Chapter 23

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(not edited)


Month ends are hectic, I always get home late and tired. It is as if I just live to go to work yet I am still broke at the end of the month. I have been trying to look for a better job but I haven't gotten any response from all the companies I have been applying to. I just wish for a miracle. I wish I could receive a message from anyone telling me I got a better job. Being a waitress doesn't pay much and bills don't care how much you earn. They also want to be paid.

Despite my horrible life, something or should I say someone has been making me feel the butterflies in my stomach. Nkanyiso and I have been talking for the past month and I feel a spark between us. We are friends and he hasn't asked me out yet but I think I am falling for him. He is a nice guy. We meet for lunch once in a while and I think I am starting to like him. I wonder if he feels the same.

'Good morning, pretty lady.' - Nkanyiso.

Did I mention that he also randomly checks up on me? I love it and I think it's sweet. I swear he is ticking all my boxes. He is just the perfect man for me. He also owns a car company - well, that is just a bonus. I don't care about a man's money. I care about his love and nothing is more attractive than a man that keeps his promises.

'Good morning, Mr Madida. How are you today?'

'I like me Mr Madida in person too. I am good by the way. Any plans for the day?' - Nkanyiso.

'I have three days off from work so I will be home all day.'

'Can I take you out on a date?' - Nkanyiso.

'I am available today so yes.'

'How is eleven am? Or you can suggest a time you are fine with.'- Nkanyiso.

'Eleven is fine.'

'Tell me where to pick you up.' - Nkanyiso.

I log off my WhatsApp and start looking for something to wear. I could never understand how I have a wardrobe full of clothes but never have anything to wear. I have to look nice for my date. I take dates seriously and I think everyone should.


I took Tiana's advice and started doing things around the house and doing everything for Nkanyiso. I am also taking online cooking lessons. I have to say my man is happy but I am not. Staying at the house and taking care of the house is very exhausting. I don't know how everyone does it but it's exhausting and draining being a house wife. Sometimes I cheat - sometimes I call Aphiwe to help me clean and get the house in order. Ironing is the worst and I hate it.

I am not a robot and this house is huge. There is no way I could keep it clean, cook and do laundry. I won't even get time for myself. This is why rich people have helpers. Nkanyiso says he doesn't want a stay-in helper and I think he us convinced I got everything under control. I think we need a stay-in helper. I don't know what the difference is and why Nkanyiso doesn't want one. The person will just be there to help.

Anyways, I am just glad that months are moving and that means Nkanyiso will officially be a free man again. That also means he can marry me now. I hope he is not thinking of just keeping me as his woman. I deserve the Madida title. Speaking of the Madidas, Nkanyiso apologized for his sister's behavior and promised that he will tell everyone that we are together.

I also love how he has been treating me lately. He is back to the sweet Nkanyiso I fell in love with. I think Tiana's advice worked. Ever since I started playing my part and stopped nagging him, he has been a good man.

"Hey," Nkanyiso kisses me on the cheek. I am making breakfast, "I will grab something on my way to work so you don't have to dish up for me."

"No problem."

"I am also coming home a little late today so don't wait up," he adds.

"What will you be busy with?"

"Work, you and Amahle should have a great time," he kisses me and heads out. Amahle is here. I have nothing against this child but man this child is very stubborn. She doesn't listen and all she does is watch TV all day. She is very spoiled and one day I will kill her.

"Amahle come and eat," I call her.

"I am coming!"

This is what she does. She says she is coming but never does. I go to the sitting room and turn off the TV. I don't know how they were doing things when her mother was around but we need to set some ground rules.

"Listen, young lady, go and eat your food then you can watch your cartoons."

She folds her arms, "No!"

"Then no TV for you today."

She grabs her Ipad on the table and I snatch it from her hands. She screams, "Give it back!"

"I will give it to you when you eat."

"You are not my mother! You can't tell me what to do!" she screams at me. I will kill somebody's child if she continues to disrespect me.

"Go eat your food or I will do what your mother failed to do and that is discipline you."

"I am not eating!" she sits down and folds her arms.

"Amahle go and eat."

"I don't want to eat," she stands and stormed up the stairs. Argh, kids are annoying. I follow her and catch her by the stairs.

"Go and eat," I pull her arm and she slips and falls down the stairs. Oh my God, what have I done? I rush to check up on her and she is unconscious. Nkanyiso is going to kill me. I take my phone and call the ambulance then call takes a while for her to answer but eventually, she does.

Tiana: I am at work...

Me: Nkanyiso's daughter fell down the stairs. She is unconscious and I don't know what to do.

Tiana: Have you called the ambulance?

Me: I have but I am scared. Nkanyiso left her on my watch.

Tiana: Accidents happen all the time. Have you called her father?

Me: I will call him now.

Tiana: I have to get back to work but please keep me updated and don't worry about the little girl. She will be fine.


I switch off my phone when I receive a phone call from Nandi. I will handle her when I get back home. I am meeting up with Pearl for lunch. I pick her up near Credlestone Mall then we drive to Clearwater Mall.

"I hope I didn't disturb your rest," I say to Pearl. She is very pretty and I love that she puts effort into her looks when coming to see me. It shows that our meet ups mean something to her.

She answers, "I have two more days to rest so don't worry."

"Any man in your life, Pearl? I know I should have asked sooner but I didn't want to come up as forward. We hardly knew each other back then."

She says, "I am single and you, any wife in your life?"


She chuckles, "Just checking...I don't want to get best up."

"There is no wife...we divorced months ago."

"Who messed up?" she questions.

"I did and I lost a good woman but I have met you and I was hoping you could be that special woman in my life."

She smiles, "Don't speak indirectly."

"Will you be my woman, Pearl? I would love to give us a try."

She nods, "I would love to give us a try too."

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