Chapter 166 (Tigris)

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Tigris rushed into the hallway that was crammed with knights, servants, and nobles alike. Tigris knew she was in no state to appear before any of them, but she didn't care. She strode through the madness, Kai in tow, with her hair unbound, her simplest dress, and the first pair of flats she found. Her crown felt heavy on her head as the crowd parted for her with a single glance.

She didn't deserve their deference.

A knight stepped out into the hall, her armour dotted red. For a moment, Tigris feared it was blood. But as she came closer, she could see that the red speckles were actually grains of sand. Another figure stepped into the hall, pale faced.

"Leinos has requested space to work. Any nobility and servants who are not personally involved must leave!" Eris commanded. The hubbub of the hallway stilled for a moment, then there was a crowd of rushing figures scrambling to leave, their bodies pressing against Tigris in a swarm.

Kai's hand tightened around hers as her heart sank, noting the distress on some of their faces.

"Eris, Ivie," she greeted, trying to keep her voice steady. She faltered as she noticed another two knights standing there, "Brom? Ruth?"

"Good evening, my lady," Ivie greeted respectfully, while Brom and Ruth simply nodded. Their faces were strained.

"Report," Tigris ordered, the word sticking in her mouth.

"Verita was indeed abducted, my lady," Ivie explained quietly, "She was severely tortured by Prince Finnegan. Leinos and Roche are working to treat her now... her condition is rather unstable."

Tigris' breath lodged in her throat. She pulled her hand free of Kai's.

Roche had been right. And Verita would pay the price for Tigris' foolish assumptions. She fought back the urge to bury her face in her hands at the sight of her knights' watchful faces.

"Right," she murmured, clearing her throat several times before she could speak, "I'll need a full report of the events. I will see to Verita's account."

Ivie curtsied deeply, followed by Ruth. Brom bowed, her features strained as they flickered towards Eris for a beat. The woman in question caught Tigris' arm as she moved to enter the infirmary.

"Tigris, you shouldn't go alone in there. Let me come with you. Verita-"

"Actually, Leinos has expressly forbidden your presence in the infirmary considering your role in this predicament," Brom interrupted, pausing for a moment before tacking on, "My lady."

Eris gritted her teeth, gripping Tigris' arm harder. "But, Verita is-"

"Not a traitor. That much is evident," Tigris said firmly.

Eris hesitated for a beat, her green eyes softening. "I know. And I have apologised to Verita and Roche for my incorrect assumptions, as should you. But-"

"All precautions have been taken, my lady," Ruth interrupted. Tigris felt some unspoken argument flicker through the air between the knights and the noblewoman. Ruth lifted her chin, her normally boisterous features set with uncharacteristic solemnity, "Let Tigris make her decision."


Tigris furrowed her brows, unable to take the subterfuge any longer. She shoved the doors open, stepping through the doorways.

"Verita, I-"

Her words stuck in her throat, the rest of the sentence choked away by the sight before her. Verita was strewn out on one of the cots, paler than a ghost. Her eyes fluttered, her veins visible through her skin. Her skin dripped with sweat, and her body hung limply.

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