Chapter 18

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I look at Nkanyiso and smile. He takes my hand and kisses the back of it. We are driving to Nigel’s house for the family lunch – which also means that I will be meeting more of Nkanyiso’s relatives. Nkanyiso told me not to worry about anything and that it will only be his brothers and their wives. He said they do this once in a while. I know I have already met Nkanyiso’s brothers but I am a little scared to meet the wives.

They are probably used to Leah and I doubt they will love me. Nkanyiso assured me that they will love me but I don’t know. I hope they don’t see me as a home wrecker. I am a victim too in all this. I didn’t know that Nkanyiso was married and they can’t blame me for staying when I also found out. One does not wake up and suddenly not love the other person.

Still on Nkanyiso. We now stay together. Leah filed for a divorce and Nkanyiso signed the papers. He didn’t want to but his brother Nigel told him to give Leah what she wants. I am glad that he signed those papers. Now he can marry me. I can be Nandi Madida – sounds perfect.

Leah left and she didn’t take anything and didn’t want anything from Nkanyiso. She requested her for daughter but they share custody. Amahle visits when she wants to and Nkanyiso gets her from her mother when he wants to see her. I can tell Nkanyiso still loves Leah but Leah made it clear that he is done with him. I know it has been only a month since they separated I am glad Leah doesn’t want to fix things meaning I have Nkanyiso all to myself.

Soon, I will be introducing Nkanyiso to my parents and he will also introduce me to his mother. I wonder if his mother knows how I ended up with Nkanyiso. I hope she doesn’t because it would make me a bad person. I want a healthy relationship with my mother-in-law.

Nkanyiso kissing the back of my hand brings me back to reality, “What is on your mind?”

I sigh, “Do you think your brother’s wives will like me?”

“I already told you that they will like you. Plus, you don’t need their approval on anything. You are with me and not them.”

I say, “I have to get along with them. We will be family soon.”

“They will like you so just relax.”

“I still think we should have brought Amahle,” I say. I am a stepmother now and I have to start playing my part.

“She is in Pretoria with her mother and you know this week she is supposed to be with her mother. No kids usually come to the family lunch anyways.”

“Okay then,” I check my face to see if it is not oily.

We drive for a while and then reach our destination. Nkanyiso parks his car along with the others. He then leads us to the back of the house where we find Nigel and Mazwi by the braai stand. I last saw Nigel and Mazwi the day Leah’s friend burnt Nkanyiso’s office. Luckily the fire department came just in time to put out the fire and Nkanyiso has insurance so his office was back to normal in a week. I wish that crazy girl had been locked up for a month. Who does that? That Sammy girl and Leah belong in a mental institution.

“Hello, people!” Nigel hugs me and fist bumps with his brother, “You two are late.”

Nkanyiso says, “You know how women take forever to get dressed.”

I greet Mazwi and he says a low hello. I noticed he doesn’t like me. I don’t like him too and thank God I don’t need his approval on anything. I am in love with his brother not him so I don’t care what he thinks about me. Also, the only person’s judgment that would move me is Nigel’s- even Nkanyiso respects him. Nkanyiso takes me into the house to introduce me to the Madida queens. Soon I will be one of them. One is cooking and the other is having wine. Everything about them screams money starting from their hair to their red bottoms. I love them and they are very pretty.

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