Chapter 37

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Leah is back. I wonder what changed her mind. She looked very sure that she is never coming back to Nkanyiso. I guess he finally managed to convince her to come to him. I wouldn’t say I am happy that she is back. I feel like things will be awkward with her around. Noxolo and I are fine, I have no bad blood with her because I know that Nkanyiso doesn’t like her.

But, with Leah it is different. I know that Nkanyiso loves her and I have a feeling she will get all the attention now that she is here. I feel like Nkanyiso will never look at me now that she is back. He made it clear that he loves her more than me. He might not have said it but his actions speak for him. He loves her and the family loves her.

Is Leah going to be using the spare bedroom or will she be using the main bedroom with Nkanyiso? I ask and answer myself since I don’t have the courage to ask Nkanyiso. I don’t know how the sleeping arrangement will be but the whole thing makes me want to vomit. I know I was once ready to share Nkanyiso with Leah but I think I am seeing things differently now. The fact that we will all be sleeping under one roof and sharing Nkanyiso does not sit well with me. I thought the drama was over but it was just getting started.

I should have believed Nomhlekabo when she said this family is full of drama. Speaking of her, I wonder how she feels about her sister being pregnant for her husband’s brother. This is one messed up family I have to say and had I known things would turn out like this, I would have walked away the moment I found out about Leah.

Our late lunch went well, we ate and everyone was silent although I could tell we all had a lot to say. Leah couldn’t join us, because she said she has to unpack. Noxolo was the first to leave the table, I could tell she is uncomfortable with Leah being here. I could be too if I was in her position. Noxolo said she is going to wait for Amahle outside since it is almost knocking-off time.

I clear my throat, “Since Leah is back, does it mean there are new sleeping arrangements in the house?”

Nkanyiso takes my hand and kisses the back of it, “We will use the bedroom. Nothing changes.”

“Will Leah be happy with that?”

He answers, “I will handle Leah, worry about you and the baby.”

I excuse myself and go upstairs. I cannot believe Leah is back. There is really no peace in this house. There is always something after something. I was fine with Noxolo, did Leah have to come back? Nkanyiso was starting to act right, he was making it up to me and he has been a good man the past days. Just when I thought everything was now fine, Leah shows up. Now she will have Nkanyiso’s attention.

I go to the last room in the house. I need to make a phone call. I need to vent to someone about this.

Tiana: Hey, girl! I am at work, what’s up?

Me: Leah is back, she came back today.

Tiana: I don’t understand…

Me: She came back meaning she is moving back to the house now. I guess that means she wants her marriage back.
Tiana: Did Nkanyiso talk to you about it?

Me: He only mentioned it today and said she might come today and that he had given her two days to come home. I don’t know what that was about.

Tiana: I don’t know what to say about all this friend and my advice is still the same. I don’t think that man deserves you. You deserve better than him.

Me: Can we not talk about that, you know what my response is.

Tiana: So what now? You will be sharing him with Leah and the other pregnant lady?

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