Chapter 27 (Roche)

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"Took you long enough!" Tigris snarled from inside the infirmary. The king and Aodh were also there, standing in a tense silence. Leinos' eyes lit up as Verita and Roche barged through the door.

"Is it true?" the king asked desperately, "Is there a way to heal him?"

"Potentially," Verita replied smoothly, "I almost didn't believe it until my apprentice told me what she'd found. We've spent the past few hours going over what we know about datura flower poisonings." She said the last part with a meaningful glance at Leinos, whose brows furrowed with confusion.

"Verita," he said softly, "This datura is enchanted. Look at the colouring!"

"Yes," Verita replied, even as Roche's heart stopped, "And my apprentice remarkably found an ancient tablet that goes over the development of a healing elixir. We couldn't bring it here in time, but both of us have read its contents."

"The Irulian?" the king asked, his nose wrinkling. Roche's pride reared. She bit her tongue, stepping into the shadows. She couldn't heal Finn if she was locked away in the dungeons for strangling the king.

"Yes, my lord." Verita said insistently. Her eyes drifted to the unconscious prince, who looked as pale as a ghost. His chest barely moved. "I've checked the source myself in the past. It is valid. The process of making the elixir is quite delicate. Everyone but Leinos, myself, and my apprentice must leave the room."

"What?" Aodh exploded, "Her? But-"

"This is Prince Finn's only chance. Roche is qualified to assist." Verita interrupted calmly, her gaze flicking back to the prince, "Please, Prince Aodh. You know I would never allow anything to happen to your brother."

Aodh's jaw clicked as he glared at Roche. The King placed a hand on his son's shoulder.

"Please, if there's anything you can do... do it." the king begged. Verita curtsied deeply.

"We will try our best, my lord. I must request that you leave. Even an errant breath can disrupt the process."

Roche marvelled at the ease at which Verita lied to the king. The royal blustered, tugging his children out the door with him. The last thing Roche saw before the door was closed was Tigris' eyes, vulnerable with emotion. They pleaded with her. Roche steadied herself, turning around. Leinos crossed the distance, beckoning Verita to the back of the infirmary, furthest from the door. Roche could barely hear his murmurs.

"You know as well as I do that an enchantment of this caliber can only be removed with inkblood." Leinos said, his usually cheerful voice nothing but dark. Verita nodded.

"I know that. Don't you recognize my apprentice?" Verita asked softly. Roche felt her blood freeze.

"Verita?" she whispered, "What are you doing?"

"Trust me, Roche." Verita said calmly as Leinos turned his intense gaze to Roche. She held still as he inspected her.

"Vee, I have no idea who this is. You just lied to the king! Do you know-"

"Leinos," Verita hissed stiffly, "This is Elena's daughter!"

Leinos' jaw dropped. He turned back to Roche, his eyes wide with shock. He gaped at her. "You're Elena's child?" he asked, his voice trembling. Roche nodded hesitantly, not sure why it mattered. Leinos let out an incredulous laugh. Roche was surprised to see warmth in his eyes.

"You were just a newborn when we got you out of here! You came back?!" he exclaimed, flabbergasted. Shock rolled through Roche.

"What?" She'd been in the Faultless City before?

The Way We Fallजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें