Chapter 25 (Tigris)

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"Princess," the ambassador bowed deeply. Her vision reduced to a pinprick, focusing on this one, wily man. All she could hear was the rattle of Finn's breath.

A wise woman keeps her burning on the inside.

Tigris straightened, a lifetime of court posturing allowing her to school her expression into something cool and distant.

"Rise." she said, fighting to keep her voice sounding bored. Tigris waited for the man to draw himself upright. Then she began to circle him. Her heels clicked against the floor. With one sharp look, the remaining servants in the room fled.

"To what do I owe the pleasure, my lady?" the ambassador asked, his voice smooth. Tigris nearly laughed. Looks like she'd underestimated the man. He seemed to have some skill at hiding his thoughts.

But not nearly as much skill as Tigris.

"I just wanted to wish you farewell before you departed." she said airily. She stopped across the room. She didn't need to turn around to know that he was trying to keep his face blank.

"I appreciate that, my lady. Hopefully when I return next, our kingdoms will have a chance at peace anew."


"I'm sure." Tigris replied. She stared out the guest room window. With every blink, she saw Finn's chest struggling to rise. Her voice sounded distant to her own ears. "I also wished to apologize for the improper send off. As I'm sure you know, the prince's poisoning has put a damper on us all."

The ambassador bowed his head, hiding his expression. "It's no problem at all, my lady. My elders and I understand this must be a trying time for your nation."

"And yours as well." Tigris offered, ducking her head shyly, "I am ashamed of how we have treated you. Please, have a seat, I've brought you some of our best pastries."

The ambassador hesitated. "My lady, I appreciate the gesture, but I must be going soon."

"Oh, please, I insist. We've been inhospitable enough. I won't have you leave on an empty stomach." Tigris pressed, even pulling out one of the ornate wooden chairs. She perched atop the edge of the guest bed as the Irulian man lowered himself to the chair gingerly, like he expected it to snap at him. Tigris held out the small basket she'd brought from the kitchens. The ambassador hesitantly reached for one of the flaky desserts, nibbling at the edge delicately. Tigris grabbed one for herself, but didn't bite it.

"I've heard Irulia is renowned for their dishes," she said conversationally, picking at her pastry, "Many herbs, spices, and garnishes to choose from."

"Indeed." the man seemed confused. Tigris dropped some of the pleasantry from her voice.

"Though I've heard Irulia's crop yield has decreased significantly and that it was only the Faultless Kingdom's aid that helped." she noted. The man wavered for an instant, his eyes narrowing. Tigris plowed forward.

"This whole war business is quite terrible. With no food, sick fighters, and a toppling economy." she flicked away a flake of her pastry, flashing the ambassador a sickeningly sweet smile, "Irulia holds no hope."

The ambassador pursed his lips. Tigris knew he was a patient man, but days of slander had him at his wits end. Triumph filled her as she noticed the irritated twitch of his eye.

"Irulia will be just fine, my lady." he said, his voice halting. Tigris reclined back.

"Oh I know," she waved her hand dismissively, "But not for long, hm? It's sad, truly. I did enjoy the quality of your nation's products, despite what my father says. Irulian silks are truly unmatched. I fear they will not survive the war."

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