Chapter 4

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"Don't fall asleep," Nkanyiso squeezes my hand. We are sun basking next to the pool. I wish we could stay like this and enjoy each other's company but Nkanyiso has work and then we have Amahle. Not that I am complaining but I feel like the only time I get to spend time with my husband is the weekend. During the week he comes home around nine pm and most of the time Amahle would be fast asleep. We never have any family time during the week.


"I am not sleeping, I am just thinking," I sit up and take off my sunglasses, "Why don't we go on a family vacation? I miss spending time with you."

"We spend time together all the time."

"Not as family. Schools are closing soon maybe you, Amahle and I can go to Durban," I suggest, "Before you use work as an excuse, you can ask one of your brothers to hold in for you."

"I will think about it."

"Thank you. Let's go make something to eat," I make my way into the house. A vacation is exactly what we need. We haven't gone on a vacation in two years now. I go to the bedroom to get one of Nkanyiso's shirts to put on top of my bikini. I love wearing his shirts and he always complains about me staining his work shirts but that doesn't stop me from wearing them.

"I am almost done," I say when I feel someone envelop me from behind. Why does he smell different? "Nkanyiso I need my hands and arms to make the food."

He whispers in my ear, "Just two more minutes."

I push his hands on me and look around to see if no one is nearby, "What are you doing? What is wrong with you?"

"My love..."

I interrupt him, "I am not your love. Mazwi, I am your brother's wife. Please leave and what if someone saw you?"

"They are all outside."

"Leave the kitchen before I throw this plate at you. Are you crazy?" What if someone had seen him do that?

"Where is Amahle?" he asks.

"Stop bothering my wife, Mazwi," Nkanyiso walks into the kitchen. He opens the fridge and takes out a pack of Heineken, "Love my brothers are here, all of them."

"I will make enough food."

He grabs Mazwi by his jacket and leaves with him. That's how they behave around each other and I hope he didn't hear anything I said to Mazwi. Since his brothers are here then I have to cook. I change into something decent and then get started. I plug in the kettle to boil the eater for sad and chop the collard vegetables while defrosting the beef in the microwave. There is this technique I learnt from my mother of keeping my meat, especially beef boiled in case of emergencies.

What I do is boil my meat in small, already chopped to small portions. Pack it in small bags and put it in the freezer in case I get visitors then I don't have to boil the meat for long. Nkanyiso hates it. He says it's ghetto but it comes in handy in cases like today. After cooking. I dish up ionone big plate. These men eat like animals and they don't care if they are not served individually.

I call Nqobile to help me with the plates - I sent him a text message. Nqobile is the youngest in the Madida family. They go like this; Nigel, Mazwi, Nkanyiso, Janet then Nqobile. My Mother-in-law is a babymaker.

"Hello everyone!" I kneel and start washing their hands. Nqobile is already eating before I even finish washing everyone's hands. When I am done I give them room to eat. I also send my mother a text message telling her that I will pick up Amahle in the evening.

"Hello, Leah," Janet walks into the kitchen. Kill me!

"Hey, Janet!"

"Did you tell my brother I was looking for him?" she opens the fridge and takes out the juice. She drinks from the bottle. I feel like she does these things to provoke me.

"I forgot but you can ask him yourself since he is here."

She folds her arms, "Why do I feel like you did it on purpose?"

"Janet he is your brother and you have his phone number. Why don't you ask him?"

"I didn't know you are also here," Nkanyiso joins us and he brought the plates. They must be done eating.

"Hey, brother! I was about to come to greet you," Janet scratches the back of their head. "Can I have some money?"

Nkanyiso doesn't hesitate to say, "I am not giving you any money and Leah don't give her any money. You are twenty - four. Get a job like other girls your age."

"You know jobs are hard to find."

"Then get yourself a sugar daddy," Nkanyiso leaves the kitchen. What kind of advice is that? But I am glad he didn't give her the money. Janet is very spoil other brothers also have money but she wants to bother my husband.


It's Monday! My apartment is clean, I cooked for my man, and I am in a sexy outfit. The only thing missing is the man of the hour. Eric is coming to my house as he promised. I still feel bad for thinking he is cheating on me. I don't know why I had that thought. He hasn't given me any reason to think he is cheating on me.

I check the time on my phone and it's six thirty pm. He should be here any moment. I tell Tiana to stay away from my apartment because I don't want her walking in on the unmentionable.

"I'm here!" Eric walks in carrying flowers and a gift bag. Talk about a man who understands my love language.

"Hey! Is that for me?"

"Of course, it's for you and you look amazing," he kisses me, "I missed you so much."

"I missed you more! I also want to apologize for what I said."

"You can make it up to me," he presses my body against his and kisses me. He unzips my dress, lets it fall on the floor, carries me to the bedroom and we make love.


"I was thinking, when will I get to see your family?" I ask Eric. I am in his arms.

"When you are ready."

I smile, "How about this weekend?"

"Let's make it Friday night."

"I can't wait!" I get out of bed and rush to the bathroom. I am sick of this bleeding after sex and the blood is dark. I clean myself up and join Eric in bed.

"Are you okay?" he questions.

"I bleed every time we have sexual intercourse and I am worried. At first, I thought it's the birth control I am on but I bleed every time we get intimate."

"See a doctor just to be sure," he suggests.

"Please come with me. I am scared it might be something serious."

He kisses my shoulders, "I will be with you and holding your hand."

"You are the best."

He says, "You bring out the best in me and my life changed ever since I met you. You are the missing piece I needed."

"You are very sweet."

I hate the part when Eric has to leave and no matter how much I convince him to sleep over he never does. I walk him out and get back to my apartment. Damn these stomach cramps are back. Get on the injection it will stop your period they said. They forgot to mentiom that it makes things worse for other women. I heat my hot water bottle and put it on my stomach.

'Call me when you get home.' I send a text message to Eric.

To think of it, I don't even know where Eric lives. He has never invited me to his house. He says he stays with his mom that's why I can not visit. He doesn't allow me to visit him at work either. Maybe I should show up at his workplace and surprise him.

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