Chapter 22

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I received a call from Nandi telling me that my sister is kicking her out of the house. I know Janet is crazy but what she is doing is crossing the line. I don’t care if she didn’t know that Leah and I are separated but she has no right to try and kick Nandi out of the house. I don’t even know why she is angry about Nandi being my woman. Everyone knows that Janet hates Leah.

So I had no choice but to leave work to get Janet out of my house. I also know that now that Janet knows about Nandi, my mother will also know soon. It’s only a matter of time before I receive a call from my mother. I didn’t have the energy to sit Nandi and Janet down to explain so I told Nandi that I will handle her later and took Janet with me to work.

“So you and Leah are officially divorced?” Janet asks. I told her to leave my office but she is still here. I don’t owe her any explanation, “Nkanyiso.”

“Yes, we separated and I would appreciate it if you respect my new woman.”

She says, “I thought you love Leah and why move on so quickly?”

“I don’t owe you any explanation.”

“I still don’t understand why you and Leah are no longer together. You two acted like Romeo and Juliet,” I don’t know why she keeps going back to the Leah story. We are separated! Can people just accept that and not ask questions? I don’t like talking about it mostly because I miss my wife and I wish she could come home.

“Janet, do you want money? I will give you money if that is what it takes for you to leave me alone.”

She stands and gets her bag, “I don’t want your money. You can spend it on your new woman and I know a gold digger when I see one.”

“They say it takes one to know one.”

“I might hate Leah but she was a good woman,” she leaves. I know Leah was a good woman. I didn’t get with Nandi because Leah was a bad woman. I just fell in love with Nandu. I thought they were going to get along and we were all going to make it work.

My day at work goes by fine. After work, I pass by Nandi’s favorite restaurant to get her food. I need to make it up to her for today. I know Janet, I also know that she said hurtful stuff to Nandi. I order the food and then find a place to sit while I wait. Surprisingly this is also Leah’s favorite restaurant.

I look across the room and I see Leah. Am I daydreaming? Am I thinking about her so much that I am seeing her? I look closely and it is her. She seems happy and she is smiling a lot. I can’t see the person she is with but it is a man. I call her and she declines my phone call. I won’t lie that stings. Does that mean she has moved on? So quickly? I was giving her time so I can persuade her to come back home. I want her back. I need her in my life.

Is she seeing this man? Does he make her happy as I did? She looks happy. I try calling her once more and she declines the call. I keep trying until she stands up and goes to what I assume is the restrooms. She calls me back.

Me: Hey, you!

Leah: What do you want? Can’t you see I am declining your call meaning I don’t want to talk to you?

Me: I miss you, Leah.

Leah: Please leave me alone, thank you.

Me: Wait don’t hang up, can we meet tomorrow?

Leah: I have nothing to discuss with you.

Me: It’s about our daughter.

Leah: If it fits in the text box then send me a text message or better send a voice note.

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