Chapter 24

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Namjoon grimaced at the pain while Hoseok hurried over to you. "What happened to you?" Yoongi spoke up on what everyone wanted to ask.

"Nothing." Namjoon waved it off.

"Your leg is looking like it's about to fall off." Jimin commented.

You frowned as Hoseok came over to you. "What-"

"Namjoon wants you to feel better first and said to tend to you. I'll do it after I give you your medicine, okay?" Hoseok explained and dug through the bag he got. You continued to show your displeasure but kept quiet. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Seokjin helping Namjoon to sit down on the other side.

Hoseok popped open a bottle that was pretty purple. "The doctor in town said that usually people from other worlds don't take well to our medicine but this should help. I guess there's a lot of people that come to our world. If not, I got a whole bag of medicine."

Without a word, Taehyung handed him another teacup to which Hoseok poured the medicine in. You cautiously accepted it and the fragrance hit your nose first. Honestly, it didn't smell that bad. You were quick to drink it. After a moment or so, you could feel yourself become better.

Your body was no longer burning up and your head didn't throb in pain anymore. "I think it worked."

Hoseok sent you a smile. "That's great! Take it easy for now." He looked at Jungkook who was ready to pounce to give you a hug. The rabbit huffed but understood. Now Hoseok went over to Namjoon and started to rip the already torn material. Namjoon grimaced from the pain and you could see the blood covering his injury.

"Are you going to tell us what happened?" Taehyung questioned him as Hoseok brought out the green liquid that couldn't cure you.

"Oh. I could have fallen to my death right now."

Everyone waited for him to continue. "You're just going to say that and leave us hanging like that?" Taehyung sounded a bit annoyed.

"Okay, there was a Flying Arrow and the horse got spooked then bucked. I grabbed onto the stirrups in time and bashed my leg against the cliff. Hoseok had to coax the horse forward until the path was wide." He grimaced as Hoseok poured the green liquid onto his leg.

"Wow you really could have died." Taehyung commented and was in deep thought.

You watched the green liquid heal the injury as Hoseok cleaned off the blood with the bandages he found in the pack of the horse. It was now all healed. When you think about it, Namjoon could have died today and it would have been your fault. The thought made you burst into tears.

Everyone was spooked. "Y/N? Why are you crying?" Seokjin awkwardly patted your head.

"Oh I forgot to mention." Hoseok said with an awkward smile. "The medicine can cause side effects..."

"Like what?" Yoongi questioned.

"Uh mood swings and like superhuman strength." Hoseok looked at you. "The doctor said it would probably last for... twenty-four hours."

Warily, everyone looked at you. Well, you don't get angry most of the time! They should be fine... right?

It's been a few minutes and the tears wouldn't stop. "I-It's my fault!" You cried out.

"No!" Namjoon tried to reassure you. "It was my own fault."

Blindly, you reached beside you and grabbed the fabric underneath your fingertips. Snatching it up, you blew your nose into it.

"Ew!" Seokjin snatched his cape away. "Look where you're grabbing!"

The tears stopped at an instant and you set the meanest glare you ever did. Seokjin froze as everyone did also. "Oh he's dead." Jimin said.

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