Chapter 16 (Tigris)

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"War?" Finn's voice was shrill, "You're actually taking this kingdom to war?" Around them, the royal guards were exchanging nervous glances. Finn's voice echoed down the pristine halls, undoubtedly to the servants and workers around the corner. The King ignored this, turning right into the hallway. Tigris flinched as she noticed the wide eyed stares of their subjects.

"What would you have me do instead?" the king replied curtly, snapping his cape.

Tigris grabbed Finn's shoulder and shoved him back towards Aodh before he could say something that would get him thrown in the dungeons for a week.

"I think what Finn is trying to say is that the ambassador didn't know about this curse either. Perhaps we should tread lightly." she offered. Her father stopped then, wheeling on her with nothing but iciness in his gaze. Tigris held herself perfectly still as he leaned in, his blue eyes frigid.

"When you lead, daughter, you will learn that inkblood cannot be taken lightly." the king hissed venomously, "Inkblood nearly destroyed this kingdom once. It comes for us now. I will not put our citizens at risk."

"Father, you'll be exposing the knights to this curse if we send them to Irulia to fight!" Finn protested vehemently, "Not to mention that Irulia didn't know about the curse! Why can't we convene with their elders-"

"Enough, Finn!" the King roared, and Finn flinched. The King stormed towards him, lifting Finn by the lapels of his shirt. "I have endured all that I can from you. Irulia must-"

"Father," Tigris interjected tightly, her heart lodged in her throat. Finn's hands were at his neck where the king held him above the ground in a white knuckled grip, "We must go somewhere private first to discuss this further."

The king didn't seem to hear her. He pinned Finn with a glare. "You will learn respect. You know nothing of inkblood, or what it is to rule. And I know that you will never know what it's like. With comments like yours, it is a blessing to this kingdom that you are not my heir!"

"Father," Aodh's voice cracked with hurt. Finn's eyes widened with pain. Tigris felt numb. The King clenched his jaw with disgust and released Tigris' youngest brother roughly. She couldn't move to help him, not without defying her father. She watched Finn fall to the ground and release a muted gasp. The king loomed over him, the air suffocating with his fury.

"I cannot afford your disrespect. Not when the kingdom is going to war." the king seethed. Finn stared up at him with those wide green eyes that he shared with Tigris.

And because he was Finn and he was so incredibly stupid, her baby brother whispered, "An unnecessary war." The king's eyes flashed murderously. He lunged again, but Tigris was there, placing a hand on his shoulder to haul him back.

"Father, please. We have war plans to discuss." she said in a bored tone. Behind Finn, Aodh's eyes were as wide as dinner plates. His chest heaved as he stared at their father with a blend of horror and fear. Tigris wished she could wipe the agonized expression off his face.

For a terrifying moment, Tigris thought her father would shake her off and land a blow. Before he could, Verita's voice split the air.

"Sire? I have the documents you requested."

Roche's wide eyes darted across the scene. Her jaw dropped. Tigris felt oily shame welling up along her fear.

The king straightened, shooting Finn a cruel look. He snapped his cape again and stalked off, followed by Verita and a horde of advisors. Around them, servants murmured and whispered, their eyes focused on the fallen prince. Aodh seemed to come out of his stupor.

"Get back to work!" he barked, hand drifting to his sword. Suddenly, the workers were staring at the ground, anywhere but the royal children. Aodh hauled Finn to his feet roughly.

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