Chapter 21 (Roche)

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Roche walked into the infirmary with an arm's load of books. The room was full of large white medical cots and large steel tables covered in vials containing various liquids. The room was somewhat humid, and just entering made Roche's hair stick up. She made a beeline for the back of the room where a variety of plants were crowded. In front of the assortment of greenery, a man of Verita's age stood over one of the cots.

"Leinos?" Roche called tentatively, "Verita found some more books that might help."

The royal physician spun around, his wrinkled face creasing with a smile. "Thank you, my dear! Hopefully we'll get closer to isolating the poison soon."

Roche nodded, setting the books on the table next to the man. She peered at Finn. The man looked worse. His skin was as pale as snow. His eyes were closed, but Roche could see sluggish movement behind them. Leinos pressed his fingers against Finn's wrist. He shook his head sadly.

"He's only getting worse. None of the treatments I've applied have worked." he said sadly, running a hand through his salt and pepper hair. His eyes were teary as he looked at Finn. Roche bit her lip to stop tears from surfacing in her own eyes.

"I'm sorry," she said softly. Leinos turned to her with a surprised smile and wiped his face.

"Ah, it's not your fault. I expect Verita's distraught too, isn't she? She and I practically raised princes and the princess after the queen died." he stared at Finn, his fingers twitching like he wanted to reach out to the boy. Roche closed her eyes. This was her fault.

"She's... not happy." Roche agreed solemnly, gazing at Finn. Leino's smile wobbled. He turned away, his voice catching.

"Excuse me, I should go check on my latest elixir. Could you return those books to Verita? Tell her that I'd like to see more about nightshades. I think Prince Finn is showing accelerated signs of that form of poison, but I need to narrow down which one."

"Nightshades," Roche repeated carefully, "Like hemlock, belladonna, and datura flowers?"

Leinos smiled slightly, his brown eyes warming. "You certainly know your plants. I should have known Verita would come to that conclusion before me. She always was smarter." Leinos' gaze turned wistful for a moment. Roche winced. She'd forgotten that they used to be married. She shoved aside her curiosity.

"If you find out what the flower is, will you know what to do?"

Leinos' smile flickered. "I hope so."

Roche chewed her lip. "But isn't this," she lowered her voice, "an inkblood enchantment."

Leinos' smile dropped away completely. He locked eyes with Roche with a serious purse of his lips.

"Inkblood ailments have been known to be notoriously difficult to break without the help of inkblood. Chances are, even if the flower was identified, I won't know how to help unless I have the enchantment placed upon it."

He held Roche's gaze for another few moments before he looked away.

"Leinos?" Tigris called from somewhere near the entrance. Leinos startled backwards, nearly crashing into the books Roche had just piled. She steadied him before he could fall, and he shot her a kind smile.

"Excuse me for a moment," he murmured, heading towards the door. Roche didn't want to interact with Tigris, so she stayed where she was. She finally forced herself to look Finn in the face. He looked so gaunt. Roche swallowed, tears rising in her throat.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you, Finn." Roche whispered thickly, crouching until she was eye level with him, "I should have been more vigilant."

Finn didn't respond. Roche released a shuddering breath. When she was a child, too young to know her letters, her mother would whisper stories where those in an endless sleep would wake to their loved ones making promises or apologies. She knew they were fairy tales. In real life nothing so simple would rouse the prince. But she wished it was that easy.

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