Chapter 28 (Tigris)

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TW: Coarse language, weapons

"Bring in the accused!"

The doors to the council room swung open with a boom. Six guards frog-marched the traitorous man in. He was a shadow of his former brilliance. His blue cloak was now threadbare after so many nights in the dungeon. His pale skin was so light that it was nearly translucent. There were heavy, bruise-like shadows under his cerulean eyes. His trousers and shirt were torn, frayed thread swinging wildly as he was forced to his knees.

Tigris felt no shred of sympathy for him, even as his manacled hands cradled his head. The king glared down at him coldly.

"Lord Luctus. You stand accused of conspiring with inkbloods to poison Prince Finn. How do you plead?" the king announced, a hush falling over the packed council room. Tigris was certain she could cut the tension in the air with her sword. Lord Luctus lifted his waxen face. The dark circles under his eyes seemed so much worse as the light hit them.

"Not. Guilty. This is absurd!" Lord Luctus insisted, tugging at the chains around his wrists, "Unhand me this instant!"

"My own daughter found the enchanted flower in your chambers." the king cut in smoothly. Tigris watched the traitor's face blanch with the realisation. He turned to Tigris slowly, the terror in his eyes giving way to rage.

Behind him, Roche discreetly met Tigris' eyes. They hadn't spoken since Finn's recovery a week ago, but she'd received a note from the librarian's apprentice requesting to not be questioned for her part in Lord Luctus' trial. Tigris understood. Even though the deadline for war with Irulia had been pushed, tensions still ran high in the castle. The least Tigris could do for the girl was give her some time away from the limelight.

"You," Lord Luctus hissed, straining at his restraints. The guards stepped forward, yanking him back. He was practically foaming at the mouth, his face drawn with fury. "You sly, traitorous bitch! I should have known that the second you asked about my sister-"

"Silence!" the king bellowed, his voice so thunderous that Lord Luctus actually flinched. The king stood, towering over everyone from his dais. At his feet, Finn sat stiffly on his respective throne. Finn had always been soft hearted, but even he gave Luctus an accusatory glare.

"The evidence is irrefutable. The knights have conducted a thorough search of your chambers and though we recovered no more enchanted objects, the Irulian ambassador was more than willing to provide the notes you'd threatened him with."

A servant raced forward, hands outstretched. Luctus went very, very still as the King plucked the notes out of the servant's hands. At the same time, the wiry ambassador stepped out of the gathered crowd. His eyes were firm and resolute as he stood beside Luctus. The king glanced at Verita.

"Were you able to trace the handwriting?"

"Indeed, sire." Verita bobbed her head, "It matches that of the accused."

The king nodded smoothly, lowering himself back to his throne. He fingered the notes carefully, peering at them. Lord Luctus hadn't moved a muscle, his expression frozen. His cerulean eyes seemed to shift in the light, like a stormy sea.

The king shifted his gaze towards the ambassador.

"It seems that there has been... a misunderstanding." the king said after several moments. The ambassador's jaw clenched, and Tigris expected a scathing response. But instead, the man tilted his head in acknowledgement, with the cool patience he'd demonstrated during his stay.

"My elders and I understand that the plague was created by Faultless citizens without your knowledge, King Romulus." the ambassador replied smoothly. He side eyed Luctus with distaste. The king leaned forward on his throne.

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