Chapter 30

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“Leah! I didn’t know you are here?” I say going down the stairs. Leah is sitting on the couch and next to her is a man I have never seen. Is he maybe one of Nkanyiso’s family members? From the look of it, I meet them randomly. I wonder why Leah is here. Is she here because she knows Nkanyiso is back from Durban? Maybe she wants to come back. Maybe the Madidas have finally managed to persuade her. I wonder where Nkanyiso is, on the phone he said he will be at the house in an hour.

“Where is Nkanyiso?” Leah asks. Not only does she not look happy but she also doesn’t sound happy. I wonder what Nkanyiso did this time. One thing is for sure, I know not to mess with this woman. Leah and her best friend are crazy.

I sit down after greeting the man. I don’t know why he is standing when Leah is sitting. I say to Leah, “I don’t know where Nkanyiso is but when I last talked to him, he said he will be home in an hour. That was two hours ago.”

“Can you call him for me?”

“Is everything okay?” I ask.

“Nothing is okay. Nkanyiso sent him,” she point at the man with her thumb, “He sent him to kidnap me and bring me here.”


“That is what I would also want to know,” she yells, “I don’t even know if my daughter will be okay after school since I am here.”

“Why don’t you call her driver to bring her here?”

She gives me that look as if I know something about all this, “You do know what kidnapping means, right? I was at the office and this man just grabbed me. My phone and bag are at the office.”

“Let me try to call Nkanyiso,” I get my phone and call Nkanyiso, “He is not picking up my calls.”

“Of course, he won’t pick up. He knows what he has done. Every day that man gives me reasons to kill him.”

“Do you know anyone’s number that we can call so they can make sure Amahle is safe?” I ask.

“I can call Sammy, can I use your phone?”

I hand her my phone, and she dials the number and puts the phone on speaker.

Samantha: Wrong number!

Leah: Sammy it’s me…

Samantha: And where did you disappear to?

Leah: Nkanyiso happened, I am at his house right now and I don’t know when or if he will let me leave anytime soon. Can you please pick up Amahle for me? Please go before her driver picks her up. Can you also make an excuse to Justin for me? Please don’t tell him this has Nkanyiso in it, I am sure he is sick of hearing Nkanyiso’s name.

Samantha: I got you, don’t worry. As for Nkanyiso, I can run him over if you want.

Me: Let’s put a pin on that one.

Samantha: Should I call on this number? I need to know that you are fine.

Me: I will be fine, you know I can handle myself.

Samantha: Okay let me prepare to pick up Amahle.

“Thanks, Nandi,” Leah hands me back my phone. She is such a nice woman. I also noticed that she doesn’t have any beef with me or should I say she doesn’t care. If she was someone else, she was going to beat me up for taking her husband.

“Vusi can you go stand somewhere else?” Leah snaps, “You are suffocating me and I don’t want to end up taking out my anger on you.”

Does she know him? I thought maybe he was a stranger to her too. The Vusi man leaves the house. “You know him?” I ask.

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