Chapter 35

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I cannot believe Leah. Who is this man? What is he doing at my wife's apartment? Does that mean Leah has found another boyfriend? So fast? How can she find another boyfriend so quickly? She lost Justin and he was buried the previous day. How can she move on so fast?  She is supposed to be back home not getting another boyfriend. Do I have to kill them all to show her how serious I am? Do I have to kill everyone to show her how serious I am?

What pisses me the most is that this man is at our house. Why would she bring a stranger where our daughter is? What is Amahle supposed to learn from her? She is being a bad role model to our daughter and I don't like it.

I drive back to my workplace. To think I would find Mazwi gone but he is still there. Even Nigel has joined him. Why don't these two stay at their offices? Why do they always have to come and camp at my company?

"You look worse than when you left?" says Mazwi as I pour myself some whiskey.

"Please leave me alone and you two should go to your offices."

Nigel laughs, "We are not going anywhere. Not when you serve the best content. What happened this time?"

"Am I a joke to you?"

Mazwe replies, "The things you do make you seem like a joke."

"Don't mind Mazwi, everyone knows he is stupid. What is wrong?" Nigel asks.

I sit at the table since Mazwi is on my chair, "I went to see Leah today and she had a shirtless man in her house. He wouldn't let me talk to her and he sounded like they are dating."

Mazwi says, "You shouldn't have killed her previous boyfriend. Maybe she is using this one to heal."

"You killed someone?" Nigel asks, "Have you gone crazy, Nkanyiso?"

"He has gone crazy. He is just like our father. That is why he rushed to KZN to fix things so he can sleep around freely." - Mazwi.

"I am nothing like Father," I reply.

"I still cannot wrap my head around you killing someone for Leah. I understand when you asked me to help you fake the divorce papers but this is too much," says Nigel.

I answer, "I am not in the mood for your lecture. Are you going to help me get rid of this new man?"

"We don't want to be part of your petty revenge," Mazwi replies.

"Is loving someone and willing to do anything for them petty?"

"Yes, yes it is," Mazwi replies.

"Why are you here? Leave already."

"So do you have a name or picture of this new guy?" Mazwi asks.

"He said his name is Wayne Mabaso."

Mazwi takes my laptop. If there is anyone that knows how to dig into the deep web it is him. He is the brains of the group after all. He is also the one that handles everything Tech. I know he will find something on that guy. He thinks he is clever but I will deal with him. Once I am done with him, he will regret ever meeting Leah.

"Are you finding something?" I ask. I am curious as to who this guy is and where he gets the audacity to say what he said to me. "Are you finding anything, Mazwi?"

He answers, "I would if you would shut up for a second."

I pour myself more whiskey. Nigel asks me to pour some for him. I pace up and down the room waiting for Mazwi to find something. Why is he taking so long? What is hard about finding a guy?

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