17 - Welcome home!!!

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(I do not own these characters) 

A/N what...... Two parts in one day 

Luke's POV. 

(a week after the accident) 

I'm getting let out of the hospital today. Finally. 

Julies coming to pick me up in an hour, and I still need to get dressed and pack anything that I had here with me, into a bag. 

I get dressed, it takes me twenty minutes to do so. 

And begin to pack my bags. Then the doctor comes in. 

"hey Luke, you feeling good today? You excited to go home?" she asks me 

"yeh I'm feeling OK, and I yes I want to go home." I say and add a light chuckle at the end. 

She hand me some forms for me to sign. So I grab a pan and sit down on the bed and sign them with my opisite hand, which makes my handwriting worse than it was before. 

I finish packing my bag then walk out. I say goodbye and thank you to all the nurse that had to up up with me for a week, and I head out side. 

I see Julie's purple Juke (a/n yes that is a real car) pull up at a parking space, and she jumps out and comes running for me. She jumps and I catch her. Holding her tightly and kiss her cheek. 

I then let her I to the ground softly. And peck her lips. 

"hello to you too" she says as she giggles.

"hello. Can we go to my place today?" I ask her. 

"yeh sure" she says. 

I pick up my bag that I dropped and carried it to the car with my right hand. 

I put my bad in the back seat and sit in the front. 

Me and julie just catch up in what has happened imt he past 24 hours. 

We arrive at my apartment building a few moments later. We both get out of the car and I grab my bag. 

I get Julie to follow me up the stairs and to our apartment door. I drop my bag and grab my keys to open the door. 

I walk inside and wee Reggie, Flynn, Alex,and Willie all in our apartment with a 'Welcome home' banner hanging on the wall. 

"OMG. You guys, what's all this?" I ask them 

"well, your been in the hospital far a week and we wanted to celebrate you being home." Julie says from besides me. 

I look down at her beside me and look into her eyes. "thank you" I whisper to her, she nods her head. 

"Alright, let's get this party started." Alex yells and we all cheered. 

There was apple juice, and cans of coke.. I of couce being the two year old that I  am take some apple juice. 

I walk down to julie and hand her a can of coke and we cheers. "Thank you, for doing this." I say to her. "It really means alot." 

"it was no problem at all. Oh.. And we kinda need to write one more song for prom, because prom in in a month and the teacher wants them by the end of next week."she says to me and sighs. 

" hey, I don't mind, it just means that I get to spend mrw time with you. "I say to her with a sly smirk on my face. She just ayfuly rolls her eyes in response. 

For the whole night we played board games and talked for hours upon hours upon hours in end. Until it hit midnight. And considering tomorrow we have school and its late. Julie, Flynn and Willie stay here. And luckily, they packed a bag each just in case this happened. 

When we were all ready for bed. Julie came and slept in my bed, willie went in Alex's, and Flynn went in Reggie's. 

Everyone fell asleep, except for me and julie. We just kept staring at eachother. 

"you know, I still haven't taken you in that dae yet" I. Say to her nad boop her nose. 

"yeh" she whispers 

"how about this. Wednesday afternoon we finally have tha date. Soumf OK?" I. Ask her. 

"Id like that." she says and ces up. And kisses my lips. 

She turns around and I cuddle into her. 

She falls asleep with in ten minutes. And I'm still awake. So I begin to play with her hair abit, until I get sleepy. 

And I fall asleep thinking of one thing. 


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