Chapter 1

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The alarm springing wakes me up. I jump out of bed and check my calendar, today is the day. Today is the day my boyfriend promised to take us out for our first date. I have been begging this man to take me out on a proper date but he always complains about being busy with work. I know I am in love with a busy man but I also want him to take me out on weekends as other couples do. I only get to see him during the week and at night. It’s not easy dating a man with a company. He works even on weekends.

‘Good morning, gorgeous,’ the voice in my head reads the words on my phone screen. My lips curve into a smile.

I bite my lower lip and reply to the message, ‘Good morning, my king. Are we still on at ten?’

‘Of course, we are still on. See you soon!’

I put my phone on the charger. I need it fully charged for all the pictures I am going to take today. I fix the bed and then head to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I am very excited about today. I am going to SilverStar for the first time. It is a hotel, and casino, there is also entertainment and restaurants.

After brushing my teeth, I look for something to wear. I think black shorts, a loose t-shirt and sneakers would do. The shorts are not too much. My man hates it when I show people his asserts. When I am done choosing my outfit, I go to the kitchen. I rent a two bedroomed apartment in Roodepoort – my man rents it for me. I won the lotto on that man, he is the full package. He loves, respects and treats me like a princess.

In the kitchen, I make myself breakfast. I have to eat before I leave the house in case we eat late. While eating I log into my social media. I don’t know if I should call myself an influencer but I have a huge following on Instagram and Tik Tok. People love me and they love what I post. I mean who wouldn’t love a whole me?

‘My favourite sister in the whole world.’ – Vukile. That’s my annoying brother.

‘I don’t have any money.’

‘Come on I am just greeting you.’ – Vukile.

‘Say what you want before I block you.’

‘Can you please borrow me two thousand rands? I promise I will pay it back by Saturday.’ – Vukile

‘Today is Saturday and do I look like a bank to you?’

“Come on, sis. You are dating a rich man. I need it. Please! I promise I won’t ask for money after this.’ – Vukile

‘This better be the last time. I am sending the money.’

I think I made a mistake telling Vukile that I am dating a rich man because now he sees me like an atm. My man gave me this money for lunch on Friday. Yes, my man spoils me a lot. He might be a busy man who owns one of the biggest car company in South Africa but he makes time for me when he can and spoils me rotten. After eating I send my man a text message telling him that I am going to shower and how much I wish he was joining me.


“Who are you talking to?” Leah envelops me from behind and rests her head on my back. I shove my phone in my pocket and then turn around to face her.

“Good morning, my love,” I kiss her.

“There is nothing good about this morning.”

“Lee we talked about this, you know I have to work,” I say with my hands on her waist. I kiss her forehead. She looks cute when sulking. “I promise I will come back earlier.”

“Why not go at all? It’s weekend and I promised Amahle that we are going out.”

“My love we will go tomorrow. Please!” I kiss her on the cheek, “Please my love!”

“But you never work weekends.”

“I know but this needs me and I have to be there. You know I choose you over anything,” I kiss her on the cheek then on the forehead followed by the lips, “I will come back early.”

“Fine but I will send Amahle to her grandmother, my mother to save myself from being asked about your whereabouts.”

I answer, “That will also give us some alone time tonight. Do you want me to bring you something?”

“Surprise me.”

I check my wrist watch and it is almost half past nine am, “My love let me love you and leave you.”

“I love you.”

I kiss her, “I love you more.”

I take my laptop bag and head out. On my way out, I kiss Amahle goodbye. She is watching cartoons. Kids of these days can spend the whole day and night with their eyes glued to the television. I get into the car and drive away. I drive into the first mall I see and walk into the first man’s store I find. I buy myself new clothes, something casual and ask to change my clothes in the changing rooms.


“Breakfast is ready, Amahle!”

“I am coming, mommy!” she replies with her eyes glued to the television. No one can separate this child from the television. I feel her father is the reason behind her being like this, Nkanyiso spoils her too much. Amahle owns an iPhone - the latest model, an Ipad for school and a laptop for God knows what. When I was her age all I needed was a new pen and book. I guess times have changed.


“One second,” she says but not moving. I go and unplug the WiFi. “Mom the WiFi is down!”

“I will check it, eat your food in the meantime!” I think I will keep it off for the rest of the day. That is the only way to get that child to do anything. When I go to the kitchen Amahle is now eating her food.

“Eat up and bathe so I can take you to grandmother’s place.”

“I hate grandmother’s place,” she mumbles, “She doesn’t allow me to watch TV for more than two hours and she has no WiFi.”

“What do you need WiFi for? I hope you did not download any social media platforms. I don’t want you on social media.”

She rolls her eyes. This kid! I don’t want her on social media because social media is a toxic place and no place for a seven-year-old. I also monitor her gadgets and see her search histories.

“Aunt Janet in the house!”

I sigh, “Hey Janet, I didn’t hear you drive in.”

“You can at least act like you are happy to see me, Leah. Where is my brother?”

“He went to work,” I reply.

“I need some money, about five thousand rands.”

I gasp, “A whole five thousand? What for?”

“Don’t gasp as if my brother doesn’t have it. I need five thousand, please call him for me. Don’t look at me like that, my brother has it.”

I sigh heavily, “I will call him.”

“And why is the WiFi not working?”

“I will check it,” I exit the room to go and get my phone. I try calling Nkanyiso but his phone goes straight to voicemail. “He is not picking up. He went to work,” I walk back into the kitchen.

“Are you sure he is at work?” Janet laughs, “I mean it’s Saturday.”

“Well, he said he is going to work. Unfortunately, I don’t have that kind of money on me, I was going to give it to you.”

She looks at me weighing me with her eyes, “As if you would. You want my brother’s money all to yourself.”

“Really Janet? In front of my child?”

“She is two, she doesn’t even hear me,” she says popping her gum, “When my brother comes tell him I was here.”

“I will.”

“Bye Amahle,” she kisses Amahle on the forehead, “I hope you don’t get like your mother.”

I just shake my head. I am used to this kind of treatment from Janet. To her, I am just a woman after her brother’s money. She is forgetting that I am also the woman that was with her brother when he had nothing. Suddenly I am a gold digger because her brother has made it in life. I am glad that Janet is the only one that doesn’t like me. Nkanyiso’s mother and siblings love me.

“Mom the WiFi is down,” says Amahle.

“Didn’t I tell you to get ready to go to grandmother’s place?”

“But mom…” she mumbles inaudible things leaving the room. She is lucky her father doesn’t allow me to hit her. I could have killed her by now. Amahle is so spoiled. She behaves like her crazy aunt Janet.

I wonder why Nkanyiso’s phone is not going through. That doesn’t sound like him at all. Nkanyiso answers his phone every time I call him. I try it one more time and it takes me to voicemail again. Maybe he forgot to charge it. My phone rings just after I place it down. It’s a number I don’t recognize.

Me: Hello!

Voice: My love…

Me: I told you to stop calling me.

I hang up and block the number.

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