Chapter 12

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Where is Tiana when one needs her? I cannot contain my excitement about my new car and who can I tell other than my best friend? I also posted on my social media platforms and the comment section is blowing up. Girls wish they were me. Who wouldn’t? I am living the life. I have a man that loves and takes care of me. He buys me gifts and spoils me. He might not be my man alone but he sure makes up for the time when he is not around.

‘Nandi you bought a car?’ a text message from my mother. She must have seen it on Facebook because I blocked her from seeing my status on WhatsApp.

‘Yes, mama. My boyfriend bought it for me.’

‘Your boyfriend? Okay… when are we meeting this boyfriend?’ – Mom.

‘Soon, for now, we are taking things slowly but I will introduce him to you when we are both ready.’

‘You two are buying each other cars. It seems like things are serious.’ – Mom.

‘They are but I am still enjoying my relationship as it is. You will meet him when the time is right.’

‘I wanted to say your Aunt Lizzy is hiring in her company if you need a job. You could work for her while you find something better.’ – Mom.

‘Aunt Lizzy owns an Eatery. I don’t want to work there.’

‘Nandi you have been unemployed for three years. You are twenty-six and not in a position to be choosy. How will you pay your bills?’ – Mom.

‘My man takes care of me. I will look for the kind of job I want and you don’t have to worry about my bills. My man caters to all my needs.’

‘Nandi no man wants a cabbage of a wife, someone who waits to be watered all the time. You need to make your own money.’ – Mom.

‘I will look for a job but thank you. I have to rush somewhere – let's talk later.’

I don’t have anywhere to go but I am not in the mood for a lecture. I know I am twenty-six and unemployed but it’s not my fault. If there is anyone to blame it is the government. They are the ones failing us. I am not going to let my mother ruin my day – I got a car today and I am happy.

“Hey girl!” Tiana walks into my sitting room.

“You’re wearing a uniform, did you get the job?”

She throws herself on the couch, “Yes and they said I can start right away.”

“Congratulations girl! I was wondering why you were not replying to my text messages.”

She replies, “It was very busy I couldn’t even touch my phone.”

“I also have good news. Nkanyiso bought me a car.”

She gasps, “Get out!”

“He bought me a Volvo. A car just for me.”

“Can I have some of that good luck? Friend congratulations,” she stands up to hug me, “I am so happy for you.”

“I am happy too. A car, can you imagine.”

“Your man is full of surprises,” she says going through the photos I took with the car, “So the car is in your name?”

“He took my details and said he will put everything in my name and then bring the title deeds. He said I can drive it though. I cannot wait to take my baby on a spin.”

“I am so happy for you,” she hands me back my phone.

“We should go out and celebrate.”

‘I would love to but right now I just need a hot bath and my bed. I also have to be at work by eight in the morning. Let’s do it this weekend?” she says and I nod.

She looks exhausted so I am going to let her rest. I walk Tiana to her room and we are talking about how lucky I am. I noticed she didn’t ask about me getting back with Nkanyiso.


“How long have you been married, Leah?” Mr Adams asks when I hand him the file he asked for. I noticed he is very soft and calm towards me. I appreciate it because if he was to yell at me, I would burst into tears. Bosses have a way of breaking one’s heart and it just ruins your entire day.

“I have been with my husband for almost nine years, we have been married for five years and we share a seven-year-old daughter.”

“You have a daughter?” he sounds surprised, “You look young, you look in your early twenties.”

“I am in my early thirties but thank you.”

He smiles, “I guess this is what it looks like to age gracefully.”

“What are you two whispering about?” Samantha walks into Mr Adams office.

“We are not whispering,” I respond.

Mr Adams says, “I am telling Leah how she looks good and young for someone in her thirties.”

Sammy pulls a chair and sits, “You forgot beautiful. Leah is very beautiful.”

“She is,” replies Mr Adams, “If she wasn’t married I would be trying my luck.”

“I am going to go back to my workstation and you two should stop talking about me,” I head out. I cannot wait to knock off and go home so I can take a hot bath. Sitting on a chair can be exhausting especially if one doesn’t move around a lot.

“He likes you,” Samantha sits on my desk. I swear Samantha spends most of her time at work with me. This week has been less busy and all she does is fill me in on the hot tea going around the office.

“Who and what are you talking about?”

She says, “Justin likes you. Before you hit me with you are married line, being married doesn’t make you less attractive.”

“You are telling me this because?”

“You can use that to your advantage. Men are stupid, you can play along and get him to maybe do stuff for you. He isn’t afraid to give out money,” she answers.

“I already have Nkanyiso for that and not only does he also give out money, he also gives me massive orgasms. I won’t mess with that.”

She rolls her eyes, “Such a killjoy.”

“You date him, you are single.”

She strokes my chin with her finger, “In case you haven’t noticed, I like women.”

“I have noticed, I was just waiting for you to confirm it.”

She playfully pushes my shoulder, “I hate you.”

“Oh please, we all know I am your first love. You would be bored in this office without me.”

“I hate it when you are right. Let me get back to work,” she gets off the table and walks to her office.

‘I am so tired.’ I send a text message to my husband.

‘I am sorry. Don’t cook today, I will bring something and then give you a massage later.’ – Nkanyiso.

‘And that is why I love you.’

‘I got you, my love. See you at home.’ – Nkanyiso


It’s the weekend and Leah had begged me to be with her but I had to make an excuse so I can be with Nandi. I had already made plans with Nandi and I felt bad canceling on her last minute. But, as always I made sure Leah is not sad and doesn’t suspect anything. I have to say Mazwi made things easier for me. At least now I can make excuses with Nandi and she will know that I am with my wife. I know it hurts her but I love them both. I think Nandi now understands but I wonder how Leah will react if she finds out. 

“Did I tell you Tiana got a job?” Nandi snaps me out of my thoughts. We are at Fourways Farmer’s Market. I always try to take Nandi to places where there is a low chance of bumping into anyone I know.

“No, what job did she get?”

She answers, “She works at a salon. I am happy for her.”

“Congrats to her. She must be happy.”

I look across the room and my eyes land on Samantha, Leah’s best friend. She is with two women. Luckily she didn’t see me so I say to Nandi, “We need to go.”

“But babe our food just got here.”

“We will eat somewhere. We need to go it is an emergency. I just received a message from work,” I say and she rolls her eyes.

“What about our food? I am hungry.”

I answer, “Let's ask them to pack it for us. I am sorry.”

She sighs and calls the waiter to pack our food for us in a takeaway. My eyes are on Samantha and I have my fingers crossed that she doesn’t see me. I am trying to hide my face and I need to leave this place. I curse when I see Samantha walking to our table.

“Hello, Nkanyiso and lady I don’t know,” she sits next to me. Nandi gives her a low hi.

“Hey, Sammy. How are you?”

“Well, it depends…who is she?” – Samantha.

I swallow hard, “A client.”

“I didn’t know you meet your clients in places like this but if you say so,” she says and then shifts her attention to Nandi, “Are you a client? I am kidding enjoy your meal or day…whatever it is you are doing.”

“Thanks, Sammy.”

“She better be a client, Nkanyiso. You know I am crazy and I don’t like people who mess with my friends” she says before walking away.

Their HusbandTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon