Chapter 101 (Tigris)

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Roche was the one to find the omphalos in the forest again. She was grimacing as Tigris charged over excitedly, attracted to Roche's location by the smoke signal wafting through the air. The maid clutched Orpheus tightly, the boy wrapped in one of Finn's cloaks.

"Where's Tarak?" she panted.

Roche frowned and pointed to the empty omphalos, "He must have left," she said unhappily, "Orpheus says there's a note in there."

"Right. And he's the only one who can enter with his inkblood." Tigris realised aloud, feeling a sharp edge of discomfort. Talking about inkblood so casually felt odd. She glanced at Orpheus. "Can you get the note?"

The boy bit his lip slightly and nodded. He pressed his hands against the invisible barrier, drawing a shape with his hands. A warm glow emanated from his palms. His sleeves slid back, revealing throbbing veins of obsidian inkblood pulsing through his pale skin. It was eerie but somehow ethereal. Tigris shook her head, ridding herself of the thought guiltily. Her father would have her locked in the dungeons if he had heard such nonsense. Orpheus was a child, of course inkblood looked innocent in his veins. Tigris could remember how obscene and twisted it had seemed in Lord Luctus and Lady Ismere's arms. She suppressed a shudder.

Roche also looked pale as Orpheus stepped through the barrier with a faint grin. He leaned in the snow reddened by Tarak's gunshot wound, picking something up. He happily flounced back through the barrier, his face splitting with a grin.

He leaned close to Roche. Tigris couldn't see his lips move, but Roche reared back as if the boy had said something terrible.

"What is it?" Tigris demanded, "What did he say? What does the note say?"

Roche's brows furrowed. "He said that he was right about Tarak calling him." she muttered, holding out the slip of paper. Tigris leaned forward to read.

Princess Tigris,

The time has come to return Orpheus to me. I have called him and told him where you must go. Lay your trust in inkblood to guide you, and return him to me. Give him my love in the meantime.



Tigris fought the urge to crumple the note in her hand. "He's making this difficult," she growled. Roche shot her a worried look.

"Or he's trying to test you again." she pointed out, gathering Orpheus in her arms. The boy didn't protest like most children would. Tigris stared at him, anxiety tightening her chest. But Tigris wasn't going to run from the tests.

She would do whatever it took to lift the curse.

"Alright, Orpheus. Where are we going?" Tigris asked, softening her voice for the child's sake. Orpheus' face split with a grin. He leaned up towards Roche again, whose brows scrunched with confusion.

"He says we need to go to the nearest village. Some place called Fidenae."

Tigris knew the village. It was a few miles away and a fairly small village that mainly hosted travelers. A good place for anonymity. Tarak had chosen a good meeting location for someone with inkblood.

Tigris mounted her horse, sparing a glance at Roche to check that Orpheus was with her. With that, they began to ride.


The village was bustling with early morning activity as Roche, Tigris, and Orpheus rode over the hill overlooking the settlement. Short, squat houses lined the streets, carts with goods and wares tugged down paved roads. Animals yipped and squawked and cried out, adding to the cacophony of human voices calling to each other with the rising sun. Tigris felt a headache coming on as she scanned the buildings and crowds, looking for any sign of the wily inkblood. She didn't see any sign of his telltale cloak.

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