9 - unsaid emily

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(I do not own these characters) 

A/N what.... Four parts. In one day 

Luke POV 

(a/n it's the day of the Relynn Date) 

Today I woke up and saw tha rggie was gone. Hmm he must if gone to school early. 

I woke Alex up "Hey Alex, gotta get up buddy. It's Thursday. Two more days til the weekend." I say to him. 

"but I don't wanna go to school." he says 

"Alexander get uo. Right now." I yell at him. He grains. "fine, and it was my shout for coffee this morning remember." I say to him. 

"I'm up, but only for the free coffee" he says. 

I get ready first, then I wait another ten minutes for Alec to get ready. 

He walks out and nods at me. "alright let's go get coffee" he says. 

We walk down to the coffee shop. And find a seat, we'll I do while Alex goes and orders. Again it's takes twenty minute to come back. 

"though you forgot about me." I said to him. He just chuckles at me. Then our coffees come and we take them. 

"hey Luke?" he says 


"I have to tell you something, you can't tell anyone." he says to me, he never tells me to keep things secret. So this must be big. I nod for him to continue. 

"well, I've known this about myself for two years now and I just want you to know that I'm still the same person I've always been. I'm gay." he tells me. 

I jsut smile at him. "Alex. I'm happy for you." I say to him with a small smile on my face. 

He lets out a big breathe of air. "thank you for being supportive." he says to me. 

I'm truly happy he was comfortable enough to come out to me first. 

All of a sudden while we're in the middle of a convosations, I get a call from julie. I answer it. 

(on the phone) 

"hey" she says

"hey, whsts up?" I. Ask

"well. I was wondering, could you and Alex come into the music room this morning, like rigt now. I have an idea." she says 

"OK, what's the idea.?" 

"no time to explain." 

"OK we'll be there in 5-10 Min." 

"yeh sure bye" 

(off the phone) 

Before I could say bye she hangs up on me. 

"what was that all about?" Alex asks me..

"Julie wants us both in the music room, right now." 

He just nods his head. And we both get up. 

--at school--

We arrive at school and head straight to the music room. There's not many people here since school dosent start for another 45 minutes. 

We enter the music room and see julie at the piano. 

" Hey Jules. What's up?" I say as I walk in.

"oh hey your here, OK Alex can you go over to the drums behind me and Luke can you grab one of the acoustic guitars please." she asks us. 

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