Chapter 5

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It’s ten pm and still, Nkanyiso is not back home from work. This is one of the reasons I need a job because now I seem like I don’t have a life. My job is to monitor Nkanyiso’s coming in and out of the house. I can’t do this anymore. I need something to keep busy with before I go crazy. Nkanyiso will not be happy with me making this decision without consulting with him first but he will get over it. I call my friend Samantha.

Sammy: Leah it is ten pm. Some of us are single and we sleep early.

Me: Hey, I am so sorry to call late but this couldn’t wait.

Sammy: I am listening…

Me: Is that secretary position still open? I would like to apply for it.

Sammy: It is but I thought you said your husband doesn’t want you to work.

Me: I will deal with my husband. Should I fix my CV and bring it?

Sammy: I will talk to Justin and schedule a meeting tomorrow if that is fine with you. We really need a secretary and soon. People quit every day.

Me: Why do people quit? Is the boss mean?

Sammy: He is and I hope you will be able to handle him. The salary is good though.

Me: I need something to keep busy with. I am sure it is better than staying at home.

Sammy: What about Amahle, who is going to watch her?

Me: She spends the day at school and knocks off around four pm. You knock off at five pm meaning I will also knock off at five pm. I think I will manage.

Sammy: If you say so. I hope you get this job – it would be lovely working with my best friend.

Me: I hope I get the job too. What time should I come in?

Sammy: Eleven am will be fine. I will clear Justin’s schedule around that time.

Me: Thanks girl, I owe you one.

Sammy: Thank you. We really need a secretary - you have no idea.

That went better than I expected. I get off the couch, switch off the TV and take my wine glass to the kitchen. I think I am getting addicted to wine. I guess that’s what happens when one is always bored and has nothing to do. I check on Amahle, she’s fast asleep. I then head to the bedroom. I get my laptop and fix my CV then go to Nkanyiso's workroom. He has a printer in there so I print out my CV. I hope I get this job. On my way out I bump into Nkanyiso.

“Hey, you are back?”

“What is that in your hands?” he asks.

I kiss him, “My CV, I am looking for a job.”

He follows me to the bedroom, “May I ask why?”

“I am tired of being a housewife. I want to work now.”

“Don’t you think that is something we should have talked about? Especially knowing how I feel about you working,” he tosses his jacket on the bed and starts unbuttoning his shirt so he can change.

“I was going to talk to you when you came back home. I want to work now.”

He says, “I don’t want my wife to work. Am I not providing everything for you?”

“It’s not about that, it’s about me wanting to be more than a housewife.”

“That doesn’t make sense!” he yells then calms himself down, “My love I don’t want you to work. Who will cook and look after Amahle when you are working?”

“I will do both.”

“You are just giving yourself extra work. So you want to work a nine to five then come back home and cook? Not forgetting that you have to help Amahle with homework and make sure everything is fine in the house,” he says and I nod. I know I can manage. I have done it before. I just don’t like staying at home anymore.

“I can manage, I promise.”

He stares into my eyes, “I don’t want you to work and no wife of mine is working.”

“I don’t need your approval, love. I am working whether you like it or not.”

He chuckles, “So you are challenging me, Leah?”

“I am not. I would never do that but I am telling you that this is what I want and this is what I am doing.”

“How would you feel if I just decide to take another wife because for some reason that is what I want?” he asks.

“You can’t seriously compare those two things.”

He says, “Well I feel like taking another wife.”

“Go ahead! Go ahead and see what I will do to her,” I get under the covers and cover my head. I hear something tear and I know it’s my CV. I can always print out another one. And I am getting that job.


Leah is a definition of ‘women will test you.’ She is that one person that makes you want to put your hands on them. But, I would never put my hands on my wife. I am just not happy with her decision. She knows how I feel about her working and she dares to challenge me. I know I married a stubborn woman but I am not happy with what she is doing right now and I don’t want a wife that works. I can provide for her, I give her everything she desires. I don’t know why she feels the need to get a job.

I change into my night clothes and get in bed. I showered at Nandi’s house so there is no need for me to shower again. The following morning when I wake up, Leah is no longer in bed. Usually, I am the first to wake up. I get out of bed and head to the bathroom. Leah is in the bathroom. I take off my clothes and join her in the shower.

“You are up early,” I say.

“I want to prepare Amahle’s things, make breakfast then prepare for my interview.”

“Leah, didn’t you hear me when I said no wife of mine will work?” I ask.

“I also told you that I am doing this for me. It is what I want. You know I love you Nkanyiso and I always obey your wishes but I want to work. I am sorry but I am going to have to disobey you this once.”

I pull her back when she tries to get out of the shower, “If you leave this house, make sure you stay out.”

“First of all, I will knee you in the balls if you don’t let go of my arm and second, you will find me here after work,” she gets out of the shower. See that right there; that is why I have Nandi. At least she listens to me.

I shower and then head to the bedroom, Leah already laid my clothes on the bed. She chooses my clothes every morning. I lotion my body and then get dressed. My phone vibrates and I check it. I have a message from Nandi that reads: ‘Good morning! Are you okay? Usually, I wake up to your good morning message.’

I am not in the mood to respond to her so I leave it and get my things. Amahle is up and already in her uniform. Leah is making breakfast.

“Good morning, daddy.”

“Hey, sweetie,” I kiss Amahle on the cheek, “How are you?”

“You missed our Monday night TV time.”

“I am sorry baby, I got caught up with work. I will make it up to you,” I pinkie swear with her. I shift my attention to Leah, “I will see you later.”

“I packed lunch for you. It has poison,” she hands it to me. Leah will make you want to strangle her sometimes and that is not something to say in front of our daughter. I also know that I am not winning this argument of wanting her not to work. I take the food, kiss her on the cheek then head to work.

Business is moving these days. One would be surprised how many people buy cars in a day. Speaking of cars, maybe I should get Nandi one. I am tired of her calling me to pick her up. She needs her own car.

“Good morning, Mr Madida,” Luke runs after me. Luke is the secretary. I hate him but he does his work perfectly. Okay maybe I don’t hate him, but his outfits annoy me – he is gay.

“Hey, Luke!”

“Your brother is in your office,” he announces, trying to keep up with my long strides.

“Thanks and bring us some coffee.”

“Yes, sir!” he calls from behind me.

“What are you doing here so early?” I ask Mazwi when I walk into my office. “Why do you seem like you are wearing yesterday’s clothes?

“My wife locked me out of the house because of a stupid argument. I slept in the car.”

“It seems like these women are turning on us. Leah now wants to work and she is being stubborn about it,” I sit opposite Mazwi, “You know when it comes to her it’s difficult to argue with her because she is like the female version of me.”

“Just let her work, it’s not like you will win.”

I mumble, “It’s not like I have a choice either.”

“I am so hungry, do you have anything to eat?”

“Leah packed this for me but you can have it,” I hand him my lunch, “And go shower, you stink.”

“Leave me alone.”

Mazwi spends the rest of the day in my office. At least he showered in the men’s locker room. I always keep spare clothes at work - Mazwi and I are almost the same size. My phone work rings.

Me: Yes!

Luke: Mr Madida there is a lady here to see you.

Me: Who is she?

Luke: She claims to be your woman (on the side) lady what is your name? (to me) she says her name is Nandi.

Damn, Nandi! What is she doing at my workplace?

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