Chapter 43

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So this is the mysterious girlfriend that Sammy has been hiding. Her name is Amber and she is white. I don’t know why Sammy was hiding her from me. She is beautiful but it is not like I was going to steal her girlfriend. According to Sammy, they met online and they started talking until Amber got a job opportunity in South Africa. That is when they decided to try the relationship thing.

They are saying they never thought things would get serious as they did but they are happy that they gave things a try. They look so cute together even I want a girlfriend. I am not into girls but Sammy and her girlfriend are making it all seem cool.

“So, how long have you and Sammy known each other?” Amber asks.

“I met her in fifth grade, I accidentally stepped on her and she almost hit me.”

Amber laughs, “And you two still became friends?”

I answer, “I loved sitting at the front and Sammy was very naughty so the teacher made her sit next to me. That is how we became friends.”

“Girl why are you saying my business?” says Sammy, “I wasn’t naughty either.”

“You were and still are anyways I am happy to finally meet you Amber. I was starting to think that Sammy is making you up.”

“Today you are just turning on me I see,” Sammy shakes her head, “Why would I make up having a girlfriend?”

“Then why didn’t you want me to meet her?”

She answers, “She was out of the country and as I said, the best friend and the girlfriend are not supposed to be friends. It never works.”

“Says who?”

“Says me,” she answers, “You want to be teaming up on me? In fact, you two should be enemies that way I have someone to vent to when I fight with one of you.”

I laugh, “Don’t try to act smart. My man is calling, let me get this.”

“Which one?” Sammy asks.

“Don’t start with me,” I stand up and exit the room. Wayne is calling me.

Me: Hey you!

Wayne: Are you forgetting that you have a man? You are not answering my text messages, did we fight?

Me: No, I am sorry it is just that I had a hectic day and then Sammy invited me over to her place. I would never forget you.

Wayne: It looks like you did.

Me: Come on don’t say that, you know I am always thinking about you.

Wayne: Is Amahle out of that house so we can get on with the plan? I want this to be over so we can focus on us.

Me: I took Amahle to my mother so yes, we can get on with the plan.

Wayne: Can you sleep over at my place again?

Me: I have to go home before that man starts complaining.

Wayne: So I will sleep alone tonight?

Me: Come on don’t be a baby and we will spend more time together after this.

Wayne: I cannot wait. Let me love you and leave you. Take care of your sexy self for me and don’t let Nkanyiso touch you.

Me: Never!

I hang up and then tell Sammy that I have to go home. I am sure Nkanyiso is fuming wherever he is. I am sure he thinks I am not coming back home again. I drive home and get there around eight pm.

“Hello, Leah,” Noxolo greets me.

“Hey, where is everyone?”

“Nandi and Nkanyiso went out for dinner,” she answers.

“How is the baby?”

She replies, “The baby is fine and thank you for forgiving me even though I do not deserve it.”

“What you did was very wrong but you don’t deserve the treatment Nkanyiso is giving you,” I take my bag, take out a passport and ID. “This is your new identity as I promised you. Did you ask Nkanyiso for money as I told you to?”

“Yes, I did. I told him that I need money to help get on my feet after I give birth and he gave it to me.”

“Good girl. I need you to go to your room right now, pack your things and put them in my car. Tomorrow first thing in the morning, I will drive you to the airport. After that you are on your own,” I say.

“Thank you very much. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to be with my child. I will forever be grateful.”

“Thank me when the plane takes off because Nkanyiso would never let you leave with his child. Now go and pack,” I say and she exits the room. About thirty minutes later, she comes back with her bags and we put them in the car.

When done, we call it a night. I ate at Sammy’s house so I go to bed. I talk to Wayne before sleeping – he brightens my day. I don’t understand how I managed to quickly fall in love with him like this but I am grateful to have him. The following morning we wake up at four and prepare to drive Noxolo to the airport. I am just driving her there. She will see herself from there, she is a grown-up. She is lucky I am even helping her.

“Take care of yourself, Noxolo,” I say after helping her take her bags out of the boot.

“Thank you very much. I will forever be indebted to you. Can I hug you?”

“No, but you can take care of yourself for me, goodbye.” I get in the car and drive home. I hope Nkanyiso does not catch her because it will not end well. The love birds are still sleeping when I get home so I make breakfast for them. I wonder if Nkanyiso is not going to work or if I am the one that woke up early. Around eight am Nkanyiso walks into the kitchen.

“Morning, gosh I overslept,” he pulls a chair and sits.

“Hey, maybe you were tired.”

“Maybe,” he takes the coffee I just handed him, “Why are you all dressed so early?”

“I want to go to the adult store to buy a few things for us.”

“For us?” he bites his lower lip.

“Yes, tonight I want us to have some fun.”

“I cannot wait,” he eats his food and then rushes to work. I clean up the kitchen. “Good morning,” I greet Nandi who just walked into the kitchen.


“Can you get out of the house tonight? Nkanyiso and I want some alone time,” I request.

“Can’t you two go out, go to a hotel maybe?”

I answer, “Nkanyiso is my husband, not my boyfriend. I will not be taken to a hotel like I am a side chick. Please visit a friend tonight?”



Nkanyiso received a call from his wife telling him that she is waiting for him. She also sent him a teaser of what to look forward to and that was a picture of her in sexy lingerie. As soon as Nkanyiso saw the picture, he rushed home as soon as he can. When he gets home, he parks his car next to Leah’s and notices that Nandi’s car is missing meaning she is out. He is happy that it is going to be him and his wife alone.

He makes his way into the house and he is met by flowers on the floor and they are leading upstairs. He follows the flowers and they lead him to Leah’s bedroom. He finds her on the bed, looking sexy and with a glass of champagne in her hand.

“Welcome home, honey.”

“Hey, baby,” he walks up to the bed, leans and kisses her, “You look so beautiful."

“Thank you, it’s all for you.”

He kisses her again. He just what to take her there but he is holding himself, “Gosh I could eat you alive.”

“Do you want some champagne?”

He takes off his jacket, “I want you, I want you now.”

She laughs, gets off the bed and walks to him, “Patience, I am in charge today. Come with me.”

“What is it with the pole and why is it way up? Is it a washing line?”

“It comes with the package,” she leads him to the center of the room, opens the closet and takes out whips. She also takes out cuffs, “I am going to cuff your hands up?”

“Leah what are you up to and what if my arms get tired?”

“I will release you, it will be fun. Choose your whip,” she says.

“Do they sting?”

She chuckles, “They are whips.”

Nkanyiso chooses his whip and then lets Leah take off his shirt while kissing all over his chest and back. “What is next?” he asks.

“You are going to permit me to strike you.”

“Where is the fun in this?” Nkanyiso asks.

“I enjoy it so you are doing it for me then I will also do stuff for you. You have to say strike.”

“Strike!” he says and feels his back stink as the whip just got in contact with his skin. For some reason, he is liking it. He says, “Not bad.”

“Should I go again? You have to say strike.”

“Strike,” this time he feels it a little but he is enjoying the pain. “Harder, you hit like a girl.”

“You asked for it.”

“Strike!” he says and this time he feels like his back is on fire. “What…” he feels another hard blow to the back.

Leah giggles and goes in front of him, “You said harder.”

Another blow to the back and it is as if the whip is going into his skin. When Nkanyiso looks behind him, he sees Wayne carrying the whip.

Wayne winks, “I hope I am invited.”

“You son…” he does not get to finish his sentence as Wayne continuously whips him.

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