Chapter 17

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Samantha left the office as someone going to buy lunch then the next thing I received a text message from Mazwi telling me that Sammy has been arrested. She burnt Nkanyiso’s office. I thought we agreed on burning his car. What was I thinking? Sammy is crazy enough to even burn Nkanyiso alive. I am glad I didn’t ignore Mazwi’s message. I usually ignore all his messages.

I am still at the office looking for a way to leave. I have to go and get my friend out of jail and I am so going to knee Nkanyiso in the balls for this. I don’t care if Sammy is wrong but I know she did it for me and Nkanyiso knows she is my best friend.

“Thanks, Nothila,” I grab my bag and rush to Mr Adams' office. He is on a call but this is an emergency and I don’t care if I lose my job after this. I need to get to the police station before Nkanyiso opens a case. Nolitha already wasted fifteen minutes when I asked her to hold in for me. She had to finish what she was doing.

“I am sorry, sir,” I take the phone from Mr Adams and hang up, “I am sorry but I need your help.”

“That was an important client.”

“I know and I am sorry. Samantha has been arrested. Please can you drive me to the police station?” I request. I don’t have my car anymore. I left it at Nkanyiso's house.

“Sammy is a troublemaker. Let her spend the night there – she will come out thinking straight.”

“Sir please…she is being arrested because of me. Please! I will tell you everything.” I lock my palms together.

He stands up and takes his car keys. I am rushing but he is taking his time so I beg him to increase his pace and thank God he does. I tell Mr Adams what happened. I hate that I am telling him my problems but now that we are going to where Nkanyiso and Samantha are then I have to tell him. I am surprised at how he is listening attentively.

After I have told him everything, he says, “I am sorry about what happened to you.”

“It’s okay, men are dogs.”

“Hey...don’t paint us with the same brush. Not all of us are cheaters and liars,” he answers.

“Well for now I have concluded that you are all the same.”

He chuckles and steps on the gas. I just received a text message from Mazwi saying they have just reached the police station. I wouldn’t want Sammy to have a criminal record. I call Nkanyiso, I have no choice.

Nkanyiso: Mrs Madida!

Me: Stop what you are doing.

Nkanyiso: Your friend set my office on fire.

Me: You have insurance. I swear if my friend has a criminal record we are going to have a problem.

Nkanyiso: Are you threatening me, Mrs Madida?

Me: Nkanyiso you know I am crazier than Sammy.

Nkanyiso: Why do you think I married you?

Me: Drop the charges!

Nkanyiso: I don’t want to.

He hangs up. I am going to kick him. I ask Mr Adams to drive faster. We get to the police station and it’s packed as always. I look for the Madida brothers. They are not hard to spot since they love traveling in groups.

“Makoti,” says Nigel. He is the only one that calls me that. They are with the Nandi woman. What does she have to do with this?

“Hello and forgive me for this,” I knee Nkanyiso in the balls, “Bitch don’t you dare,” I say to Nandi when she tries to say something. I look at Mazwi and Nigel and then raise their hands in surrender, “Nkanyiso where is my friend?”

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