3 - "What happened last night?"

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(I do not own these characters)


Welp... Now I have to work with the boys.

I'm currently walking home from school with Flynn, and all of a sudden she stops.

"What's wrong?" I ask

"look" I look to where shes pointing, and I see Nick.

"What do I do??" I asked her.

"Walk past him, make it seem like you don't see him, if he tries to talk to yiu, ignore him. Got it?" I nod my head, and continue walking.

I walk past him and he tries to talk to Em, telling me that what he did was a mistake, but I just kept on walking.

I arrived home and invited Flynn in, and luckily my father won't be home for another 4 hours. And I have to make dinner for all of us. YAY.

I go up to my room and write down some lyrics I have had stuck in my head all day.

Running from the past
Tripping on the now
What is lost can be found, it's obvious
And like a rubber ball
We come bouncing back
We all got a second act, inside of us

I've had those words in my head all day long. Once I write them down I put them in my dream box.

I put on a sweater on and head down to my mums studio. I always go there to think, or continue writing a song I'm stuck on.

I open the doors and head straight to the piano. I sit down and open it up. I feel the piano keys benieth my fingers.

I begin playing a few chords that fit together, like pieces of a puzzle. Lyrics came flowing out of me. But I couldn't write them down, and I could only remember the outro

We say we're friends (we play pretend)
You're more to me (we create)
Perfect harmony

But this didn't sound right for just one voice it had to be two voices.

Next thing I know there's a knock at the garage door.

"come in" I say, then my dad walks in. 

Welp, looks like I'll be having that talk with him sooner than I thought. Then I look at the clock on the wall that read 7:50pm. Welp. I've been in here longer than I thought I would be. 

"Hey.." he says to me as he comes in and shuts the door beind him. He walks oer to a chair and drags it over to the piano. "What happened last nigh?" 

I sighed. "Well Nick broke up with me, and cheeted on me with Carrie. And told me he wanted more attention when my mim died,but I was too down to talk to him or anyone...." I said to him and wiped a run away tear that rolled down my cheek. 

He pulled me into a tight hug. I really needed it right now because of everything going one. 

I have to write songs with a complete stranger, and that makes me vulnerable. And I have to try and avoid Carrie and Nick because of.... Everything that happened. 

My dad pulled away from he hug only to say. "on an unrelated note, would you happen to know where the shovel is?" he asked. And that just made me laugh. 

We both stood up, and went into the house to have a lovely family dinner. 


After dinner, I went up to my room and said good night to my dad and brother. I checked my instagram and saw a message from Luke. How did he find me? 

(on messages) 

Luke- hey, just wanted to know if you would want to meet up tomorrow morning at sunset Cafe to work on something I started writing? 

Julie- hey, yeah sure. What time? 

Luke- how about 7:30am so then we have an hour and a half to write, and get to know eachother better. 

Julie-yeh sure. See you then :) 

Luke- see you then :) 

(off messages) 

I'm sitting here smiling at my phone for who knows what reason. 

I turn my phone off, have a shower and brush my teeth, so then u can go to bed. 

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