Chapter 39

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Who does this Wayne guy think he is? So he thinks he can come to my office and threaten me? It is clear that he does not know who he is messing with. He does not know who I am because he wouldn't be throwing around empty threats. That is what his threats are, empty threats.

Maybe unlike Justin, I should make him pay and leave him alive. Death is too easy for him. If he continues being a pain in my life, I will have to take care of him. He is just lucky that Leah is back home and I don't have any reasons to kill him. I was going to break his back that way not walking will be a reminder to stay away from people's wives.

I try to ignore Wayne and get back to work but his words are bothering me. Who does he think he is? Does he not know who I am? Leah should put her boyfriend in place before I make him join his ancestors. How did he know where I work? Did Leah tell him or he found me on his own?

I close my laptop, get my phone and head out. I will not be threatened by another man like me. This is my turf and everyone knows not to mess with me. I drive home - I need to talk to Leah. I need to know who this Wayne guy is to her before I make him meet the maker.

"Where is Leah?" I walk into the house. Noxolo is helping Amahle with homework and Nandi is watching TV. At least one of them is being useful. They cannot both be useless.

"She is in her room, is everything okay?" Nandi asks.

"It will depend on Leah's response to my questions," I stride up the stairs and when I am up I ask, "Which room?"

"Third door on your left," Nandi responds.

I go to the room Leah is using and barge in without knocking. She is on the bed reading a book. "Leah!"

She closes her book, "How can I help you Mr. Madida??"

"Who is Wayne to you and what does he know about us?"

"Wayne who? There are many people with that name," she says.

"Wayne Mabaso! Which other Wayne are you fucking?"

She closes her book and places it next to her, "There is no reason to yell. I do know Wayne."

"Your boyfriend was at my workplace today. If you care about him then you better tell him not to show his face to me again. I will make him meet Justin."

She picks up her book, "Noted."

"Leah I am not blabbing and you know I am capable of doing it. Don't make me kill more people because I will."

She harshly slams the book on the bed, "I am here Nkanyiso, what else do you want from me? I came home as you asked, why is that not enough for you? Please do not annoy me, I came back as you asked. If you want to kill Wayne go ahead and may the best man win."

"So you are sleeping with him?"

She answers, "I was until you threatened to kill my friend's girlfriend."

"Tell him to leave you alone."

She laughs, "Why didn't you tell him yourself? You are the one that saw him."

"Leah don't test me, I will..."

She interrupts me, "I dare you, Nkanyiso. Go ahead and kill him."

"I will!"

"Close the door on your way out. Now you have disturbed me," she takes her book and starts reading.

I head out and leave the door open. I see she wants me to kill him to believe what I am saying. I take my phone and call Mazwi...

Mazwi: I am listening...

Me: I need to find that Wayne guy. I know someone knows about him, I want him dead.

Mazwi: Slow down, what happened?

Me: That man came to me threatening me, I want him dead.

Mazwi: Leah came back to you. Can't you just let it go?

Me: I can't, if I do Leah will do as she pleases. I need to put her in her place.

Mazwi: No more killings. Let me talk to Leah and tell her to stop whatever it is she is doing with Wayne, I know she will listen. Please don't start wars with people you do not know. I don't trust this Wayne, he could be your downfall.

Me: Or I could be his downfall.

Mazwi: Listen please, for once in your life listen. Let me handle Leah and you focus on your pregnant women. Don't go provoking Wayne.

Me: Fine but he better not provoke me either.

Mazwi: Maybe if you knew how to keep your pants up we wouldn't be having this conversation. Leah is acting like this because of you.

Me: Fine, talk to her.

I hang up and breathe in and out. These people are just pissing me off today. Leah walks out of the room she is using and walks up to me.

She says, "Please don't do anything to Wayne. I promise to cut ties with him."

"What made you change your mind so fast?"

She replies, "I don't want anyone dying because of me. Things will get back to normal between us only if you also keep your end of the deal. Please don't hurt anyone because of me."

"I won't hurt anyone if no one bothers me and if you behave."

She nods, "I will behave. Are you still giving me the money?"

"Do you want cash or do you want me to transfer it to your account? And, I never touched your cards so I will give them back."

"Thank you," she says.

Did she maybe overhear me talking to Mazwi? Why the sudden change of heart? Moments ago she told me that I can go ahead and kill Wayne. Or maybe Justin's death reminded her what I am capable of.


After talking to Nkanyiso I get back to the room I am using and lock myself inside. I won't lie it hurt having to beg Nkanyiso like that. It hurt that I am begging him not to hurt those I love because I know he will target Sammy's girlfriend. I am not worried about Wayne, he assured me that he can handle himself. The defenseless person here is Sammy's girlfriend and the fact that I don't know what she looks like makes it hard to protect her.

For now, I just have to play along for her sake. When the time is right, Nkanyiso Madida will pay for what he did to me. He will regret ever forcing me to come back to him. My phone rings and my lips betray me by curving into a smile. I think I am in love with Wayne...

Me: Hey, you!

Wayne: I miss you, can I come to get you?

Me: You can't, you know I have to be here.

Wayne: Only if you let me kill that coward. I visited him today. He is lucky I love you enough to listen to you, I wanted to punch him in the nose.

Me: You will get the chance, just be patient.

Wayne: So the plan goes on as normal?

Me: Yes and you shouldn't visit him again. We need to stick to the plan.

Wayne: Fine but you have to come to see me or I will come there and make love to you in your husband's house.

Me: I will come to see you. I am unemployed now so don't worry, I have time on my hands.

Wayne: Before I forget, I found you a buyer for the house as you asked.

Me: Perfect! I will look for the title deeds and then find a way to get Nandi and Noxolo out of the house so they can come to view it.

Wayne: I will hear from you then.

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