Chapter 45

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I cannot believe Wayne and I did it. I cannot believe we really did that to Nkanyiso. I know Nkanyiso and the fact that I was able to get my revenge makes me happy. I am happy that I managed to hit him where he least expected. To Nkanyiso money has never been a problem but I know it will be after this. I know he will never be able to recover from this – that is if he makes it out of jail. Not only did I report Justin’s case but I also reported his other heists.

Not even his brothers will be able to save him from this one. There is a policewoman that has been investigating Nkanyiso. I went to her and provided her with information that could put Nkanyiso away for life. If things go bad, his brothers might also end up in jail since they are a bunch of thieves. I have nothing against Mazwi and Nigel but it’s not my fault if the officer digs deep. My target was Nkanyiso and I got him where I wanted him. Maybe next time he will think before he cheats.

Wayne and I have been on the road for the past seventy-two hours. We did stop by hotels to freshen up. We are not sure where we are going but we agreed to move around until we find a place we can call home. The one person I am worried about in all this is Amahle. I still have to explain everything to her. She is getting along with Wayne but I still have to tell her that he is a part of our lives now.

“Are you okay?” Wayne takes my hand and kisses the back of it, “What is on your mind?”

“I am thinking about everything.”

“Do you regret leaving home? We can always go back and Nkanyiso would never harm you, not on my watch,” he assures me.

“I want to start afresh, start a new life away from all the negativity and Madida family. I am going to miss my friends and family but this is what I want.”

He nods, “If you say so, my lady.”

“What about you? Are you ready to leave your family and start a new life with a lady you barely know? You are leaving your friends and family too.”

He smiles, “The thing is that I love this lady. I am not sure what I am doing but it is a risk I am willing to take. After all, they say it is also a risk not to take a risk.”

“I love you too Wayne.”

He looks to see if Amahle is watching us and she is playing games on her iPad. He kisses me on the cheek, “Are you guys hungry? Amahle?”

“I want ice cream only,” Amahle replies.

I swear Amahle can have ice cream all day and not eat anything else. We stop at the next gas station. I use that opportunity to call Sammy – she made me promise to call her.

Me: Hey, Sammy?

Sammy: How many numbers do you have? I just saved the last one.

Me: I told you not to save my phone number yet. We are still moving around and enjoying.

Sammy: How I wish to be you. Are you okay? How is Amahle?

Me: Amahle is fine and I am fine too. We are enjoying traveling around. Anyways, I wanted to tell you that I am fine before you report Wayne to the police.

Sammy: You know I care about you. I am glad you are fine. I am going to miss you.

Me: Me too and I am sorry I can no longer be your maid of honor.

Sammy: After all that kneeling can you imagine? But it is okay, just promise me we will meet again.

Me: We will. Take care of yourself and Amber. Goodbye.

I hang up and shove my phone in my pocket. I watch Wayne and Amahle as they walk towards the car – Amahle is on Wayne’s back and I wonder what they are talking about. I take out my phone and take a photo of them, to a new life.


I left the house for five days and the next thing I come back everything changed. Nkanyiso no longer lives at the house. Turns out the house has been sold to some couple. I cannot get hold of Nkanyiso, his phone has been off. I tried calling him the time when I was at Tiana’s house but he did not pick up. I assumed maybe he went on one of his trips since he never answers his phone when there but then he usually checks on me.

There is no Leah, I have tried calling her and there is no sign of her. No sign of Noxolo either. Did these people sell the house and move without me? That is the only explanation for all this. Why would Nkanyiso do me like this? I am carrying his child. The Sibiya family – new owners of the house, gave me my clothes and other clothes that were at the house. They told me that Mr and Mrs Madida told them to keep the furniture.

I threw away the clothes, there is no way I was going to keep Leah and Nkanyiso’s clothes after such betrayal. I have been staying with Tiana for the past few days since I cannot even rent myself an apartment. Nkanyiso’s card is not working. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what the way forward is.

“Hey, did you eat?” Tiana walks into the room I am using. She just came back from work.

“I will eat.”

“You need to take care of yourself and the baby,” she says.

“I don’t understand, why would Nkanyiso just leave without telling me?”

“Have you tried talking to his family? Maybe they know where he is,” she suggests.

“I will be back,” I get out of bed and put on my shoes. I know where Nigel lives so I drive there. I know he will give me all the answers I seek. I drive for about an hour and a half. I get to Nigel’s house when it is dark. I knock and Bontle opens for me.

“Hey, Nandi. Please come in.”

“Hey, sorry for showing up unannounced. Is Nigel around?” I ask.

She asks me to sit and then calls Nigel. Nigel joins me in the sitting room a couple of minutes later, “Hey, Nandi, is there something wrong with the baby?”

“No, but I am looking for Nkanyiso. He just disappeared on me.”

Nigel clears his throat, “Nkanyiso was arrested a couple of days ago. We are doing everything we can to get him out. I suggest you go home until we fix this?”

“Arrested for what? Why didn’t he call me?”

“It’s a long story but just go home Nandi and if anything is wrong with the baby just call Bontle,” he says. Does he not care about me? Why does it seem like he doesn’t care? He is not even offering to let me see him.

“Can I see him?”

“You can’t I am afraid. He said he doesn’t want anyone except us to visit him,” Nigel replies, “Let me show you out and, Nandi. I would also appreciate it if you disappear from my brother’s life. It is what is best,” he slams the door in my face.

Wow! Is this how they treat someone carrying their brother’s child? I can’t disappear, I am pregnant. What am I going to do now? How do I reach Nkanyiso? How will I survive? Where do I start? I can’t work when heavily pregnant. What is Nkanyiso even arrested for? What am I to do? Where do I go from here? At home, they will be disappointed.


Nkanyiso Madida received news that he is finally getting out of prison. After all, his brother Nigel is a lawyer and he put up the best team for him. They made it seem like Leah is just a bitter wife that was looking for revenge. They twisted things and managed to let the judge let Nkanyiso get out on bail.

Nkanyiso is happy that he is leaving. He has been in prison for a week but it feels like a year. It also was not easy inside because he is in a wheelchair and he ran across old enemies. It has been tough inside but his brother organized someone to take care of him and help him around.

Tonight is his last night and he cannot wait to get out and get his revenge on Leah. He never expected such betrayal from her and he cannot wait to make her pay. He does care that he is her husband, scratch that he is their husband, all of them. He is Leah, Nandi and Noxolo’s husband.
Nkanyiso lifts his head when he hears the bars unlock. It is dark in their cell so he cannot see the person that just walked in.

“Who is there?” he asks.

The person laughs, “The grim reaper!”


“The messenger,” the person harshly pulls him out of bed causing him to hit hard on the concrete floor. He tried to crawl away but the person pulls him back. “Come on Nkanyiso, don’t run away.”

Nkanyiso screams for help but the others ignore him. No one interferes in other people’s affairs in prison. The man holds him by his chin and says, “Leah Mavimbela told me to tell you not to dare touch his friends and family or you will be a dead man. Do you hear me?”

Nkanyiso nods vigorously, “Yes, yes!”

“And, Wayne asked me to do this,” he continuously stabs him in the stomach but makes sure he leaves him alive, “Death is too easy for you and congratulations on being released…” he leaves him lying on the floor and then calls the warden to ask for medical aid. They wanted to send a message not kill him.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2023 ⏰

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