23 - Will you go to Prom with me?

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(I do not own these characters) 

A/N the song in this chapter, I wrote myself. 

Julies POV 

It's a whole month until prom, and I'm thinking of asking Luke. 

I love him, and I hope hell say yes. 

I have written  a song for him and I'm going to sing it to him in the gymnasium today after lunch when we have assembly. 

This is going to be fun. But I'm kinda nervous,because I'm singing him a song I wrote about him in front of people in Less than an hour, and that's scary, but it's worth it. 

I arrive on the stage before assembly and practise the song one more time bedore I sing it to him and mauy more people. 

Then the bell goes, signalling it's time for assemy. 

I come in like it's any other day and sit down. 

For a whole ten minutes their talking about normal school stuff and some things about prim this year. 

Then I get called up to the stage. 

I take a deep breathe and stand up sna move to the piano. I sit down behind it 

"I wrote this song, for someone special in my life" I say and I spot. Luke in the crowd, smiling at me. I smile back before beginning to play the piano. 

(song begins) 

When I look into yours eyes, I see so much beauty. 

When I look into you smile, I see all of your pain. 

When we touch, I feel the Sparks inside of me. 

When we kiss, it feels like electricity. 

People don't know this feeling, people think I'm lying when I say. 

When I say your mine. When I say I'm happy with you. 

When you smile with me, for me, I feel like I'm am fine. 

You've been there for me, even when I told you not too. 

So please baby, please. Never stop loving me. 

People might think I'm obsessed, when you know I'm not

Your the only one that gets me, when I say I'm not fine. 

I see the beauty inside, of your darkness. 

And when you kiss my lips, I feel less dead inside 

People don't know this feeling, people think I'm lying when I say.

When I say your mine. When I say I'm happy with you.

When you smile with me, for me, I feel like I'm am fine.

You've been there for me, even when I told you not too.

So please baby, please. Never stop loving me. 

Ah, ah, ah

Ohhh, ohhhhh, ohhhhhhh

When I say your mine. When I say I'm happy with you.

When you smile with me, for me, I feel like I'm am fine.

You've been there for me, even when I told you not too.

So please baby, please. Never stop loving me. 

(song ends) 

I finish the song and look out into Luke's eyes. 

I stand up, walk to the edge, get off the stage and walk to where Luke is sitting. 

I take his hand in mine and he stands uo so I bring him up to the stage. 

"Luke Patterson, will you go to Prom with me.?" I say into the microphone as I look into his eyes. 

Everyone around us is gasping and screaming at him to say yes. 

Be chuckles lightly to myself before answering into the microphone. "only if you'll go with me." he says. 

"yes" I say to him. He chuckles and wraps his arms around my waist before licking me up and giving me a peck on the lips. 

Everyone around us is clapping and cheering. 

I giggle. "I love you" he says to me. 

"I love you too" I say to him. 

The bell rings and everyone begins walking out with a few people coming up to us saying congrats. 

Once everyone has left, Flynn, Reggie, Alex, and Willie came up to the stage. All smiling. 

"hey love birds" Willie says to us. 

Luke chuckles "hey" he says. 

Luke and I get off the stage, then we all start talking, and none of us move. 

Then Reggie goes up on the stage. "Guys, can I have your attention please." he says. We all look on at him. "Flynn can you come up here please." he asks her and she goes up onto the stage. 

Reggie gets down on one knee as soon as she infron t of him, Flynn's hands fly straight to her mouth. 

"Flynn, will you go to Prom with me.?" he says. 

Flynn just chuckles. "yes, you dork. I'll go to Prom with you." she says to him. 

Be stands up and she runs to him and give him a hug. 

I whisper to Luke "#Relynn" 

He just chuckles at me. 

Then we all look at Alex and Willie. 

"What, I've already asked Alex, and he said yes." Willie was to us all. 

I laugh to myself and Reggie and flynn get off from the stage. 

"OK, let's go head to the last, ten minutes of afternoon tea." I say to them, as we all walk out of the school gym. 

There is only one more thing on my mind. 


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