Chapter 10

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The job in Cape Town went smoother than any job we have ever done. No clues that we were there or any loose ends that might lead to us. I guess this is what happens when something is well-planned. We have had very messy jobs, so messy that sometimes we walk away with nothing but this one has to be one of the smoothest jobs ever.

Right now we are on our way home. We left Cape Town on Saturday at noon. We wanted to travel at night, it’s more peaceful. It’s two am in the morning and we are still on the road. I know I told Leah that I will be back Sunday night, I do that in case something delays us so that she doesn’t get worried. My brothers and I  are driving to Johannesburg then the jet will follow with the other two guys two weeks later. There is no way we are going to carry all that money to Johannesburg while the police are still investigating. For now, we are just going to lay low until things cool down. We also know that if there is no tangible evidence the police will give up the investigation.

In a month we will all have our money. Yes, all our businesses are to clean the money. In my case, the car business brings in a lot of money and the bank does not find it suspicious when a huge amount is deposited in my account because large amounts come in all the time.

“What were you and Nomhle fighting about?” I ask Mazwi. He is the one driving – we have been taking turns. They have been taking turns, him and Nigel. I am the youngest among them so I deserve to sit at the back and relax.

“You and Nomhle are fighting?” Nigel asks. I didn’t know it was a secret.

“It’s nothing serious,” Mazwi replies trying to brush off the subject but I am not letting it go.

“Is that why you slept in the car?”

“Mazwi what is going on between you and Nomhle? How long have you been sleeping in your car?” Nigel also pushes. It’s two am and we need something to kill time so Mazwi has no choice but to tell us what is happening.

Mazwi sighs. That is for telling Nandi I am married. He then goes on to say, “Nomhlekabo says that she no longer feels loved and a bunch of stuff I forgot soon after she said them.”

“Your wife no longer feels loved and you are this relaxed?” Nigel asks, “Why are you not trying to fix your marriage?”

“I am sick of Nomhle. Nothing I do makes her happy. She always tries to compare my love for…” he clears his throat and leaves the conversation there. His love for who?

Nigel seems to know because he replies, “Fix this! Make things right with your wife. Don’t make me sit you two down again.”

“Sit them down? Has this happened before?” I ask but no one responds. I hate how these two sometimes keep things from me. It’s not like Mazwi is that older than me. We are just three years apart.

“And how are things between you and Leah?” Nigel asks. Mazwi better not breathe out a word.

I answer, “Lee and I are good as always.”

“Keep it like that and don’t turn out to be like your brother Mazwi,” says Nigel.

Mazwi mumbles, “He also has skeletons.”

Luckily Nigel doesn’t ask about it and we talk about something else. Mazwi is already talking about planning the next heist. He is the brains of the group. He is the one that comes out with these ideas on how to make money. He is also the reason we will one day die on a job. We first drop off Nigel at his house then Mazwi drives me to my house.

“So how did things go with your side chick?” Mazwi asks.

“I am not telling you my business again.”

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