Chapter 14 (Tigris)

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The council room was packed to the brim with courtiers, advisors, and other noble families. Verita was there too, Roche fidgeting at her side in the same rose dress she'd been wearing when she'd fought Tigris. Tigris felt an edge of discomfort as she noticed the torn hem of the beautiful gown as well as some clearly patched holes.

Roche and Kai were separated today, with Kai standing behind Finn's throne. The thrones were on a pedestal, with Tigris closest in height to the King's high-backed seat, Aodh slightly below her, and Finn nearly on the ground in his chair. It had been a fun way to prank her younger brothers by discreetly pouring water over their heads from above when they were yonder.

But now, with the way the four royals seemed to tower over the nervous looking ambassador, it felt more domineering. She shifted uncomfortably in the seat and ridiculous finery.

"Our earlier discussions were very enlightening, sire." the Irulian ambassador stated in his whispery voice. Tigris winced. There was no power or conviction to his words, just a gentle lilt. It had been this way for the conversation Tigris had supervised. Nothing much had been said. The Irulian ambassador had tried to get a few words in, but Tigris' father had always steered the conversation towards the decrepit nature of the products imported from Irulia recently.

It was painful to watch.

"I'm certain," King Romulus replied, perfectly poised on his throne. He stared down at the ambassador, "So you can understand why I find this meeting insulting."

The ambassador froze in place. "Sire?"

"Irulia's exported goods have been of the poorest quality recently while the Faultless Kingdom has done nothing but provide you with support and quality supplies. I had hoped that your kingdom would flourish in tandem with ours."

The Irulian's grey eyes went steely. He straightened slightly, defiance written in the lines of his face. Tigris nearly wilted with relief and anticipation. Finally, he'll show some backbone.

"The merchants we've conversed with have mentioned no issues with our wares." the ambassador argued in a voice as even as a balanced blade. "We've been very appreciative of our partnership with the Faultless Kingdom."

The King leaned forward in his throne, eyes narrowed. "Then why have you come? Surely it cannot be to question the state of our exports, correct?"

The gathered nobles tittered with laughter. The ambassador's cheeks reddened with indignation. His spine straightened, like a cobra preparing to strike.

"I come in the place of my kingdom's elders to request a reduced export quota for foodstuffs." the Irulian declared loudly, silencing the murmurs. "Our country has fallen victim to a series of dreadful droughts and rains, as well as a recent plague that has targeted our working population. We are set to fall short of the quota."

King Romulus' lips twisted downwards with sympathy, but Tigris saw the glint in his eyes. "The agreement between the kingdoms outlines the consequences for not meeting the quota. A reduced quota is only one of the options. Why is this the one you have suggested?"

The ambassador's chin jutted upwards, his grey eyes flashing. "The alternatives include steep tariffs that will not only impact our economy, but that of the Faultless Kingdom and other kingdoms. In the interest of our fruitful partnership," the ambassador drew out the words, "Irulia hopes that you will opt for the merciful option of reducing the quota for the time being. In return, Irulia has had an exodus of spice, dye, and lumber production. We will recompense with those goods."

The king's fingers tapped the armrests of his gilded throne thoughtfully. Tigris watched him, careful to keep a placid expression on her face. There was a hard glint in his eyes. Finn's words buzzed through her ears, and a sense of unease permeated through her. Her father's hatred of inkblood ran deep, as did his pride. Irulia had once insulted both of those things and was now begging for mercy.

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