Chapter 34

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It is one thing to share your husband with another woman and it is another thing to share your house with another woman. I think now I believe what my mother used to say, two women cannot live under the same roof and get along. God knows I have nothing on Noxolo but I am sick of her. I am sick of her and her stories.

Noxolo doesn't want to help around the house. When she wasn't around I used to sneak in a helper to come to help me with the chores. Now it is the two of us and she doesn't want to help. She uses her pregnancy as an excuse to get out of everything. I am also pregnant. I know unlike her I am not showing but this is not fair.

Right now I am sitting outside thinking about everything. This is not how I thought my life would turn out. This is not how I thought I would end up with Nkanyiso. I thought we were going to live happily. I thought he was going to marry me, give me my dream wedding, have our beautiful kids, and live happily.

I guess life had other plans. Now I am with a man that loves every woman he sees. I have a man who is not afraid to even cheat with family. If Noxolo is Nomhlekabo's sister then she is family. I can not believe I am in this mess. Mazwi warned me. Tiana warned me but at the time I was blinded by love and the only words that made sense were from Nkanyiso.

My ringing phone disturbs me from my thoughts. It is my mother.

Me: Hello, mama.

Mom: Hey, you have been quiet lately. Are you okay?

Me: Yes, I am fine. Thank you for checking up on me.

Mom: Are you sure, Nandi? You are one to post on your social media daily but it has been months. I am worried, you are not one to be quite like that.

Me: It's nothing. I guess I grew up and have matured now.

Mom: Come visit us for the weekend. We miss you and please put us at ease, even Vukile thinks something is wrong with you.

Me: Vukile is saying that because I no longer send him money.

Mom: Can we see you? Come home for the weekend.

Me: I have to get back to you on that.

Mom: Nandi you can talk to me. What is wrong my child? I know something is bothering you. Please talk to me.

Me: It's nothing.

Mom: Should I come there because I will. If it means forcing Tiana to tell me where you live then I will do it. You are worrying me and I have been having bad dreams about you.

Me: It's...I fell in love with a man and we dated for two years only for me to find out that he is married. I know that should have been my cue to leave but I was deeply in love with him. Now I stay with him, and he lies and cheats on me. I am even pregnant now.

Mom: Oh Nandi my child...why didn't you tell me? You know you can come home if you want to.

Me: I don't want to be a burden to you.

Mom: You are my child. You can never be a burden to me. Come home...

Me: I am carrying his child. I don't want my child to grow up without a father.

Mom: You know that is not all. You can't use the baby as an excuse.

Me: I love him, I love him very much.

Mom: This will always be your home and you can come back home if you ever need to. There is no shame in being a single mother. I raised you and your brother on my own.

Me: I hear you. I have to go.

Mom: Take care of yourself my child and remember you can always talk to me. I would never judge you.

Me: I know and thank you.


I have been trying to call Leah but she is still ignoring my calls. I don't know why she is making it all this hard. All she had to do was be a good wife and come home but she wanted me to show her how ruthless I can get. Only if she had listened to me then her boyfriend would still be alive.

I try calling her one more time but she declines the call. I know she is grieving her boyfriend but I don't care. I gave her a week to come home. She is my wife and she deserves to be by my side.

"Mr Polygamy," Mazwi walks into my office.

"What is at your office that you don't want to spend time there?"

"My office is boring and you happen to live in a fascinating life so why be bored there," he sits opposite me.

"I am busy with work."

"What is this I hear about Noxolo? Nomhlekabo is angry and she wanted to come to your house," he says.

"Noxolo got pregnant on purpose. And she is the one that came onto me first. I don't even like her."

He replies, "You are not a child, Nkanyiso. I don't want to lie, I am not happy with your behavior lately. You are out of control and it is getting out of hand. You are abusing women and you are killing people for no reason at all."

"Who did I kill?"

"Leah's boyfriend!" he yells, "Do you think she will love you after killing her boyfriend?"

"She will come back to her senses."

"You are getting out of hand. It is about time mother sits you down. It seems she is the only one that can handle you," he retorts.

"You will not come here and talk to me like I am a child. I am going to get some air," I stand up and get my phone heading.

"You can run brother but you cannot hide. What you are doing is wrong," he calls after me.

I head out and drive to Leah's workplace. They say she did not come in today. She must be crying for her boyfriend. She better cry fast and prepare to come back home. Things were not that deep with that man for her to be stuck on him. They met after we separated that was not a long time ago.

"Why are you here, Nkanyiso Madida?" Sammy stands in front of me.

"Definitely not here for you."

"Why won't you leave my friend alone? You hurt and cheat on her and now you don't want to let her go. What is wrong with you?" she asks.

"I don't owe you any explanation, Sammy."

"Stop what you are doing because this time I will burn more than your office," she threatens.

"Listen here, sweetness. The only reason you are still alive is that you are Leah's best friend. Stay in your lane," I walk away.

Leah must be at her house. I get her flowers, I am sure she is receiving lots of them after what happened. She better take this as a warning that I will do whatever it takes to get her back home. I also get her some chocolate and ice cream. I heard women eat those a lot when crying.

I knock when I get to her house. She is ignoring me but I saw her car. I continuously knock. A shirtless man opens to door for me. He says, "Can I help you?"

"I should ask you the same question, what are you doing in my wife's apartment?"

He chuckles, "You must be Nkanyiso. You are a lot smaller than I imagined."

"Who is at the door?" I hear Leah ask.

The man replies, "They are selling something."

"I need to talk to my wife," I try to walk in but he blocks my way.

"Don't make a fool of yourself. Just go back to where you came from because you are not seeing Leah. Not today!"

"And who that fuck are you?" I feel like punching him in the face.

"Wayne Mabaso. If you don't mind, we were in the middle of something," he slams the door is my face.

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