I will." I say and stand right in front of him. 

I grab julies arm and start walking,and she starts walking with us. Then out of no where she starts running. I ook at the guys, giving them a look saying stay here. 

I ran after julie and followed her, she went past the Cafe, past the school, and she finally stopped on the oval of school. 

I caught up to her and said "Julie." 

She turns around and looks me in the eyes and steps closer. She had tears in her eyes, threatening to break free, her cheeks were red and puffy. 

"What's wrong?" I ask her. 

She just comes up to me and wraps her arms around my neck. I wrap my arm around her waist. 

"Don't talk.". She mumbles to me into my neck. I just nod my head in response. 

The bell rings after a few minutes, and we pull apart. We start walking into school. Together. 

Then Flynn approaches her with Willie, Alex and Reggie.. 

"Jules, you OK? These two explained what happened." she said. 

"I'm fine. I just needed to be alone for a while." She says. 

I walk to my locker and get my stuff then go to julies locker and wait for her to get her stuff, because we both have music together first. 

"You sure your OK?" I ask her. 

"I am. Thank you for comforting me tho." she says and looks up at me with a small smile on my face. 

"After school I can teach you the cords for 'Perfect Harmony' if you want?" I ask her. 

"I'd like that." she says to me. 

I just look at her, bite my bottom lip and nod. 

I can't wait until school is over. 

Until I met you - JATP Juke FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now