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"Your Highness, what do you think? I heard that His Majesty has granted you an imperial sword. I think this is the right time to bring that out."

Once Kaizen's words landed, the atmosphere in the tent seemed to solidify...

A stranger to situations like this, Lisa stood outside the group, holding her breath as she studied the people within it...

Carl's gaze went between Kaizen and Jennie, his expression hard to discern, but it certainly wasn't a good one.

Kaizen puffed out his chest, raising his head high, as if he was standing firm for the cause of justice.

In the end, Lisa snuck a look towards Jennie.

Jennie was standing quietly under Kaizen and Carl's attention, her gaze downcast. She did not speak.

Seeing this, Lisa felt strangely uncomfortable. She wanted to do something to break the tense atmosphere.

However, Lisa's logic was warning her explicitly that this was not a matter she should involve herself in: Don't forget why you came to this military camp in the first place, or your sensitive identity. You've already made an exception by becoming a battalion commander, do not attract the Commander-in-Chief's attention any more than you already have...!

"Your Highness, say something! Ever since our kingdom was founded hundreds of years ago, has there ever been a time where we hung a truce sign to the land of barbarians? Your Highness, you are a member of the imperial family, don't you think that we should defend the pride and honor of our kingdom?"

"Commander-in-Chief! This lowly one has something to say."

"Oh? What do you want to say?"

Lisa kneeled on one knee, but it was only when she heard Carl's question that she sighed quietly with regret.

Even so, it was too late for regrets. Now that the arrow had been drawn, it must be released...

"Answering the Commander-in-Chief. This lowly one is uneducated, young in age, and limited in knowledge. The words of this lowly one hold little weight. But, when this lowly one was little, there was once a traveling salesman who visited my village. He was a good storyteller, and he told this lowly one a story. There was a line he used that this lowly one finds most appropriate for this situation: A commander in the field must decide even against the King's orders!"  

Lisa remained kneeling on one knee, keeping her head very low. Her heart was pounding madly in her chest.

What was wrong with me? I had been so careful for the past two years, why did I lose control of myself today...?

Lisa kept her head hung low. She could feel her scalp burning.

She feared looking up, as that would expose her expression to the others. She couldn't bring herself to meet the gaze of some of them either...

A brief moment of silence passed, and Carl roared heartily: "Well said!"

The stuffy pressure in Carl's chest had been swept away thanks to Lisa's words.

He turned to Kaizen and said: "Even an illiterate soldier in my camp knows of this principle. Does Sir Brute have anything else to say?"

"You—!" It infuriated Kaizen to hear the obvious mockery in Carl's tone, but he couldn't think of anything to refute it. He could only shoot a hateful glare at Lisa instead.

"Heh heh. Besides, I am the Royal Princess' uncle by blood. Does Sir Brute intend to force Her Highness to kill her own uncle?"

"Your Highness, I didn't mean that..." Kaizen frantically turned to Jennie, his voice turning careful.

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