Chapter 7

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I have been standing outside my apartment for the past half an hour. I don’t know if I am in shock or denial. I cannot believe what I saw and heard today. A part of me is trying to convince myself that maybe that man is trying to separate Eric and me but that wedding photo said it all. I also should have known something was wrong when that secretary looked at me weirdly when I said I am the woman of the company owner. I can’t believe Eric would do this to me. I keep forgetting that his name him Nkanyiso. I can’t believe he lied to me for a whole two years. Not only did he lie about me being the only one but he also lied about his name. I wonder what else he is lying about.


I turn to see who it is and it’s the security guard, “Hey, it’s me.”

“Nandi, hello! I just wanted to check who it is. You have been standing there for a while and I thought it is someone lost or someone who forgot their keys.”

“I was on a call,” I say making my way in.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes, don’t mind me. I just received bad news but thank you for checking,” I make my to my apartment. I almost turn and walk away when I see Tiana sitting outside my door. How do I even begin to tell her about what happened today?

She stands and walks up to me as soon as she sees me. She hugs me, “Thank God you are safe. I am sorry I received your message late. I was busy with something and I have been trying to call you for the past half an hour."

“My phone switched off.”

“Are you okay? Did something happen to you?”

“No, nothing,” the tears betray me. I told myself that I am done crying the moment I walked into the gate.

“Hey... it’s okay,” Tiana hugs me tight.

She takes my bag and takes my house keys so she can let us in. She then gets us some wine. I could use something stronger than that but I only have sweet and dry wine in my house. She also switches my phone on and puts it on the charger for me.

“Friend, what happened, why are you crying?”

I wipe the tears off my face, “It’s Eric… I also found out that his real name is Nkanyiso and that he has been lying to me all this time. He is also married.”

She gasps, “Your Eric is married?”

“I just found out. I thought he loves me. I thought he cares about me and it was all a lie. This person has a wife.”

She reaches for my hand, “I am sorry friend but it’s okay. You are a beautiful young woman and you will find someone better.”

“But I love him. It's him I want.”

“No. Nandi, you will not be that woman. You deserve better. This man is married and played you for a whole two years. You need to block him, no questions asked,” she says.

“Tiana you don’t understand.”

“Understand what?” now she is sounding a little angry, “Don’t tell me you want him to explain because he is just going to gaslight you.”

“He owes me an explanation.”

She replies, “Just block him and move on with your life. This man is only going to lie to you. I may have been single for too long but that doesn’t mean I would settle for less and you shouldn’t settle for less either. You will be fine Nandi – there is nothing wrong with being single.”

My phone rings before I can answer her. I check the caller ID and it’s Eric… Nkanyiso.

“I need to get this,” I say to Tiana.

“Nandi don’t let him lie to you.”

I nod and make my way to my room.

Me: Nkanyiso!

Nkanyiso: Can we talk? I am outside your house.

Me: Have you come to lie to me? Your brother told me everything.

Nkanyiso: He mentioned it and that is why I am here. Please come out so we can talk or do you want me to come in?

Me: I will come to you. I told Tiana what happened and she might murder you if she sees you.

I hang up, toss my phone on the bed and then wear a jacket. I head out.

“Eri…Nkanyiso is outside and he wants to talk,” I tell Tiana.

“Talk about what? Nandi this man is married and trust me girl you don’t need closure here. This man is married, you should be running for your life.”

“I want to hear what he has to say. I will be back shortly, please don’t leave,” I head out.

I find Nkanyiso’s car parked outside the gate. He gets out of the car and opens the car door then goes around to get in.

He says, “I know you are mad at me Nandi and I know I should have told you sooner. I am sorry.”

“Are you married?”

He doesn’t hesitate, “I am.”

“And you didn’t think of telling me that?”

“I wanted to but I was scared you might not like me after I tell you that I have a wife,” he replies.

“Was it all a lie? Do you even care about me?”

He reaches for my hand, “I do love you Nandi and in everything I did or said, I meant every word.”

“I feel so stupid right now. You are a married man. I am sure you even have children.”

He says, “I have a daughter. She is seven years old.”

“You should have told me instead of lying to me. You should have told me that way I can decide whether I want to be with you or not. A whole two years lying to me. The red flags were there but I gave you the benefit of a doubt. I feel so stupid right now.”

“Nandi we are both adults. I have told you that I love you so it is up to you if you choose to be with me or not,” he makes me look at him, “If you want me to stay away then I will do that.”

I don’t want him to stay away. I love him but at the same time, I don’t want to be the other woman. On the other hand, if I break up with him who will take care of me? This man does everything for me. He pays my rent and gives me money and I don’t think I can survive without him.

He cups my face, “I love you, Nandi. I wouldn’t be with you if I don’t love you.”

“Do you also love your wife like that?”

He nods, “Leah is my life. I love her too – I love you both.”

“Leah…is that your wife’s name?”

He answers, “Yes.”

“Does she know about me since you claim to love me?”

“Let’s talk about us. Are we ending things here or not? Whatever decision you make I will respect it. If you tell me to walk away, I will do that and never look back,” he says.

“I love you.”

He pecks me on the lips, “And I love you too. I know I lied to you but I swear I love you. I want us to be together and maybe in a few years get married.”

“I will think about it.”

He kisses me on the forehead, “Thank you and I promise not to hide anything from you again.”

“I have to go.”

“Goodnight my love,” he kisses me.

I make my way back to my apartment. Tiana is still waiting for me. She stands as soon as I walk in. “How did it go? Did you break up with him?”

“I told him I will think about it.”

“Wonders shall never end,” she claps, “Don’t tell me you are considering dating a married man?”

“Tiana you don’t understand, I have been with this man for two years.”

“That doesn’t mean anything. He is married and you should end this,” she says firmly.

“This is my life Tiana and I am old enough to make my own decisions. And, you would never understand because you have been single since Jesus went to heaven.”

“That’s a low blow, Nandi,” she stands up and gets her phone.

“I didn’t mean it like that.”

“Well I guess I will never understand because I have been single since Jesus went to heaven,” she slams the door behind her.

That came out wrong. I didn’t mean to say that. At the same time, she doesn’t understand. She doesn’t understand that I love this man. I have been with him for a whole two years. It’s not easy to just walk away from him. I love him with all my heart. To me, he is the perfect gentleman. The sad part is that even knowing what I know, my feelings for him still haven’t changed. Tiana also knows how I feel about Eric…Nkanyiso. She should understand me better than anyone else. I am not a home wrecker but this man approached me first. He told me that he doesn’t have anyone in his life. Tiana should excuse me for failing to walk away from him. After all the heart wants what it wants.

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