Chapter 27

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Nkanyiso’s mother just had to ruin my day for me. I was having a great day, not to mention how Justin bought me a new car but Nkanyiso’s mother just had to ruin my day. What ancestors is she talking about? His son is the one that cheated on me. Where were the ancestors when that was happening? Now I have to stay for the sake of being introduced to the ancestors. I also hate Nkanyiso for this. He was supposed to tell his mother that we are separated. Nigel as the big brother was supposed to tell the rest of the family that Nkanyiso and I are no longer together.

Just when I thought I was done with the Madida family, they come up with something. I hope Nkanyiso is not the one that called his mother to try and convince me to get back with him. I don’t want to be with Nkanyiso. I am happy with Justin. I am with a man that loves and adores me. I am with a man that is showing me that I am not asking for too much. I am with a man that loves me and doesn’t find a flaw in me. I know I am not perfect, no one is but Justin loves me as I am.

I catch my breath. I shouldn’t let these people ruin my day. After all, they cannot force me if I don’t want to meet up with Nkanyiso’s mother. Three more months and the divorce will be finalized. I don’t care about being introduced to the ancestors, Nkanyiso should have thought about that before cheating.

I don’t know how long I have been standing here but I am sure Nolita is angry where she is. I told her that I am serving Mr Adams his coffee and that it will not take more than five minutes but I am sure I have spent almost half an hour away from my position. I feel like people at the office now know about Justin and me that is why they are letting me get away with certain things.

“Thanks, Nolita,” I say when are get back to the front desk.

“You don’t look as happy as you were when you left. Are you okay?”

I fake a smile, “Yes. I am fine, I just received not-so-good news from home.”

“I am sorry about that.”

I sit down and grab my phone. I am tempted to call Nkanyiso and curse at him. I told my family about our separation so it was his job to also tell his family. I hope they are not going to sit us down. Not when I have moved on from that chapter.

“You didn’t tell me whether you love the car or not,” Justin sits on my table. I was so occupied in my head that I didn’t see him walk toward me. My desk is facing his office.

“I am sorry, I had to come back before Nolita complains. I love the car, it’s very pretty. Thank you, Justin.”

He leans and kisses me, “Anything for my woman.”

“We agreed to keep things professional, now you are kissing me in front of everyone?”

He chuckles, “They all know now. They mentioned it at our last meeting. They say it’s good that you made me stop yelling at them.”

“To think I thought Sammy was the only crazy person in this office.”

“It’s the whole office trust me,” he kisses me on the forehead.

“Since we are together, I thought you would want to know this. I received a call from Nkanyiso’s mother and she wants to see me. It turns out Nkanyiso never told her about us separating.”

“Do you want to go see her?” he asks.

“I don’t. I know Nkanyiso’s mother and the last thing I need is them sitting me down and trying to convince me that marriage has its ups and downs. It’s true but I love you now and you make me happy.”

He smiles at the last sentence, “You make me happy too but you can’t run away from this. Go see the old woman and tell her how you feel. You have already signed the divorce papers so they have nothing on you. Unless they want their money back.”

“Nkanyiso said he doesn’t want his money back and you are right. They can’t force me to be with someone I don’t want to be with.”

“Let me get back to work and if you want me to come with you and be in your corner, I am always available,” he says.

“Thank you but there is no need.”

“Okay let me go work,” he walks away.

I decide not to dwell on the Madida issue. I am no longer their daughter, ancestors or not. Nkanyiso and I divorced and if anyone is at fault here then it is Nkanyiso. I cross my fingers and hope that Nkanyiso’s mother doesn’t call again. She doesn’t take no for an answer and that is where Janet’s craziness came from.

“What did the stapler do to you?” Sammy sits on my desk. I don’t know why her and Justin never stand like everybody else.

“I am sick of the Madidas. Do you know that Nkanyiso didn’t tell his mother that we separated? Now the old lady wants to see me.”

“You were their daughter-in-law and I know Nknayiso’s mother loves you. Maybe she just wants to understand why you left,” she says.

“Are you siding with them? I thought you are on my team?”

She replies, “I am on your team but just go and see her. Explain to her that this is what you want. There is no way they will forcefully get you and Nkanyiso together.”

“Justin said the same. I will drive there after work but Nkanyiso and I are not getting back together.”

“If they bother you, tell me. I will come there and knock someone’s teeth out,” she winks.

“I know you would but I will handle this and get out of there as soon as possible.”

“Good luck!” she says.

“How are things with your girlfriend that you don’t want me to meet?”

She answers, “We are very happy. Don’t worry you two will meet when she is ready. She is very shy.”

“Okay, then I will be waiting. Now go so I can work.”

I then call Nkanyiso’s mother and tell her that I will come to the house after work. I will not let her manipulate me. I don’t care that men cheat sometimes. I don’t believe in those things. Nkanyiso cheated because he doesn’t respect me and I wouldn’t want to be with a person like that. The next thing he was going to make me sick. I will not be that woman and I chose myself over anything.

After work, I drive to Nkanyiso’s house. I wonder how Nandi feels about all this? I wonder what kind of a woman this Nandi person is. Who dates a married man knowingly? Or maybe she didn’t know but then I am sure she found out before Nkanyiso brought her to the house but still decided to stay. Well, that is not my problem. I don’t want to be part of their circus so they should leave me alone.

When I am outside the gate, I call Nkanyiso and instead of opening the gate, he comes out. He gets into the car, “Mrs Madida!”

“Don’t call me that. Why are you not opening the gate?”

“I thought I should give you a heads up that my mother, Uncle Richard and my brothers are in there,” he says.

“Why didn’t you tell the elders that we are separated? Just when my life is moving great you Madidas come back to bother me.”

He replies, “You sound like we are burdening you.”

“You are, Nkanyiso. I have moved on from you and I am happy but you keep bothering me.”

“At the end of the day you are my wife, Leah,” he tries to touch my hand but I shift it away, “We made vows to love each other until death parts us.”

“You don’t even know the meaning of that. Our vows mean nothing to you. Why are you even bothering me? You have Nandi.”

He says, “I do have her but she is not you. I love the two of you.”

“You are one confused human being, Nkanyiso Madida. Please open the gate?”

He remotely opens the gate and I drive in, “I see you got a new car, she’s a beauty.”

“My man bought it for me.”

“It’s not that pretty,” he gets out of the car. I can’t help but laugh. Jealousy doesn’t suit him and did he think that he is the only man capable of spoiling a woman? I get out of the car and follow behind him. I greet everyone, including Nandi who is here too. The Madida brothers are having alcohol as if this is some sort of celebration.

Nandi offers me something to drink but I turn her down. I am not here to play happy family. I am here because I respect Nkanyiso’s mother. If it wasn’t for her I would be with Justin or in the bathtub. Nkanyiso’s mother asks what happened and I explain everything. She doesn’t seem surprised meaning maybe she knew something. I am very disappointed if she did.

She goes on to say how much she loves me and how much she still wants me to be part of their family. She is telling me that she understands that I feel betrayed and that I should consider fixing things with Nkanyiso. Uncle Richard is agreeing and even goes to an extent of telling me that no man doesn’t cheat. I don’t believe in such.

Nkanyiso’s mother even begs me to think about this and tell me that sometimes polygamous relationship work. Too bad I don’t want it to work. Too bad I don’t want their son anymore. I am happy with Justin and Nandi can keep Nkanyiso. I do not want him.

“I hear you ma and don’t get me wrong, I also enjoyed being part of your family but I am afraid I can no longer be with Nkanyiso. I have forgiven him but I no longer want to be his wife. If you love me as you say you do then please let me leave in peace,” I request, “If you want your money back that can be arranged. I have no problem with it.”

Nkanyiso’s mother sighs, “See what you have done, Nkanyiso. You have lost a woman that loved you. If that is what you want, Leah then we will respect that.”

“You are going about this the wrong way. Leah is our daughter, we married her, introduced her to our ancestors and even in the eyes of the law she is a Madida,” says Uncle Richard.

“Nkanyiso and I signed the divorce papers. Nkanyiso tell them..."

“They were fake,” Nkanyiso murmurs.

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