Chapter 186 (Roche)

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There were shouts in the wake of the deafening explosion. Roche's ears rang, a single name echoing in the silence that descended on the room.

Moiris, Moiris, Moiris.

Fragments and shards of the shattered cauldron skittered across the ground, glistening with a mix of water and inkblood. As the air settled, Roche belatedly realised that she'd thrown up a thin, shimmering shield around Tigris and all those who stood beside her.

"Thanks a lot," Aodh grumbled, flicking beads of water off his vest.

Roche barely heard him. Her eyes were locked on Tigris, on the soft lips of her queen that were currently pressed into a bloodless like.

Moiris, Moiris, Moiris.

With each harried rise and fall of Tigris' chest, Roche saw the vision that Kairon had shared. Burned into the back of her eyelids was Orpheus, eyes empty, stabbing his sword into Tigris' body. She watched Tigris' body lurch as the sword pierced her, her lips parting with surprise-

Roche's eyes flew open. Aodh was peering at the map.

"This is perfect!" he exclaimed, a wide grin on his face, "The passageway between the cliffs open up at the edge of Moiris. If we stage our assault there, only a few uska will be able to squeeze through at a time. They'll be far easier to fight."

Tigris cleared her throat. She pointedly avoided Roche's gaze as she strode over to the map.

"Is there anywhere else that we could hold the battle?" she asked hoarsely.

Aodh's brows furrowed, concern breaking through his elatement. "Why would we-"

"Humour me," Tigris said flatly. Aodh's eyes sharpened at her tone, but he bent over the map once more.

"Well," Aodh replied slowly, his brows wrinkling, "We would lose our tactical advantage, but we'd be able to pull back the fight to the garrison here." He tapped a point on the map, further away from the ancient capital. Roche felt her blood freeze as Tigris' throat bobbed. The queen tapped a pale, manicured finger against the paper.

"What about all the villages in between?" Tigris demanded.

Aodh hesitated. "I'd assume that the uska would have to pass through them to get to us," he answered quietly, "It wouldn't be ideal. Unfortunately, none of the villages have the means to support the battle or be evacuated quick enough. So-"

"The uska would devour them. It would be a slaughter," Tigris realised. Her eyes flashed with something that looked like defeat. Roche's heart leapt to her throat.

Tigris, Tigris, Tigris.

"No," she whispered, but her voice came out too softly, drowned out by the steady drum of panic pounding in her ears and Tigris' strained voice.

"There's no question then," Tigris announced to the quiet room, "We'll have to stage the battle at Moiris."

Every bit of strength drained out of Roche's body. She stumbled like she'd been physically hit, her vision filling with the image of Tigris' gaze lifting, the surprised 'o' of the queen's mouth as Orpheus' blade pierced her chest-

Aodh nodded. "It'll give us the best chance. We should go update the court."

"Right," Tigris straightened to her full height, an assured mask falling over her features. Her crown gleamed brightly, her spine made of steel. Her gown fluttered around her, scarlet fabric trailing behind her like blood. "I'll update them."

Roche finally regained control of her body. She scrambled forward, her limbs clumsy and lumbering. She knocked a stack of books off the table as she managed to wrap her fingers around Tigris' wrist.

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