Chapter 2

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"We are here," Eric opens the car door for me and then takes my bag so he can hold it. He is such a gentleman and I love him for that.

"This is nice," I say looking around. My hand is itching to take out my phone and take pictures of this beautiful place. "What will be doing today? What activities are here?"

He locks the car and lends me his arm as we walk towards the entrance, "We can do whatever you wish my lady. We can go bowling, watch a movie, have something to eat and even have some alone time since there is a hotel too."

"I love this place, it has it all. Does it mean we will be spending the night?"

He kisses me on the forehead, "That would be lovely but as I mentioned, I have a meeting with an important client around three pm. We were supposed to do it in the morning but I told him the morning is reserved for my woman."

"That's sweet of you. Thank you for this, thank you for choosing me. I know how busy your work is"

He says, "You know I will always choose you."

We walk towards the entrance. This place is beautiful and I haven't stopped taking pictures. Eric doesn't like pictures and I respect that - he gets to be my photographer. We start by getting something to eat. I am craving sea food so we do Ocean Basket. My Instagram will be filled with all these beautiful pictures I am taking today. After eating we buy our tickets to watch the movie Nobody. Eric is the one that chose the movie. I had my mind on Coming 2 America but this is a date that both parties are supposed to enjoy. The movie goes well, I don't hate or love it. It is just not the kind of movie I would watch. We then go bowling. I am so coming back to this place with my friend Tiana.

Time moves fast when one is having fun. Around three pm, Eric is driving me home. I wish he could stay longer. I wish we could spend more time together. Today was amazing but it would have been lovely if he had supper at my place. I was going to make him a nice meal and an amazing dessert. Too bad he never sleeps over. He says he respects me too much to not want to sleep at my house. He says we will spend many nights together when we are married. Aint he a gentleman?

"Do you want to come in for a quickie?" I wink at Eric.

He takes my hand, kisses it and says, "That would be lovely my love but I have a meeting to rush to."

"So you are just going to leave me horny?"

"Nandi come on. You know I wouldn't be leaving you if it wasn't urgent," he answers, "I promise I will make it up to you."

"But I am horny now. It will be late when you make it up to me."

He sighs, "Fine let's go in but I will just give you what you want then leave. Then I will make it up to you."

"Fine with me," I bite my lower lip getting out of the car and leading the way to my apartment. I love how he cannot say no to me. One thing I love about quickies is that they are always quick and mind-blowing. Probably the reason why they are called quickies.

"The meeting must be important," I say when Eric starts getting dressed. He is not waiting to catch his breath but already wants to leave. I mean we just made love. It was on the table but who cares.

"My love you know you are more important."

"Does look like that to me," I jump off the table and put on my shorts.

He holds me by my waist and kisses me, "I will make it up to you, I promise."


"Do you want to go shopping with my card?" he asks and I smile. I can't say no to being spoiled. He hands me his card and says, "I will call you."

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