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Lisa could not remember how she managed to force her wobbling and unsteady body to go behind the partition once Muichiro and Gyomei had left, or how she cleaned the heavy layer of filth from her body with the water left in the barrel, or how she dragged her nearly-collapsing body to a clean set of clothes, or how she rebound her chest in layers of cloth.

Lisa's mind was already in deep sleep while she did all that. She had simply left her body to fulfil those tasks on its own.

All tidied up, Lisa dropped head-first onto her bed and passed right out.

The battle today could be said to be the most dangerous in her time at the military.

Her arms had yet to fully recover from the strain of over-exertion when she was forced to enter a real battle, where she carried out a strenuous amount of bow pulling. 

The situation on the ground when she descended the barrack wall was a level of danger she had never faced before, either.

Lisa's podao had slipped from her hand twice when they were charging.

If it wasn't for Gyomei and Muichiro's assistance along the way, forget about saving Jackson. Lisa would have probably died on the battlefield.

Eventually, Lisa snapped and tore a piece of cloth from a dead soldier, then she picked up a Hun's scimitar. 

Using her left hand and mouth, she bound the weapon tightly to her right hand. 

Even when they finally found Jackson, the situation was just as precarious. 

One could even say that if any of them were missing in this operation, or if one of them was substituted by anyone with less ability, none of them would have survived.

People who were near the edge of death could unleash a surprising amount of energy, like Lisa did today. However, it would also leave a great strain on the body.

Jackson slept deeply in his tent, while Muichiro and Gyomei returned to their respective tents.

Neither of them were doing all that much better than Lisa — they laid their heads down to sleep right away, forgoing any clean up.

They slept through the day, only waking up later that night. 

Muichiro and Gyomei went to eat dinner, retrieved water, washed their bodies, and went right back to sleep.

On the other hand, Jackson and Lisa missed dinner.

Fortunately, the Huns did not attack again. Although the military camp was full of tension at the moment, the injured could now get some very good rest.  

Kaizen showed up alone at the entrance of Jennie's tent. 

He had lost all of the guards he brought from the capital in this battle.

Never in all eighteen years of his life had he experienced the cruelty of war; he was so relieved that he didn't charge into battle to impress Jennie.

At this moment, Kaizen was already starting to think that being a 'supervisor of the military' wasn't that great of a mission after all.

Not only would it bring him no glory, if he wasn't careful, his life could be at risk here.

And now, Kaizen had no trusted aides left. The great Kaizen Brute did not even have a single personal guard to watch his tent.

Carl didn't take him seriously, and the mission that the Duke of Tryon assigned him probably couldn't be completed now. 

There was no point in staying here any longer. That was why, after a long day of thinking, Kaizen decided to ask Jennie if she wanted to leave as well. 

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