Chapter 15

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Are my ears deceiving me? Did Leah just permit Nkanyiso to marry me? Does this mean she is fine with all this? Wait, is she pretending? Is she making me let my guard down so she can attack? Why is she so calm? I wouldn’t be if I was in her position. I mean I almost died when I found out about her. I look at her and our eyes lock. Her face is just normal. I can’t tell if she is angry or not. Her eyes are just blank – no tears or anything that might sell out her emotions.

“Do you mean that?” Nkanyiso asks her. I would also love to know. Is she for real? Am I maybe dreaming? This is not how I pictured all this.

Leah nods lightly, “I mean it, you can marry her. Isn’t you love her? Then you should marry her.”

“But are you okay with this?” Nkanyiso asks her.

“Yes, I am totally fine with it. Nkanyiso you love her and I assume she loves you too so you should marry her.”

Nkanyiso holds her hands, “But how does all this make you feel?”

“What do you think? My husband of eight years just brought another woman into our house. How do you think I feel?”

“This is not to hurt you,” Nkanyiso cups her face, “I love you, Leah. I also love Nandi.”

Leah nods again, “I understand.”

“So I can marry her?” Nkanyiso asks and she nods again, “Thank you, my love.”

I let out a breath I didn’t even know I was holding. This Leah lady is very calm. Too calm for my liking. Does she really mean this? So we are going to be sister wives? Will she respect me as the second wife? Are we now going to be staying together? I think my mind is running too wild. Leah stands up and walks up to me. Nkanyiso also stands. I hope she doesn’t attack me.

I also stand, ready for whatever is going to happen. Nkanyiso is behind Leah also ready for whatever might happen. Leah says, “How old are you, Nandi?”

I whisper, “Twenty-six.”

She says, “You are very pretty and welcome to the Madida family.”

I swear if I was drinking something I would have choked by now. I answer, “Thank you.”

“Well, as you know one man cannot legally marry two women so you can have him,” she takes off her ring and hands it to me.

“Leah what are you doing?” – Nkanyiso.

Leah replies, “I am giving you both what you want. She wants to be Mrs Madida and you want to marry her. You too can be together.”

“Leah I didn’t say you must give her your ring. I want you in my life. I love you,” says Nkanyiso.

Leah shakes her head, “You don’t…her being here proves it. I am going to go upstairs and get my stuff.”

Nkanyiso blocks her way, “My love wait! Can we talk this out?”

“There is nothing to talk about. You don’t love me and you don’t respect me. You can have her and she can have you. You both have my blessings,” she tries to leave but Nkanyiso blocks the way.

“Leah please don’t leave. You know I love you.”

“Stop saying that!” she finally snaps, “You don’t love me because if you did you wouldn’t feel the need to get another wife. You don’t love me, Nkanyiso. You don’t! So stop saying you do.”

“I love you, I swear!”

She shakes her head, “Then why is she here? What am I not doing that she does? Am I not enough for you?”

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