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Howling winds blew relentlessly from the north, steeping through the clothes of the soldiers on the city walls. 

Among the soldiers who stood against the howling wind, some who could not bear the chill hunched their bodies over.

When they caught sight of Lisa who came just to check on them, they forced their bodies straight at once.

Lisa stepped over the thick stone block on the city walls, then she narrowed her eyes to gaze into the distance.

The dense falling snow impeded Lisa's range of vision.

All that could be seen was a field of blurry white.

This snow had continued to fall ever since the twenty-third day of the twelfth month.

Now it had already fallen for seven days.

Such weather made it difficult for horse carriages to move, so the Huns would not choose such a disadvantageous weather to attack.

Still, there would always be the need for some vigilance.

But according to her experiences, Lisa knew today, every soldier in the northern border should be able to have a solid New Year.

As for the loss of provisions, thanks to Carl's prompt report and the court’s serious attention towards it, a new batch of provisions arrived before the remaining provisions were finished off.

Everyone who knew the inner story felt as if a great weight was lifted from them, including Lisa.

How were the provisions lost?

And where did it go?

How did over a hundred caravans of military supplies vanish for no reason within the kingdom’s territory?

These questions lingered around Lisa's heart constantly. However, she did not mention any of it to anyone else…

The northern wind continued to howl.

A person dressed like an errand boy climbed up the city wall, then he bowed to a soldier that was standing guard before asking: “Sir, if I may ask, have you seen our master Liam Manoban?”

The soldier raised a finger for a point.

Haruto thanked him in a hurry, then he ran like the wind to the back of Lisa: “Master, please follow this one back to the residence quickly, someone from the palace has arrived.”

Hearing Haruto's words, Lisa felt as if a tense string that was buried deep in her heart had been strummed.

Lisa turned around and left the city wall with Haruto at once, neglecting to leave any orders before she went.

Today was New Year’s Eve.

Usually, everyone would spend this day in the military camp.

But this year was different than before. Additionally, this was the first new year of Lisa's new residence.

She had invited Muichiro, Gyomei and Bambam to her home.

Jackson could never stand to be left-out, of course; he had long since been ready at Lisa's home with Jieun at his side.

Getting up in the morning, the first thing Lisa did was light incense for her parents and ‘herself’ in the ancestral hall, then she had the others take a seat while she went for a round of inspection on the city wall.

This year’s New Year’s Eve shift landed on the Flying-Feather Battalion.

As the highest officer of the Flying-Feather Battalion, she had to go for a look.

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