Chapter 26

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Pearl is joking, right? She is just pulling my leg, right? There is no way she is expecting me to wait. What kind of a relationship will it be if we don’t get intimate? It would be as if we were back in high school where people dated for hugs and kisses. I also don’t understand why she wants me to wait yet another man has already had her. That is very ridiculous. Maybe if she was a virgin I would understand but this is ridiculous. Even Leah didn’t play hard to get as Pearl is doing.

“So you want me to wait until we get married?” I ask Pearl and she nods, “What if we don’t get married?”

“Then it means it is not meant to be. Listen, Nkanyiso, I like you but these are my rules.”

“What is the point of these rules if I may ask? What do you get out of it?” I am curious.

“It is not about what I get out of it. It is about what I believe in.”

I chuckle, “So you believe in no sex before marriage yet you are not a virgin? Please make that make sense to me.”

“I am not a virgin but that doesn’t mean I am a public toilet either that anyone can come have their way. As I said, these are my rules. They don’t need to make sense to anyone as long as they make sense to me.”

I say, “It just doesn’t make sense to me. Why wait when you have already done it?”

“It is a decision I made with myself and God. I made a covenant with myself and God that I will remain pure until the right man comes.”

“But you are no longer pure since you have already done it…” I tell her.

“It’s called celibacy.”

Talk about drama. Celibacy in this century, “Okay so you don’t want to have sex before marriage. You do know that a relationship is a partnership between two people and for it to work two people have to sometimes compromise.”

“I know that but on this one there is no compromise on my side. I will not have sex to a man I am not married to.”

“That is just ridiculous, Pearl. You have already had sex before and your vagina is probably not as tight as a virgin's so what is the use of waiting,” I ask.

“You are being a jerk right now and I don’t like it. I am not going to argue with you. If you think this is ridiculous then maybe you should find someone else that doesn’t mind sleeping with a man that is not their husband or a man that isn’t even known by their family.”

I say, “Relax, we are not fighting. Isn’t we are talking – people talk especially those in a relationship. I just want you to make this make sense to me. So you want to marry someone that you don’t even know will satisfy you in bed. And what if your vagina is not tight enough for me?”

“There is no such thing as a loose vagina.”

“There is sweetie,” I reply.

“So you are telling me that the same vagina that can squeeze out a whole human being out and still go back to its original state can be loosened by a couple of dicks. I wasn’t born yesterday.”

I sigh, “So we are not getting intimate?”

“Yes, sir.”

“What if I want sex? I am a man after all.” I tell her.

“Not having sex has never killed anyone, Nkanyiso.”

I sigh, “So you are telling me you don’t get horny?”

“I do but it’s all in the mind. The day you don’t think with your private part is the day you realize that sex isn’t everything.”

“Then what is everything, sweetheart?” I ask her.

“Life, happiness, emotional and financial stability.”

“It’s clear I won’t win this argument with you. Fine then, I will respect your decision.” I tell her but I know she will let down her guard soon. They all do. At first, they act all holy but soon she will find herself under me. “So you are not even going to invite me into your house for juice?”

“Nkanyiso I meant what I said, no males are allowed in my house. I would rather buy you something to drink.”

“So I will never see your house?” I ask and she nods.

“Look if you can’t handle it then I suggest you walk away now. I will not bend my rules for you or anyone. I love you but this is what I want and it’s up to you if you can handle that.”

I shift closer and place my hands on her waist, “You love me?”

“That came out wrong.”

“I love you too and since I love you then I will try to follow your rules,” I tell her.

“Thank you.”

“Since I am going away. Here’s my card, you can go shopping,” I reach for my wallet and take out my card.

“No, thanks. I would rather you buy me something and give it to me.”

That’s new. No woman says no to the card, “Are you sure?”

“I am sure.”

“Let’s go grab something to eat, I am starving,” I open the car door for Pearl and then close it once she is in. My phone rings just as I go around so I can get in the car. It is Nandi – The last time I ignored her call it was an emergency so I answer it.

Me: Hey!

Nandi: We have a visitor. She claims to be your mother.

Me: (curses) I am on my way.

Nandi: Hurry she doesn’t look happy.

I get in the car and say to Pearl, “My mother just showed up at my house unannounced, I have to go.”

“It’s okay…I guess I will see you when you come back from Durban.”

“I am sorry that I have to cancel. I will call you,” I kiss her on the cheek and then wait for her to get out of the car before driving away. Why didn’t my mother tell me that she is coming? Now I have to prepare myself for the lecture. Not forgetting how she has already met Nandi. I have been meaning to tell her about Leah and me separating.


Justin and I are officially seeing each other. We are seeing each other but laying low at the office. I am not ready for the rumors and I wouldn’t want people to think I get special treatment. I work hard just like everyone else. Justin and I are together and soon I will be introducing him to Amahle. I already told Amahle that her father and I cannot stay together anymore and that we decided not to be together. I made sure to explain to her that her father and I are still friends and that she can visit him anytime she wishes.

“Coffee for the boss,” I place a cup of coffee next to Justin. So I finally found out the reason why he drinks so much coffee. He doesn’t drink any alcohol. He says his father was an alcoholic so he doesn’t drink alcohol and he also doesn’t drink anything fizzy – a medical condition.

“Thank you,” he steals a kiss, “I have a present for you.”

“I love presents,” I say receiving the nicely wrapped box, “Justin!”

“You have been having trouble asking people to pick you up and drop you off so I decided to get you a car. I put it in your name with Sammy’s help, she stole your details.”

“Thank you. A Kia Carnival? Thank you very much.”

“It is not as nice as your old one…”

I shut him up with a kiss, “It’s the best gift and I love it. You bought me a car and I am happy.”

“I am glad.”

“My eyes are closed,” Sammy walks into the office, “Justin we need to talk.”

“Sammy there is no need to close your eyes. It’s not like we are doing anything.” – Justin.

“You may never know. Maybe you two are having office sex,” she says. I show Sammy the car keys and then head out to go see my car in the parking lot. I am very lucky when it comes to men. I always get ones that understand my love language. I love gifts.

I get in the car and take it out for a spin – just five minutes. I am still at work. I love it! My phone rings just when I am going back to the office. It’s Nkanyiso’s mother.

Me: Hello, ma!

Mrs Madida: Makoti where are you?

Me: I am at work…

Mrs Madida: I am at your house, what is happening between you and Nkanyiso? Why is there a woman I don’t know at your house?

Me: Nkanyiso and I separated. I thought he told you.

Mrs Madida: He didn’t say anything to me. I want to talk to you, you can’t just separate with your husband without telling the family.

Me: I told Nigel and Mazwi.

Mrs Madida: Why didn’t you tell me, Leah? You are a daughter to me and to go to your house and find another woman…

Me: Nkanyiso and I have moved on it is what it is. I don’t want to fix things.

Mrs Madida: I need you to come to the house so we can talk. This is not how things are done and you know it.

Me: I cannot come there, I am sorry. That house is no longer my home. I can request an Uber for you so you can come to my apartment. Or we can meet somewhere and talk.

Mrs Madida: You were introduced to the Madida ancestors meaning you are still our daughter. I want you here…

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