Chapter 42

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“Let’s toast to you being a free woman,” I pour Leah some wine. Nkanyiso has signed the divorce papers meaning soon Leah will be freed from that coward of a man. I have to say, getting him to sign was a lot easier than I expected. Who signs twice and does not even check what they are signing. Maybe we should try and make him sign over his company to Leah. It seems he thinks with his dick.

I have to say, Nkanyiso disappointed me. He is not the man he claims to be. This was way easier than I thought, dealing with him is like taking candy from a child.

“Finally, I am free,” Leah gulps down all her wine, “I am not going back home today.”

“Hey now don’t get too excited. Tables can turn at any moment. If you say Nkanyiso is the man you claim he is then we have to be careful.”

She sighs, “Fine but I am not going back home today. I want to be next to you and I want you to make love to me the whole night.”

“And where will you say you are spending the night to Nkanyiso?”

“I will tell him that I am with Sammy. He will not question that,” she replies.

“Sleeping at Sammy’s after promising him some sugar? Do you have to be that cruel, woman?”

She laughs, “He will never have me. He had me and he lost me.”

“Plus, you are mine now and I don’t like sharing.”

She bites her lower lip, “Who would have known a random guy from the bar would end up helping me leave my toxic marriage? Also that I would fall in love with him."

“I guess we were meant to meet. I never thought I would find love at a bar too.”

“You love me?” she asks wearing a smile. I lean and kiss her.

“I do love you, Leah.”

“When we first met, you said you love inflicting pain on people,” she reminds me. "What is that about?"

“I said on bad guys. I don’t like people who take advantage of other people. I am a good guy unless provoked.”

She smiles, “I am also a good person unless provoked.”

“Can I take you out of the country after this mess? Can we go somewhere where we can start a new life away from Nkanyiso and his toxic family?”

She nods, “I would love that but for now, I need to deal with Nkanyiso. I want him to cry every time he thinks of playing or hurting a woman.”

“Remind me never to mess with you.”

She chuckles, “Wait until you meet my best friend. She is crazier than me. She burnt Nkanyiso’s office when I told her that he was cheating on me.”

“Should I be scared of her?”

“No, Sammy is a good person,” she replies.

“Before I forget, we need to get Amahle out of that house before proceeding with the plan. Do you have anyone that can watch her for a couple of days?”

She says, “I will take her to my sister. Nkanyiso doesn’t know where she lives. I need her to be where Nkanyiso cannot have access to her.”

“Enough about Nkanyiso, how about we take this party to the bedroom?”

Her ringing phone disturbs us and it is Nkanyiso. She answers it and put it on speaker.

Leah: Hey, love!

Nkanyiso: Where are you?

Leah: I met up with Sammy for drinks and I am a little drunk so I will sleep over at her place.

Nkanyiso: When were you planning on telling this?

Leah: I was going to text you. I am sorry, Madida.

Nkanyiso: I am coming to pick you up!

Leah: Am I a prisoner now? I said I am sleeping over at Sammy’s I will see you tomorrow. I won’t do anything it’s just Sammy and me.

Nkanyiso: I want you here first thing in the morning.

Leah: Yes, love and I haven’t forgotten your treat.

Nkanyiso: How can you sleep at Sammy’s place after promising me something?

Leah: I will make it up to you. I have to go, bye.

Nkanyiso: I want you here first thing in the morning.

Leah: I heard you love.

She hangs up and switches her phone off. She looks at me and smiles, “You don’t look happy?”

“Why does he have to be called love and not me?”

She takes the whiskey from my hands and places it on my table. She sits on my lap facing me, “I might not say it often but you mean so much more to me.”

“Then marry me once the divorce is final.”

“Easy tiger, we have all the time in the world to love each other. Let’s not rush into getting married,” she says.

“I won’t be like Nkanyiso, I promise.”

She kisses me, “I know but I want us to love each other and have fun together first before tying the knot.”

“Your wish is my command, my queen.”

“Take me to the bedroom,” she commands.



When I wake up, the sun is up and Wayne has already left for work. I don’t know why he didn’t wake me up. It must have something to do with Nkanyiso ordering me to be at the house first thing in the morning. I know he hates it when I leave him to be with Nkanyiso.

I get out of bed and go to the shower. It is already eight am and I am sure Nkanyiso has already left for work. I called Amahle’s driver yesterday and asked him not to pick her up today. Today she is skipping school because I am taking her to my sister’s house. I want her out of that house. I have a few clothes at Wayne’s house so I change. If Nkanyiso sees me and asks, I will just tell him that I got them from Sammy.

From Wayne’s house, I drive home. I can’t help but think about what Wayne said. I love him but I don’t want to get married to him, not yet. I can’t jump from one marriage to another. I want us to enjoy being together and have fun.

I pack Amahle’s clothes when I am at the house. Most of her clothes are at my apartment but we had left some here so she did not bring anything when moving back. I pack all her clothes and gadgets. I know she will not be using all these things. My sister will put her in tune and she is not afraid to use the belt. When done I tell Amahle to get what she needs because we are going.

“What is with the bag?” Nandi asks.

“You know you could mind your own business, Nandi.”

“I don’t get you, one moment you are nice and the next you are mean,” she says.

“I am sorry, I am in a hurry. I have to take Amahle to my sister’s house. Have you seen Noxolo?”

“I think she is in her room,” she replies, “You didn’t come home last night.”

One day I will punch this woman in the face. I don’t know why she is always in my face, “I slept at a friend’s. We had a lot to drink and I couldn’t come back home.”

“You smell men's cologne.”

I smile, “Yes, I am wearing men’s cologne. Do you have a problem with that?”

“No, but you said at a friend’s place.”

I say, “I never said female either.”

“So Nkanyiso allowed you to sleep at a male’s place?”

“Nandi, don’t you have things to do than bother me? Nkanyiso knows where I was so I don’t owe you any explanation. Now please get out of my face, thank you.” I take my daughter and head out.

‘We need to talk, it is argent.’ – Sammy.

‘I am dropping off Amahle at my sister’s house then I will see you after work.’

I take Amahle to my sister’s house. Amahle and my sister’s kids get along so I know she will be in good hands. I then drive back to the house and get a few documents. I can tell Nandi has a lot of questions but I am wearing a serious face she doesn’t try me.

From the house, I drive to Sammy’s place. It is already half six in the evening. I will need a hot bath after all this. Today has been a long day. “Welcome,” Sammy hands me a glass of wine as soon as I walk in.

“What are we celebrating?”

“You will find out in a few moments,” she leads me to the lounge. Soft music is playing and candles are lit. What am I missing? She smiles and gets down on one knee.

“What are you doing?”

She takes my hand, “Leah Mavimbela…you are one special someone in my life. Your presence in my life is felt and I could never ask for a better friend. Firstly I want you to know that I love you but I think I have found the love of my life. So, Leah Mavimbela, would you please be my maid of honor? I asked my girlfriend to marry me and she said yes. We want to get married in a week, nothing fancy just an intimate section. I want you to be my maid of honor."

“Bitch!” I exhale heavily, “For a second I thought you were going to ask me to marry you.”

“I love you but not like that. So what do you say?”

“Of course, I will be your maid of honor and congratulations. Can I meet her now? Then girl ypu are always talking about," I ask.

“She is here so yes, you can meet her.”

“Gosh, you scared me for a moment,” I gulp down all my wine. "Do you always have to be extra?"

"It's go big or go home, sweetie."

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